The fact is in this country and probably most others the medical fields are littered with initiates of the luciferian dark arts. This is the reason I stopped going to all doctors over 20 years ago. They will display this devotion in some way often in their advertising, logo, or in this case a prominently displayed ‘altar’ as the focal point of the lobby.
In the healing process I thought I was having a dental problem and so felt compelled to have an examination. In researching the office I saw it was owned and operated by 2 sisters who immigrated here from the Ukraine. I didn’t see anything on their website or social media that indicated anything dangerous. Then I walked into the office and the first thing you see is this prominitely displayed ‘altar’ as the focal point of the lobby. I very nearly walked back out. But since I was having an exam only and no dental work I decided to stick it out a see what happened.
I went to Gem on this to get another opinion what I was seeing. The following is a combination of both of our observations.
The first thing I’m sure everyone will notice is the blatant one eye and the demon bull licking it’s chops (after feasting on human ki no doubt)
Gem: “It’s a dog and bull mixed together which is the Dog Star and the Taurus Bull. This is mixed with the colors of the light spectrum. The nose in the center is the same pentagram star shape.”
The next obvious red flag is the statue of the eternal flame. This is one of the luciferians favorite symbols they use when they’ve done something particularly dastardly. For example there is an eternal flame at JFK’s grave site.
Gem: “There is a 666 right underneath it. It’s a flame with form of water ripples. Beast out of the sea is the sun out of the cosmic waters. And 666 eclipses. Like it is said that Prometheus the fire man light bringer is born in water. Or Skanda the son of Shiva, also Lucifer, is born from shiva’s fire seed dropped in water.”
The hand print rather than an signature is another symbol though by itself wouldn’t mean a lot but all together these symbols indicate initiates.
Gem “Nothing is actually luciferian as itself. It is the emergent phenomena the combination of all of it. Someone makes a peace sign doesn’t mean they’re an initiate. But the peace sign plus one eyes plus 666 signs plus a name like Saturn Man (the handstamp) ya it’s a luciferian initiate”
On another wall was another painting in the exact same style as the bull only it was a chimpanzee. The only symbols I noticed on this one were spirit flares commonly depicting spiritual entity proximity. I figure the painting is intended as an insult to humans – dumb monkey humans being possessed by demons.
I met both sisters and one of them did my exam. If not for the display I would have thought they were very normal people running a good business. Everyone was professional, courteous and helpful.
The conclusion is do careful research before committing to a medical professional. The 2 possible conclusions to be drawn here are
- The sisters are initiates in the luciferian dark arts
- They cluelessly hired an awful decorator
Gem and I both think it is the first.
I love your analysis here, thekwon! Thanks to Gem for additional input.
The sisters may be MK-ULTRA’d by some Big Time Luciferian handlers.
I am beginning to think that THAT is the hierarchical scam to get everyday folks to align with the Luciferian agenda. Folks don’t know that wearing certain symbols on their T-shirts, or throwing out certain hand-signs at concerts, or speaking certain phrases, is adding energy to the dark occult agenda.
Every aspect of society has been infiltrated by the wayward wizards and now has an army of cushy-job-keeping career clowns to do its outreach.
Afterall: “It’s just a piece of art.”
Hi Sharine, it’s possible about the MK with them I really don’t know. There is a lot of strange stuff coming out of the Ukraine occult wise.
There are also A LOT of people just going along with dark agenda and thinking there is nothing wrong with it. Without faith they fall for all the tricks. And I agree there is an energy about it that is building and part of the hidden-ness occult.
some people have too much time on their hands omg 🤣
For real. I’m surprised nobody stated the bison is actually a transitioned cow! 🤪
I too look at handshakes etc. I’m understanding so much more. I realize that those gang signs are Masonic as well.
Bots go to the dentist now? What a time we live in !
I don’t swing that way quacamole you can stop flirting already. But I do another angry gay man that would be perfect for you.
I am not interested to know your friend 666gem in depth, thanks. On the surface, it already give me nausea.
There’s always 12-15 of these guys.
First thought when I saw the flame statue is … the flame of Prometheus. The knowledge taken from God and given to humans, alas, lucifer is their knight in shining armour because God kept this to enslave them in ignorance.
You cant make this s**t up!
They bought it at Christmas Tree Shops for a discount….
You’re more patient than me, I would have cancelled right there. Ukrainians who have money to start a new business is a big red flag. The whole country were voted the most corrupt of Europe for years for a reason. The medical field was really, really bad. Not all Ukrainians are evil but a Ukrainian with money is a tad worse in the suspicious zone than a Russian with money. They usually make money in corrupt countries from doing shady things and try to keep the good people from being able to. It’s not impossible that they are innocent but the history from that whole region there with the bulshitvick Jews ordering the uncountable millions of mass killing torturing and starving of anyone with schooling or higher education then establishing themselves as wealth rules made it very difficult for regular people to get anywhere, even today the effects are seen and heard about. Pretty sure these two aren’t just average dentist gals. Also be aware many for the right money can buy their certificates and education, do they have experience?
I can appreciate choosing not to do business with known criminals. This process did inform me more about what’s coming out of Ukraine. With that said this was the 3rd office I contacted for an appointment. For reasons not worth explaining I was unable to get an appointment with other 2 and this dragged on for days I was having pretty serious pain.
It looked good on social media they have been here for like 2 decades. Believe me when I saw the office my heart sank.
I was relieved to get xrays and see for myself that all my teeth were good and I got a necessary prescription – it was very transparent they show you everything step by step. They seem quite Americanized and all their staff are Americans. The exam with xrays and consultation and meds was under $100 – no insurance.
So they did me a solid – even though they are dirty luciferians
@thekwon and @marie, i see in your comments a lot of unfair judgments.
@marie, whatever media you follow is giving you a completely false idea about Ukraine, Russia, and what’s going on!
The USA is by far the most corrupt country in the world, at least Ukraine has free education and healthcare! and yes, Ukrainians do have money to start businesses, why is that a problem for you?
@thekwon everytime i find something creepy like that in an office, after consultation i ask the person about the symbols and sometimes the logos if it looks satanic with dissimulated symbols like eyes or 666, and it’s almost always the result of mandated work from graphic design companies, and sometimes they use logo design websites to save money.
We cannot positively evolve and improve our world while carrying so much hatred, and distrust against each other!
You’re going to find out – these people are everywhere, all over the place. People don’t build altars ‘by accident’. I can just imagine me saying “So, I notice your altar out here is a temple for Ba’al worship” And then they say “Oh why yes we do worship the light being lucifer and use the dark arts to drain the world around us”. Like that is ever going to happen.
Making accusations over which country is the most corrupt is pointless. The Ukraine has been an off-shoot and the elite’s ally of Russia for a very long time. Russia and the US have been the axis of the luciferians for a long time. The 2 nations play off each other to further larger political and spiritual goals. If you really believe the Ukraine is an innocent island in all this then I really don’t know what to say. You’re going to find out the hard way – the people have been choosing ba-ra-abban for a really long time. ‘They’ are everywhere.
sorry mis-spelling
Well how’s this for corruption. In Ukraine, of you go to the hospital and don’t pay a bribe, they don’t mind doing little too nothing for you. Or how about the number of human trafficking. Or just like Israel the snatching of body organs from Russians and Palestinians? I am not saying Russia is much better I’m pretty sure Putin is in bed with Zelensky but I’ll be damned if I go to the hospital and have to pay bribes to the doctor for help in the US. I’m not saying all the people are horrible, the controllers in charge of them are pos assholes making their lives miserable, besides killing them all. They won’t stop either war until they have a certain number of dead sacrifices. Anyways you cannot get ahead in those countries unless you’re family has money, since the bulshitvicks fkd them over, only certain families got ahead and are to this day are still ahead.
How about I talk to a Ukrainian khazarian Russian every day. Pretty sure I’m not too far off considering why he had to move. I don’t read mainstream news, I heard and read about it being corrupt before the war, in fact it was a few articles about hospital corruption that peaked my interest. I think Russia came in second corruption sometimes, but Ukraine I know won most corrupt European country for years on end. I am convinced the war was just for money bodies and culling Slavs since they are some of the most aggro tough guys there are, and the cabal said they were not able to control them and needed to kill them years ago and did it. They breeded now need another culling. Anyways Ukraine is corrupt as fk and you’re welcome to actually investigate using a non Jewish search engine because they will filter the results being that the cabal wants to make Ukraine the new Israel. Their words…
I am unvaxxed for COVID, and these days I don’t even dare to go to any state-insured appointment, that would involve sticking a needle under my skin, dentist included. I don’t have the money for private appointments yet, so I endure the pain from bad teeth. But will never take that damn jab, either voluntarily or forced.
If people knew how much satanism was built into the entire medical system they would be less apt to scoff. The medical field attracts those types especially dentistry.
Keep avoiding the jab my friend.
But find someone to help with the teeth. This is something people should not suffer with. There are plenty of good dentists out there you just have to find one. It is worth what you have to pay – how I paid so little was pure luck they happened to be running a new patient special.
What I only thought was a tooth problem was really awful. If it were an actual tooth problem I can only imagine.
Both of you might want to try chlorine dioxide. I know you know how to make it kwon but I read about some woman who needed a root canal and used it, within a few days it was no longer needed.
You can try to order filling equipment, and scaling equipment as well as try salt brushing and swishing followed by oil pulling. I was able to fix a lot of family teeth this way saving them thousands of dollars. With the chlorine dioxide plus tumeric my cats tumor is currently shrinking, a lot.
It’s.. A protruding aggressive growing tumor, a large round mass with visable head, it started shrinking after 1 month. In two months it was 1/2 size. It’s now flush with the skin and I’m watching it disappear more every day.
Here’s my doctoring:
chlorine dioxide 3000ppm spray +dimethylsulfoxide DMSO 70 percent sprayed directly into tumor following another hit of chlorine dioxide
1 capsule a day filled with 1400mg tumeric with enough melted coconut oil to make sludge (1/3 teaspoon) and 3 to 4 spins of pepper.
I also give kitty 1/2 5oz can cat food with 10ml of chlorine dioxide (10ml mixed in a liter of very cold water)
+ ivermectin mixed in for 1st two weeks + a dash of amoxicillin for luck (about 50 mg)
Pretty sure it’s the tumeric and chlorine dioxide though not 100 percent sure. If I ever had a tooth ache I’d hold salt on it then swish with a very concentrated amount of DMSO then oil pull that sucker several times a day. Don’t ever trust medical professionals if you don’t have to. They killed my sister in laws dad, gave me the wrong shot, besides the doctor sexually harassing me by giving me a gown for a child with holes in it and trying to take my heart beat going up past my legs to my chest etc. They’re only there for dire emergencies.
If you have bad teeth there are things you can do yourself. If you don’t mind telling me i can direct you to some. I had the same issue with family and have invested in my own dental equipment, now I’m a “family dentist” .
So they worked here for years, that makes it easier to check their skill and track records. I was under the impression they just arrived here. Still don’t like the luciferous signs but you got to get your teeth done without breaking the bank. A good dentist is hard to find even the more pricy ones can be crap.
The statue came from Bed Bath and Beyond
That company is under bankruptcy process now.
There’s a stage in the making process, that an employee casts a magic Satan spell on all of the plastic Moderno Sculptures……
I am aware of symbolism and the much of the esoteric ideas behind some of these things, but I must say, this is a stretch. I’ve seen similar items in stores selling decor and honestly, most people don’t know anything about the possible meaning of this “art.” I certainly didn’t when I was younger and I wouldn’t have read anything into the bull picture. The sisters’ aesthetic choices were most likely out of ignorance and they merely wished to fill the space with contemporary pieces that didn’t cost much.
To say this is an “alter” is reaching a bit.
You’re helping make the point here. The fact the statue is available easily / commercially is part of what I’m saying. It is a deeply satanic symbol that has been corporatized and normalized as have many other luciferian symbols people use. Some people use them ignorantly without a clue and others use them with great intention – and feel safe behind the deniability factor.
The ‘art’ work is clearly luciferian.
To me it is a clear altar. But it is arguable and don’t mind some pushback with what others see
Just like we all have to handle, pass, and use money every day…and if we are actually using physical, paper money…it’s covered with masonic symbols.
This is coerced consent of use of objects. The dentist gals may or may not have had a hand in choosing the decor. If not, then the person who made the choice for them now has control over what goes in there and can do whatever they want with unwitting cooperation from the dentists. This in turn exposes hundreds of people to this, they look at it, and who knows how anyone is subliminally affected.
Emunah to what you have said here.
This is how the Luciferian system works. Even if nobody consciously chose this decor for its symbols; they were guided probabilistically by the available “choices,” in their home decor big box shop (Such as BBB, literally 13 13 13 ) into producing an alter, which is designed by nuerosymbolic programming to affect peoples thoughts during a state of heightened anxiety (before dental work.) Over time the effect is massive.
This effect is then multiplied by thousands of times per day, across billboards, tv advertisements, radio songs, architecture, on the paper money, company logos and whatever other parts of Luciferian controlled society they interact with which Bonnard them constantly.
This is how they keep the people blind; a fish forgets he is immersed in water.
Hi @444gem, @thekwon, on the Gates digital ID thread I posted this question but no one is commenting out there anymore.
In France between 2021 and 2022, a group of French militants started a crowdfunding to buy an abandoned property and establish free auto-sufficient community totally independent from the state. They raised 250K$ and pre-purchased the village. The government then came with involvement of Macron in person! and literally accused them of rebellion, insurrection and being a threat to peace!!!
Here is the story:
@444gem @thekwon what’s your escape plan?
@Collins Personally I don’t believe there is an ‘escape plan’. The only ‘escape’ is THROUGH. Having unerring Faith is the only way through.
The ‘escape’ the folks in France attempted will always be met with the iron first of communist satanic governments. I’m not saying it isn’t worth trying to do – but without Faith it could never work anyway. So work at building the Faith and the fear about what ‘they’ are going to do will subside.
Macronos is the Rothschild’s Chihuahua. They use LaPan (The Rabbit of Wennefer-Osiris) as a boogeyman in order to rig the presidential election for their candidate. As you know only the top 2 pass, and so they make their preferred candidate the only “palatable” choice to anybody who doesn’t have LaPanisr ideology, which her father was a known N@si sympathizer….
The “exit” strategies are absolutely awful. It makes you a target for their wrath and easy to remove from the genera populace. We have, for very long time, practiced hiding in plain sight. Read the currents for coming storms and always use whatever dichotomies they are trodding out to escape the traps.l before they are set.
@444gem, @thekwon it is an honor and a pleasure to have a discussion with erudite people like you. I live in Europe, and i see 2 tendencies:
In the near future in Mediterranean and south Europe there will be a civil war between natives and immigrants, it’s unavoidable! In France national TV is saying it day and night! In Belgium, Greece, Italy, Spain, France natality is 75% from immigrants, it’s demographically unsustainable.
Lepen and official far right parties are just clowns, 5 years ago there was a massive protest movement in France named “Gilets Jaunes” who exposed the government, now the public have no trust in politics. The na21s are however growing exponentially, and this is their n1 website is full of poison, if you want to have a look:
w w w . a french version of the dailystormer.
In North Europe everybody is now preparing for a wide spread war with Russia, Germany’s defense minister said it clearly on TV: We are stockpiling and preparing war! A NATO general said also in TV that in 2025,they expect to be involved against Russia. The EU is about to declare Ukraine a member state and activate the NATO defense act against Russia!
Digital public infrastructure (DPI) is making big progress:
w w w
On the 5th of November CBDC was approved in EU parliament for a 2 years test phase and gradual implementation for an official deployment to start in 11.2025.
Starting from 06.2024 all airports will require digital ID and face scan for travel. Collins question was (droit au but) in good French, @Collins do you also live in France?
@444gem, @thekwon What are you thoughts on 2024? what are your expectations? what traps do you see coming next year?
Hello, you have a big voice I’m glad you have chosen to speak up.
I know little about French politics Gem would have a lot more to say about the region than I would. I did not know everyone was gearing up for war the way you have described. But it doesn’t surprise me.
The big thing I’m hearing about 2024 is a cyber attack on the banks and a conversion to digital currency. This is speculation – the truth is I have almost entirely blocked out all news consumption. I haven’t even seen the hamas attack and response.
YHWH bless you look forward to further interaction
The likelihood of a very near term civil war in Europe is very low. You are seeing a tension build over the past tw decades that is designed to create fear around mixing with immigrants, which will create demographic collapse in Europe; which is well under way already.
There will be a before and after the Olympics in terms of policies and control levels. For the time being, look to see the grip upon society continue to tighten, without noticeable surface level changes in society. For most of the masses, the digital currency won’t mean anything changes nor will facescan; it will seem like an “update.” Hence the surface remains the same while mass changes under the surface crest into tectonic shifts heading towards an earthquake.
@pyrenees, i’m in the US, my family is of Irish descent, so we are also Europeans, and my son was studying in France at the time, so i was following what’s going on out there and i kept doing so even after he left France.
I also visited France for many times.
@444gem, indeed exit plans are awful because when you step away from the cattle you become obvious to them, but lets say you stay in a city and digital IDs, Cryptos get implemented, and access to eveything get reserved to the marked ones, then once you say i don’t adhere you also become visible and there is no way to hide. In another thread you said there is no way out from nano tech. Are we already in the trap?
Very insightful question, I’ve also pondered this seeming contradiction. Lest we become simple simon savages living without soma and throwing around crude words like love!
What is soma?????
There are going to be much bigger concerns before reaching the point that digital IDs are required for participation in society.
Are there any practical measures that you suggest for people and households to shield themselves from the negative effects of advanced scalar and EM technology?
Generally speaking, there is no shielding you can realistically take against longitudinal wave scalar technology. It penetrates faraday cages, walls, etc. At least for the moment, they are more interested in using classic transverse waves for harvesting the brain and body data of the masses, rather than doing real immediate harm to them. They are training the AI to rule the farm.
Thank you. So very appreciated.
Interesting read Collins
And of course, I could be wrong, but people do make choices without having awareness or nefarious intentions. Heck, I have a cow picture depicting one eye and flowers in her hair and I got it because it liked it. That simple.
Or how to make a mountain out of a molehill. Slow news day, guys?
I’m pretty sure these “pieces” can be purchased at HomeGoods….
#2 Bro
That’s how they diffuse them so ubiquitously into the collective conciousnesses of society: by embeddibg the symbols into widely available, cheap corporate products that people buy and then make part of their surroundings, without the faintest idea.
That’s what they call “consent.”