
That is the opposite of reassuring

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1 year ago

Why am I not reassured?

1 year ago

I feel sorry for anyone who believes in elections!
election = entertainment

Airplane Clouds
Airplane Clouds
1 year ago
Reply to  wildeer

I’m so sick and tired of it! I like how you refer to it as EnterTainMent.
Let’s all shut our TVs off, stop voting, stop buying useless crap, stop applying “make believe” to useless items in this reality and let’s start living life like it was supposed to be lived!

Airplane Clouds
Airplane Clouds
1 year ago
Reply to  wildeer

It doesn’t matter which side of the boat were on….
It’s the same damned boat!!
I want off this boat and I want to roam free!

1 year ago
Reply to  wildeer

Voting is choosing from two bad choices, which is no choice at all. Each side plays upon the other, to convince each respective ‘party’ members that they are the good guy and the bad guy is the other guy. Or gal.
In the end, all it does is keep the status quo of division so the powers that be can continue their pillaging of the land.
Divide and conquer is all the know.

Sandra Mccloud
Sandra Mccloud
1 year ago
Reply to  wildeer

If people would stop being part of the problem…it would help. Voting is part of a broken system kept in place by people who do not care about us in the least.

1 year ago
Reply to  wildeer

I don’t think you get it. There are forces at play that are higher than the government. So it doesn’t really matter which side is in charge.

1 year ago
Reply to  wildeer

I’m in the middle. I am all about voting in city and county elections. Voting at the state level and above is typically voting for the uniparty.

Though Trump is different. I’m no apologist by any means, but they hate him so badly, it makes me think he is not part of the machine. I mean he lost to Hillary, Queen of the Machine; that had to be a huge slip-up.

1 year ago
Reply to  breaker

Remember, Trump had a disgusted look on the mask of his face in Eyes Wide Shut. He reportedly only flew with Epstein state side a few times. Even if he did do questionable things with women, he repented of that unlike those in the media screaming about Trump to distract us from what they themselves are hypocritically participating in!

1 year ago
Reply to  breaker

@M313X Machiavelli Prince is a book for the ruling class not the people.
Politics is like a casino, the only winner is the establishment. The whole game is a fraud, so when people vote, they are committing to a scam, they’re in fact losing power! because the whole purpose of the political system is to “divide and reign”, to dilute people’s power. The power of the people comes form a strong culture, unity, revolution, the aptitude to say NO to the ruling class, and an election is a process meant to contain that.

1 year ago
Reply to  breaker

Wow. Evil. All of the politicians are corrupt. ALL of them.

1 year ago
Reply to  breaker

Uh… he didnt lose that election. He became, uh, president for four years. Were you asleep?

1 year ago
Reply to  wildeer

“A strange game. The only winning move is not to play. How about a nice game of chess?”

1 year ago
Reply to  wildeer

Yeah those apathetic ppl who don’t care anymore because they’ve seen it replayed over decades and decades.

Nothing ever changes. If you think that system works to any degree – I don’t know what to say to you.

1 year ago

It’s always been selection not election.

Oh My My!...
Oh My My!...
1 year ago

that’s misleading, what he was trying to relay is that republicans tend to sway votes in their own way, in unethical ways, since they have a reputation for that, like for example , the brother of bush jr (then governor of florida) who stole votes from Al Gore in florida during bush jr’s second election (Al Gore 2000 presidential campaign), there have been multiple news reports, documentaries and movies about it!

Also, the notorious Republican tool for stealing votes, a thing called Gerrymandering!!, or another tool like demanding lots of IDs for minorities at voting booths, to discourage them from voting!!

As well another famous tool, robocall, giving false information, be it about their opponents, election dates, or polling booth locations…etc, etc, etc…
Hence why the speech of ‘Obama was cut short, in this tiny clip, to give the false impression that it is Obama talking about corrupting the electoral system, when he was saying the exact opposite. So your little propaganda clip proves his point even more, that Republicans are corrupt to the core, that’s why they’re always on the attack…they used to bite, but now they’re barking more than they bite, so much have they lost their credibility vis-à-vis the public (Nixon, reagan, the Bushes, trump, not to mention all the republican scandals in congress, so congressmen, congresswomen, senators, not to mention their entourage , etc etc etc.)!!

so, yes, Obama speaks knowingly!

But keep the propaganda machine going…!

Oh yeah, forgot, -Jan 6-, from the one and only, Orang-a-tang trump!
That was original, at least for democratic countries, in autocratic countries, it’s just the routine!

1 year ago
Reply to  Oh My My!...

Republicans asking for IDs for proof of citizenship to prevent voter fraud isn’t racist. If one is not smart enough to get an ID, that’s their fault.

Oh My My!...
Oh My My!...
1 year ago
Reply to  Dan

It is when its targeted, at specific voters, you dig!

Trim the Shrub
Trim the Shrub
1 year ago
Reply to  Oh My My!...

Democrats allow 30+ million illegals into this country to become the future Dem voting bloc, but apparently you’re able to overlook that, the biggest election fraud in world history, without batting an eye. You think the neocons rigging things in favor of faux-Republican Dubya (who is absolutely loathed among true conservatives) proves the right are the REAL cheaters.
Must be nice to have leftist amorality. Time to exit your fantasy world.

Oh My My!...
Oh My My!...
1 year ago
Reply to  Trim the Shrub

“The Democrats are allowing over 30 million illegals into this country to become the future Democratic electoral bloc”

Sure!… any proof of that? And don’t give me dubious sources…

“You think the neocons who rig things in favor of fake Republican Dubya (who is absolutely hated among true conservatives) are proving them right are the REAL cheaters.”

Of course, that’s why they voted him in – TWICE! But these are only details, so as not to be bothered by..

oh, and by the way, bush jr, is just a drop in the bucket, check out the semi-complete list in my original post… but don’t want to get between you and your fantasy world, the vigilance citizenry are for the rest of us…

“Must be nice to have leftist amorality.”

did you miss the part that only a quarter of americans voted for trump that’s 3/4 of americans didn’t vote for him in the first election! And he LOST in the second election, that means MOST AMERICANS didn’t vote for him!!!

you also missed the part that most republicans dissociated from and denounced him, even his own children, try to read a full post next time, and try to follow current events, or at least be in contact with reality from time to time, trumpy !

the greatest election fraud in the history of the world is coming from your party, for the reasons i mentioned above, it must be nice to have the amorality, blindness and wickedness of trump cultists . Better NOT leave your fantasy world.

you and rosey just proved my point, yet again! Thnx!

1 year ago
Reply to  Oh My My!...


Wear the minus votes as crown.

Oh My My!...
Oh My My!...
1 year ago
Reply to  Whatevs


they talk out of both sides of their mouth, on one side they denounce both parties (as seen in the comments above), but on the other side of their mouth they denounce anyone who criticizes their guru trump!

1 year ago
Reply to  Oh My My!...

No I think he was quite clear here saying both sides did it. Whether you like it or not in the West we live under autocracy posing as democracy. It’s always been a one party system. They agree on almost everything and have their lil fights but be sure of that nothing ever moves forward or improves for most ppl.

Do not have heroes in politicians. They are demons. Or at very least bad people.

Oh My My!...
Oh My My!...
1 year ago
Reply to  Rosey

no, he didn’t, it was very clear in the complete version that he denounces the Republicans… for their notoriety (for the reasons mentioned above!)

also check the definition of tds, before throwing accusations at anyone who criticizes your guru!!

However, you should check your obsession with Trump, as many Republicans now disassociate themselves from him, except for his cultist supporters!


  • “I love the poorly educated !”
  • I could stand in the middle of 5th Avenue and shoot somebody and I wouldn’t lose voters.

i’ll even at this from M313X (above)
” Trump was treated by Roy Cohn. Cohn did what Jeffrey Epstein did, but a generation earlier. Trump then became friends with Epstein. He is evil to the core.”

my trump denunciation was just a spec in the full post, you deliberately left all of that to cling to that one line over your precious guru trump! willfully blind!
do your homework, before commenting!

and spitting out lies and false accusations only further proves my point!

don’t forget to send him your money to support him, he needs it all please!!
and while you’re at it, buy a pillow from Mike the pillow guy, just to help you rest your conscience!

And when is the next meeting for the republicans candidates at bohemian grove!? just asking..

Oh My My!...
Oh My My!...
1 year ago
Reply to  Oh My My!...

funny how they chose a blue state to hold their boys club meeting, how ironic..!

1 year ago
Reply to  Oh My My!...

Also I think you may want to get that TDS looked at.

1 year ago
Reply to  Oh My My!...

Asking for ID to prevent voter fraud isn’t racist. If one isn’t smart enough to get an ID or is an illegal citizen, that’s their fault.

Oh My My!...
Oh My My!...
1 year ago
Reply to  fuzz

Just like i responded to your alter -ego pseudo above..

It is when its targeted, at specific voters, you dig!

1 year ago
Reply to  Oh My My!...

Responded to my what??

My what?

The law had always stated that you need to be a citizen to vote. You don’t obey the law, there are consequences. That’s how it’s supposed to work.

Oh My My!...
Oh My My!...
1 year ago
Reply to  fuzz


NOT when its targeted, at specific voters!

Ask again, i’ll answer the same, in case its takes you several repeats to get it!


  • “I love the poorly educated !”
  • “I could stand in the middle of 5th Avenue and shoot somebody and I wouldn’t lose voters.“
1 year ago
Reply to  Oh My My!...

You saying that this rule is targeting specific voters and that is racist seems to me you are suggesting that black people are incapable of getting an ID, which is racist..