
John Hopkins University refers to lesbians as ‘non-men attracted to non-men’ in new LGBTQ glossary (

John Hopkins University was slammed by critics including “Harry Potter” author J.K. Rowling for switching up its definition of “lesbian” to instead refer to the group as …

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1 year ago

TPTB truly hate women.

1 year ago
Reply to  lgageharleya

So freaking much

1 year ago

Funny Gender!!!

Gender Cinsiyet.jpg
Sharine Borslien
Sharine Borslien
1 year ago
Reply to  Tyln93

It’s beyond sad that even in kind-of rural-ish California, I wonder if I’m going to get the civic police sicced on me for saying “thank you, ladies” to a couple of mind-controlled *and very very angry* cashiers or waitresses (or just get beat up in the parking lot).

1 year ago

These people you are referring to as ladies are NOT women anymore.
They are mentally men in women bodies.
The rainbow flags and men in heels is just the tip of the iceberg, the most trannified gender is in fact women!

1 year ago

I had never seen Dog Day Afternoon until tonight. Well colour me surprised lol. Just how long have we been indoctrinated with “I’m a woman living in a man’s body?”

Sharine Borslien
Sharine Borslien
1 year ago

WOW. They are really trying to erase biological women, while emasculating biological men and turning them into a zombie-fest of Taylor Swifts (MTFs, that is). Anyone buying into this lexicon is helping to usher in the Cosmic Androgyne agenda, complete with souled out cyborg slaves and grotesque chimeras.

1 year ago

The next definition in the glossary: woman= non-man with ovaries.

Last edited 1 year ago by crisspf
1 year ago

95% of LBGT filth are perverse men and their repulsive disgusting behavior – normalising of f@gg0try, pederasty and pedophilia. There is some tiny minority of deceived women on this movement but nearly all of those sickos are emasculated men (tr@nnies, f@gs, pedos). F@gg0ts hate and despise women, because they are envious and their brains are messed up. That is why, according to me and all normal people, f@gs should be rounded up and placed in some isolated working camps (or eliminated).

1 year ago
Reply to  Anton

The fact that satan is portrayed as a hermaphrodite and all of the world governments, religions and media is run by people who worship satan and want to become hermaphrodites like satan, it’s no wonder why everyone is encouraged to be sexual deviants of one kind or another. Satan loves to deceive his followers into looking and acting like fools in order to cause them to rebel against their maker. First satan wants to coerce you to become a homosexual until that doesn’t excite you anymore then he wants to coerce you to become transexual until that doesn’t do it for you, then a pedophile and then b********y then dead people? idk bc by then you are so demon possessed you might as well kill yourself bc nothing else will get your rocks off.

Satan wants you to participate in sexual deviancy bc it is a sin that gives demons the authority to possess you. The degrees of freemason involve more and more sin because each level of sin gives more and more demons the authority to possess you and take over every aspect of your life and being. The secret of freemasonry that so many men have spent their lives trying to find out is that the higher degrees of freemasonry are all homosexuals or some other kind of sexual deviant and all worship lucifer. Lucifer loves to make his followers act and look like complete mindless fools.

1 year ago
Reply to  Michele

100% agree with you, the “secret” of freemasonry and all those felonious societies is actually the an@l sex beween the men because this unnatural abominable act allows demons to possess the receiving participant with filthy energies, its basically something like reverse kundalini illumination. I’m not a kundalini expert, nor am i a believer in a kundalini illumination (every “illumination” wich is not directly from Holy Spirit is satanic itself). But freemasons, they actually do this rituals as a form of reverse chakra ascension aka kundalini illumiation

Just a name
Just a name
1 year ago
Reply to  Anton

You’re missing the point of who the actual problem is, which is Satan and the Illuminati. Being hateful to the LGBTQ community accomplishes nothing, and no, they don’t accept pedos, so calm down. You’re only giving Satan what he wants by being like this.

1 year ago
Reply to  Just a name

LGBTQ+ all participate in sexual deviancy in that God did not create our bodies to have sex with members of the same sex. The purpose of sex is to create babies not for pleasure. The purpose of the pleasure is so that you will want to make babies. LGBTQ only seek sexual pleasure but sexual pleasure between same sexes doesn’t create babies but does open you up to demon possession. Those demons will then cause you to seek more sexual pleasure in other ways that God did not create you for until you are not only LGBTQ but also +. God gave us the freedom to have sex the way he created us to have it or we can choose to rebel against the way he made us but you will regret rebelling against God.

1 year ago
Reply to  Anton

The vast majority of LGBT are in fact women!
Feminism is by far the most powerful branch!

1 year ago
Reply to  Anton

Ahhw, the so-called christian love is just emanating from you.🥰
Your whole religion is a carbon copy of ancient Saturn/Baal and pagan Sun worship, you fvcking numbskull n**i.❤

1 year ago

The slow but steady drumbeat to eliminate the word “woman” marches forward.