
It feels a little warm in this water pot, says the frog.

A USA today article is sounding some type of alarm, alerting pet owners and others of the spread of bird flu to house cats and other mammals including cows.

From the article:

While it’s possible that a human could become sick from their furry friends, it’s not very likely, the CDC says. The H5N1 virus could be spread through cats’ saliva, feces or other body fluids. All the people who caught it were exposed on farms and fully recovered, and officials are working to reduce the spread.

Never fear!  The article reassures us that although transmission of the bird flu may be possible to humans, that it is very rare according to the CDC … for now.  

The CDC is working diligently to halt the spread … or help it spread?


Bird flu outbreak spreads to mammals in 31 states. At least 21 cats infected. What to know

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4 days ago

Let’s all be smarter this time knowing that the government doesn’t have our interests in mind, that it’s all manipulation and deceit and rely on our own instincts and trust in our risen savior. They have killed unknown tens of millions from the “vaccine” and perhaps this time they will unleash something that is more deadly but faith and our right to live free sometimes comes at at a high cost and we all must be ready to pay that cost knowing that a better life exists with Jesus in heaven.

4 days ago
Reply to  Brooks

Amen. They’re the real plague on society. They’re the ones people should be concerned and alarmed about.

4 days ago
Reply to  Ruth

In 2020, the lying CDC convinced the leaders of my church that they needed to close our church down for everyone’s safety.
Then after my church leaders turned from the LORD Most High in order to follow liars instead, and our church now only existed as a digital entity, I tried to provide our church leaders with sound warnings regarding the true nature of that planned scamdemic, and they excommunicated me for speaking the truth against the fear and lies.
Even this many years later, they have doubled down on their decisions to follow liars which ripped the bride of Christ apart, and they assert that I am a “greatly deceived and dangerous propagandist.”
I was in total shock at the level of witchcraft that created this mass-formation psychosis which stole the once-rational minds of shepherds I had formerly counted as wise.
Bring on the next round CDC.
This time I’m ready for your wicked antics as I cling to my Savior-King with zero trust toward any man, especially those who claim to lead His flock while following blatant liars.

4 days ago
Reply to  GatesSmasher

That’s really sad my friend. We have only found d the Lord in the last year or so but the church we attend only closed for a very short time and we were careful to chose a bible believing church that did this. Are there no other churches that understand your predicament?

3 days ago
Reply to  Rosey

Welcome to our LORD’s Kingdom which is here and not yet Rosey!
I’ll see you on the other side when He comes in His Glory.
May we all stand faithful through all that comes at us until that moment arrives!

4 days ago
Reply to  GatesSmasher

A church isn’t a building, it’s the people that make it

3 days ago
Reply to  Yokel17

I agree completely.
We went from being a group of people who gathered together literally to becoming a list of digital voices only inside Google’s artificial “meet.”
That feels like an abomination to me. Especially since this unnecessary transformation happened for nothing but lies.

3 days ago
Reply to  Yokel17

I agree with you Yokel17, but for some reason my reply did not post.
I wonder if it’s because I mentioned the G00gle brand in my reply?

2 days ago
Reply to  GatesSmasher

Oh I can see my comment that vanished earlier. Weird delay.

4 days ago

I sure hope they don’t want to give their lives to try and kill my cats,because that is what will happen.

Jen10 A
Jen10 A
4 days ago

They’re lying again. They always lie. Please don’t believe a word they say. We’re in a war which most are not even aware of. We all knew this was coming didn’t we? They tried it with their ridiculous monkepox but that fizzled out early on because no one took any notice. So now they have to FORCE people to notice, by hook or by crook you people are going to take notice this time! Lol These people are insane! Dangerously and criminally insane! The goal is depopulation, I guess you’re all aware of this. They’re creating food shortages and famines. Sound familiar to anyone with knowledge of the bible? They are also creating wars to go along with it. There was no Covid just like there is no bird flu. We cannot “catch” anything from anyone. Symptoms develop from within our bodies (not outside) and are not a sign of illness, but merely a sign that our bodies are detoxing. We have to detox occasionally. Usually in the form of what has been called “a cold” There are other ways. Vomiting for one. It’s simply our own bodies expelling out the toxins that we pick up from the air, food, water, too much alcohol etc. It finally catches up with us, and after a few days of not feeling too good, we bounce back. They want everyone injected again. When everyone realises that they hate us and that this is a spiritual war, and the times we’re living in, maybe then, people will “get it” I know many already do. Please people, don’t fall their lies again if you did the first time. Got to see the world for what it really is.