
Same People Who Own the Labels Own the Prisons

The music labels profit if you go to prison.  The music labels are deliberately producing music that encourages people to commit crimes that will land them in prison thereby making money for the people who own the music labels.  That is why so much of music is about rebellion, sex, drugs, murder, suicide, etc.  All of those things make money for the organized crime members that own the music labels and government officials.  The communist one world government does not want you to believe in God or religion because the communists want to be your god and dictate what you can and cannot do or say in whatever way that will make the most money for them.

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8 days ago

Great information. Thank you for sharing.

8 days ago

That isn’t communism, it’s the very definition of predatory capitalism.

Bible lover
Bible lover
8 days ago

Who was that speaking?

8 days ago
Reply to  Bible lover

Ice Cube is talking to Bill Maher.

7 days ago

Ice Cube has lived his life in the music business and I believe him with the information that he has been trying to express to the public recently. I’ve heard of this before from another rap artist that I am not able to remember at the moment but he also said the same people who run the music industry runs our private prisons. There are no coincidences. It’s all money driven, we are just the little pons who make them their money with the lies they tell and false promises they make. They do not nor will they ever care about us, the billions of us who are just trying to make it in this messed up world and are so eager to make something of ourselves to support our families which they use against us for their own gain. It’s truly disgusting.

5 days ago
Reply to  lowen

You may be thinking of Kat Williams

7 days ago

This racist hypocrite prick talks about violent lyrics? All of his rap crap are about hatred and racism…but let me guess, black people only commit crimes because the evil white producers put words into poor rappers’ mouths which they follow…
O’shea himself sold drugs to underage kids back then and when the police arrested him, he cried racism and injustice. Since then, he pathologically hates white men, especially cops (despite the fact that he wasn’t even incarcerated…).
I would not believe a breath of him if I were you, guys.

Last edited 7 days ago by Noth
6 days ago
Reply to  Noth

Ice Cube was exposed in the ’90s for being a ‘studio (fake) gangster’ who grew up in a 2-parent household and never sold a drug in his life. Same for Dr. Dre and a number of other so-called ‘Gangsta/Thug’ rappers.

And I’m sick of all the blatant anti-black racism & revisionist history on this site when it comes to how YOUR people at all levels of society have gone out of your way to be vehemently racist against black people since this bs country was founded. It’s funny how so many of you on here talk about the various agendas & plots against so-called ‘regular’/non-elite people (and rightfully so), but always find a way to draw the line at & blame the victims of your peoples’ documented racism against black people at the victims of it, as if America wasn’t founded/built on your peoples’ racism, gen0cide, theft, and robbery. So again, cut the bullshit.

6 days ago
Reply to  Noth

^…Not to mention white people have always been the second-largest consumers of so-called ‘rap crap’ since the genre was created, but let me guess, you’re going to say the big, bad black man made millions of ‘poor, innocent, upstanding’ white people buy rap records & attend rap concerts for the past 40+ years? Again, cut the bullshit.

6 days ago
Reply to  Arcane

Well you both have your share of truth. Btw, this hypocritical situation of Ice Cube and Dr Dre only shows the reality of mind control and how the lucifeian scum (that believe they are some kind of “elite”) uses people shattering their personalities so that they can play the characters their handlers want them too. Then if the handlers need them to change their personalities once again or just erase them, they do it, and supply the industry with another shattered slave. They are used like disposable creatures.

6 days ago
Reply to  Nobody

I would like to point out that this post wasn’t about racism. It was about the communists trying to destroy people of any race.

I’m pretty sure though that the fact that both Noth and Arcane point at each other and call each other racist means that the people who own the music labels have won. Communists love to pit the races against each other in whatever way they can. Will the communists who own the music labels succeed in encouraging Noth and Arcane to commit crimes against others simply because their skin is different? murder or assault other races? steal from other races? lie about other races?

I would not be surprised to find out that both Noth and Arcane are the same person or bot trying to rile up the races against each other. Maybe Noth and Arcane are getting paid by the communists to use racism to distract from the fact that the communists want both Noth and Arcane to either kill each other or do something to each other to cause both to go to prison.

4 days ago
Reply to  kameos

Thank you for taking a step back here Kameos to provide a thoughtful assessment of this dialogue in regard to what was shared.
Racism is very real; I would never pretend that it’s not. The question is, how effective are we at recognizing when we are being baited for it to rear its ugly head through our potentially careless reactions to manipulations?
Such as the Communist (or even Capitalist) agenda mentioned above.
The threat of manipulators attempting to bait us with ethnocentric prejudice or tribalism will continue to exist in our fallen society until the Kingdom of the One who created every tribe and tongue arrives.
Until then, man will continue to breed hatred and create labels upon labels for every possible type of tribalistic tendencies, but in reality, there are only 2 tribes: Sheep and goats, so to speak in biblical terms.
When our good Shepherd returns, He will exercise his rightful authority to separate these 2 tribes out from each other.
I am certain of where I want to be found.
So for any of us who are our good Shepherd’s sheep, let’s go turn as many goats as we can according to His love and truth.

6 days ago
Reply to  Noth


6 days ago

I love Cube, but u will never forget being a 10 year old black girl warning people that gangster rap would put more people in jail. People called me white washed. I wasn’t wrong! Also, I believe he was at that “secret meeting” where they told the group the plan for gangster rap. Even the name “n!ggas with attitude” was such a huge set up to f up our youth. Now we are living with the consequences 🤷🏾‍♀️