
Posted by candidate for lieutenant governor of Georgia

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3 months ago

Absolute moral laws are a little different and are for all people in all times.

God will not be mocked.

3 months ago
Reply to  Rosey

Also when they tell you who they are – believe them.

3 months ago
Reply to  Rosey

Yes Rosey. It’s nice of Ryan and his campaign team to let us know who they serve.

3 months ago

I think the only one suitable to head a government of God is Jesus. Until then, I agree that church and state should be separate. “Render unto Caesar,” even Jesus said so. You can’t legislate salvation. Every time someone tries to force Christianity into a public space like this, it opens the door for Satanism to follow it since the US government must treat all religions equally. I have to wonder if that is the actual intent, since so many people in our political establishment are secret occultists.

3 months ago
Reply to  Fleurdamour

You’ll get your wish when project bluebeam Jesus appears in the sky. However, it will be a fake Jesus, that condones Satanism in its various forms, rather than the messiah that the Bible talks about, Yeshua.

3 months ago
Reply to  Michele

Michele I think the Project Bluebeam team has already conducted a couple of practice runs of their Jesus hologram in at least 2 different locations.
Locals in both places started filming when the holograms appeared.
Unless those were just internet deepfakes for no good reason.

3 months ago
Reply to  Fleurdamour

With as many Freemasons as there were among USA’s founding fathers, I suspect you are most likely correct in your suspicion that the freedom of religion was such a big part of our nation’s founding largely so that those who worshipped Satan secretly while pretending to be members of (predominant) Christianity, would one day be able to exercise their constitutional rights to worship Satan openly during a future time when there would be less negative stigma attached.

tobi olarewaju
tobi olarewaju
3 months ago
Reply to  GatesSmasher

good point.

3 months ago

I am bound to believe that in the future, Baphomet statues will be present in public places as a sign of “multicultural diversity, tolerance and inclusivity*.

3 months ago
Reply to  Niko

I wonder if Baphomet is a high-ranking demon who answers to Satan, or if he is simply one of several or a dozen representations of Satan himself?
The Satanic Temple denomination of the global church of Satan in Massachusetts sure likes to use Baphomet as their mascot.

3 months ago

In other news.

I’m near Hadrian’s Wall at the moment and we went into a very unassuming Roman museum today. A local “artist” is making Ba’al and Baphomet statues for the tourists to buy. Hideous things they are too.

I mean.


I think someone was calling it post Christian times we are in…it would seem it is pre Christian to me.

3 months ago
Reply to  Rosey

come further up to scotland where there is a mountain called tinto and there people were sacrificed to baal
that aside, “local artists” are in on it

3 months ago
Reply to  dni

A lot of it about. They liked killing anyone who fell out of line.

3 months ago
Reply to  Rosey

I feel like Baphomet’s image is becoming pretty engrained in our minds from the world culture.
But Rosey what does the local artist’s Ba’al statue look like? (Aside from hideous, I mean).
I don’t think I’ve seen him represented nearly so often even though he is one of the pagan gods most often mentioned in biblical scriptures.

3 months ago
Reply to  GatesSmasher

Tbh very seashelly which was hilarious if I’m honest. It was in the shape of a bull on a rock in a bronze colour. It was clearly just called Ba’al for shock value but it was in a place that had discovered a number of buried altars. Clearly just edge lords cashing in locally but I found it quite shocking… especially as it was sitting in a section with lots of children’s activities.

3 months ago
Reply to  Rosey

Oh. “Seashelly” is surprisingly a pretty strong descriptor.
Didn’t expect edge lords to be building idols out of seashells though, ha!

Beelzebub Jones
Beelzebub Jones
3 months ago
Reply to  Rosey

‘Post’ means after and ‘pre’ means before. See how it works?

Blume Choon
Blume Choon
3 months ago

Also along the lines of showing who they are. Notice how he emphasizes ol’ kinda like good ol’ billy bob from down the street. Ya know what I mean? Idk just my opinion.

Brian Pierson
Brian Pierson
3 months ago

If you’re going to dine with the devil for all eternity, the you’d better pack a long spoon.

2 months ago

Well we know which side he stands on! Dont we?