US Navy hires active-duty drag queen as face of recruitment drive (
Trans performers always name themselves things which deliberately insult women.
har·py [ˈhärpē]
a grasping, unpleasant woman:
“clearly, he had us down as a couple of gold-digging harpies”GREEK MYTHOLOGY
a rapacious monster described as having a woman’s head and body and a bird’s wings and claws or depicted as a bird of prey with a woman’s face.
More pics of Harpy Daniels/Joshua Kelley at the link, one in which he hoists a sign reading ‘Make America Free” and “My Body, My Choice” with drawn ovaries and “Prochoice”.
Navy claims these ambassadors, though formally appointed, are uncompensated, then the article adds, “To attract the most talented and diverse workforce, the Navy continues to evaluate its compensation package and admission requirements, and how it reaches potential recruits through advertising and career events,” according to the Navy’s budget proposal for 2024, the outlet reported.”
Didn’t Henry Kissinger say something like Soldiers are to be used as nothing but pawns in America’s Foreign Policy?
I support sending the depraved to the front lines.
I noticed that also with the stage names. Some are regular creative names while others are just downright insulting usually trying to refer to a woman’s genitals or other stuff.
Ngl, I gave you an upvote just for your awesome monicker 🙂
Fake Women Soldiers!!!