
BlackRock Recruiter Who ‘Decides People’s Fate’ Says ‘War is Good for Business’ Undercover Footage

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1 year ago

Blackrock is a reference to the black cube of Saturn and the anu of the goat.
Look at how he holds his hands.
His new media acronym is a joke. “Oh Em Gee”
He has always been controlled op, despite that he unveils valid information. One thing people (myself included) don’t fully realize is how cutthroat the people within this system are. Betrayal is literally a virtue and is a foundational part of their training in rearing a child. This sort of expose tames the side that wants action to stop the evil. It mollifies them because, “Someone is doing something”. How many bad actors whom O’Keefe has “exposed” have spent a single moment in court?

Last edited 1 year ago by lgageharleya
1 year ago
Reply to  lgageharleya

Going to need something more concrete on Okeefe. I think anyone who is anyone has been called controlled opposition.

1 year ago
Reply to  randall

He hangs out casually with Robert Kennedy (definitely a member of the club and is about to join in the pseudo-running for president). He has multiple images associated with him with triangle capstone backgrounds. His book, Muckraker, has cover art with a clear one eye symbol, even more disturbing by the red vs green-blue divide it shows, plus the iron cross type symbolism on the cover, encompassing the eye. (Black vs white, fiery red vs green/blue/purple, and the polarization that represents.) Also, there is a golden spear or shard of illumination piercing through this image in the background.
Just as with other oppo people (Ben Shapiro, Jordan Peterson, etc) the visual references aren’t as prolific as with many others (because they want us to trust these guys, and they do tell a great deal of truth) but they are inevitably there, if you look. If you can’t find the visual references, you still must learn to discern fruit.
O’Keefe is in place to mollify. Nothing ever comes of any of his exposes, no matter how blatant and horrific they are. MSM simply dismisses him and people buy into that. What does it serve to do except divide and conquer even more, as the people who know his information is real are gaslighted and shown, baldly, there is no longer any justice at all?

Last edited 1 year ago by lgageharleya
1 year ago
Reply to  randall

No one who is allowed to become “anyone” (i.e. well known and highly respected) on either side in our society is NOT a part of the club. The real truth tellers don’t get the press.

1 year ago
Reply to  lgageharleya

You need to get your butt off the internet and pay attention to your family.

1 year ago
Reply to  549

What takes hours for you to comprehend, process and convey in words, might take someone else minutes. Thank you for your critique. I see to my own without need for your oversight.

1 year ago
Reply to  549

@549 please be the first one following your own advice, show us the example!

1 year ago

Actually the only real evil is Donald Trump. Now that’s an antichrist. Anti decency, anti anything good.

1 year ago
Reply to  Lee

Your laserlike focus on this one man is causing you to miss the big picture, @lee. Trump is only a tiny part of their club and they are all every bit as bad as he is. He is there to draw in people just like you, so you fail to see everything else that is going on.

1 year ago
Reply to  lgageharleya

I focus on Trump because no one else will.

1 year ago
Reply to  Lee

That is a silly and patently false response. If you truly want truth, try harder. Becsuse no one here shares your obsession

1 year ago
Reply to  lgageharleya

Trump loving scum. You are a liar just like your master. Rot in hell.

1 year ago
Reply to  Lee

You have a terrible brain disease. I have always spoken out against him, as I have others in politics. Please zoom out.

1 year ago
Reply to  lgageharleya

If you are going to b***h about things, b***h about them fairly and evenly.

1 year ago
Reply to  Lee

>”If you are going to b***h about things, b***h about them fairly and evenly.”

You’re failing your own standard. You said:

>”the only real evil is Donald Trump”

If, as you say, he’s the only real evil, then no other complaint is possible.

Perhaps you should reconsider what it is that you want.

1 year ago
Reply to  lgageharleya

And, you are definitely not the spokesperson for everyone here and Thank God for that.

1 year ago
Reply to  Lee

No, that is most correct, which is why anyone is free to respond and to debate. Tell me how I am wrong without your vague insults. Help me to see your point.

1 year ago
Reply to  lgageharleya

@lgageharleya a vast majority of people actually want to live in the matrix!
and they will fight you if you dare questioning the system!
When i try convincing like you are doing with Lee i always get shamed, insulted, and i feel like telling a blind man how beautiful nature is, he can’t see it!
People need Trump, Biden, Putin, Xi, … the same way gamblers need slot machines!

1 year ago
Reply to  wildeer

This is truly a sad phenomenon.

1 year ago
Reply to  wildeer

The only way out from this I can see is for people to go to Father and ask, How do I live in this world but not of it? How do I realize your sustenance and provision in my life? How do I come fully into your will, leaving behind all the “norms” of society. How do I remain kind and compassionate to people who are still so blinded to this system? Help me, Father, sustain me and provide for me and show me what you want me to do. Give me every tool I need in which to help others according to your will. I am certain He answers and we may fully rely on Him. Let our hearts not fail. Take comfort! For I am here and you are there and so many others are, spreading His message. These times are for the dividing. Let’s pray, as one, for those who are still uncertain, confused, on the fence, rebellious, because just as Father created us, so did He make them. This is the time for all men to choose.

1 year ago

At one point during this video the Blackrock recruiter says “you’re an undercover reporter right”?

The very obvious question to ask is since he knows this woman is a reporter why would he be spilling the beans like this to someone who he already knows is going to report on it?

It seems they are intentionally leaking out information to the public presumably to create fear and hopelessness among the faithless walking dead. People like Mel Gibson, Jim Carrey and this recruiter guy are putting out previously secreted information for a reason.

The reporter of this story is part of this agenda I agree with you AE. His clear hand signs and delivery indicate he’s one of their messengers.

@lee – Trump is a puppet on a string, a mind controlled demonically possessed stooge being moved around like a chess piece. Obsessing over your hatred for him isn’t doing you any good.

Last edited 1 year ago by thekwon
1 year ago
Reply to  thekwon

He also uses the purple screen/programming so prevalent since Trump first took office. The programming has shifted.

1 year ago
Reply to  thekwon

@thekwon i don’t see any secret or dangerous info coming from this recruiter.
I don’t think he will have any problem at the office the next day.
Everything has already been said in MSM documentaries.
This is actually the image Blackrock wants to project.
I have been following news about these big corporations, and one thing to notice is that they are preparing their BANKRUPTCY!
In the NWO script, total collapse of banks and giant hedge funds like Blackrock and Vanguard is a programmed event waiting to happens, and i try to understand WHEN and WHY?

Last edited 1 year ago by wildeer
1 year ago
Reply to  wildeer

I agree there is no secret or dangerous info he reveals to you or I @wildeer. But the huge majority of people are still struggling to hang on to their version of what they have been told the world is. For them starting to see there is a global conspiracy among the top business on the planet and politicians will make them scared and paranoid which is the intended result imo. Scared people are much easier to control. When the collapse does happen these people will do anything they’re told because they beLIEve that will make the fear stop.

1 year ago
Reply to  thekwon

I’ve noticed this with my brother in particular. The mental gymnastics he will go through to maintain his false paradigm to remain blind and deaf is staggering.

1 year ago
Reply to  thekwon

I’ve been trying for decades to get him to see even the smallest bit of Truth but he absolutely will not budge. The blindfold cannot be removed it seems with him

1 year ago
Reply to  thekwon

The same here, i am at a point where i cannot have a discussion anymore with family and friends.
For always questioning and reasoning against the news and the system, i am now labeled as ‘crazy creep’, and my opinions are literally seen as a blasphemy.

1 year ago
Reply to  wildeer

It isn’t funny but it kind of is – in the end we have to develop the ability to have some levity around it too. It bothered me terribly for so long all of that but I’m turning a corner on it

I will continue to try and plant a seed with him when the opportunity arises but the probability of a seed sprouting is low imo

1 year ago
Reply to  thekwon

It’s a lonely place to be, but I’d rather be on the sparse side of it.

1 year ago
Reply to  lgageharleya


1 year ago
Reply to  thekwon

100% with you, the clowndemic is a great example of how fear is used to lead the cattle to slaughter

1 year ago

We already know this and we know much more, BUT – if this “undercover exposing” is what we are supposed to believe, why is this guy telling his “info” to this one baiter and why does this one baiter drag the whole “release” out over months? All those “alternative media” are either the controlled opposition run by the same people running the lying mainstream media, or they publish only the miniscule, irrelevant material. Seriously, one has to be very naive to believe that BlackRock operative’s bragging would last on Youtube or any mainstream video platform for more than one second.