
Boys For Sale (1981 Forgotten Documentary) (

An enlightening documentary broadcast before the onset of the so-called ‘Satanic Panic’ in the USA. This documentary therefore provides us with insight into…

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1 month ago

Is this the Franklin Scandal?

1 month ago

It occurred to me yesterday that the “child sex ring” narrative is never acceptable in corporate media – EXCEPT when discussing Madeleine McCann who they insist was stolen to order.


1 month ago
Reply to  Rosey

Can you elaborate Rosey?
I’m not familiar with your references.
When my sister’s family visited DC with their young children, I warned them when they were looking for cuisine to stay far away from Comet P&PP.
Her husband immediately denied that there was any wrong-doing there because he saw Megyn Kelly on Fox News do a fluff softball interview with that slimeball child-rapist who owns the place.
Whenever I saw her interview I thought she must have been in on it as part of their blackmailed network or something.
But since she left Fox to do her own show, I’ve actually seen her do some real journalism.
Trying to give her the benefit of the doubt, that she was just duped by that evil man, I wanted to reach out to her at her new show and challenge her to bring him back for a 2nd interview, this time after doing much more serious investigative work beforehand.
Unfortunately I could find no way of contacting her to place my request.
But I think that’s what you mean about corporate media barely touching the topic or even trying to cover for the perps, huh?

1 month ago

This is a must-watch documentary that begins to shed light on the fact that Luciferians/Freemasons/Satanists are into sodomy, especially with boys. (That reality is not to minimize the vast amount of trauma perpetrated on girls, as I know personally how real that is.)

After watching this documentary, I highly recommend viewing the video works of The Open Scroll channel, with Bob Schlenker, View on Bitchute or their other recommended platforms. You don’t have to be a biblical literalist to find immense value in his deep research and amazing insights. This man knows how to connect dots.

1 month ago
Reply to  Sharine

Sodomy opens people to demonic possession. Prior satanists claim that babies are raped at the age of 3+ in order to open them to demonic possession. Babies who have been raped can then be programed as MKUltra slaves. Their handlers basically command the demons in the babies to cause the babies to become sex slave, assassins, etc. Allegedly, freemasons, Jews, Muslims, Satanists follow Aleister Crowley’s teachings about pedophilia and practice sodomy and murder in order to open themselves up and their babies to demon possession. All the members of WEF and upper degrees of Freemasons throughout the world, governments, militaries, hollywood are homosexual.
For example, some claim that members of the WEF are sodomized by Karl Schwab and thereby pass demons from one to another. Yuval Noah Harari claimed that Schwab devirginized him and others in the WEF, at what age? Those demons then create a hive mind by which Karl Schwab can command the shared demons to cause members of the WEF to think and act according to their programming. This site has many articles explaining the use of sodomy to control the people in government:

The good news is that if anyone prays and asks God to forgive he/she and turn away from wickedness then God is faithful and just to forgive he/she for any of his/her sins, and to cleanse everyone from all unrighteousness because he loves us. He can and does heal and reintegrate homosexuals and people who were raped as babies.