
The Sims commercial features trans activist who said “little girls are kinky”

This person’s name is Alok Vaid Menon. Here’s is the statement mentioned.

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1 year ago

I knew all the manosphere redpill ideas like hypergamy 10 years ago. It was a big help in navigating the world. Now those ideas are finally being discussed by normies on podcasts.

Having strong frame / boundaries is a great concept that still holds up.

One idea heralded by the community that I now understand was wrong was “enjoy the decline”.

True powerful masculinity should be “behave morally and tell the truth”.

The women’s feminist movement has only gotten worse. Fake rapes like mattress girl, gamer gate, and harassing game developers who create hot women characters should have been the pivot point, but instead most girls submitted to government programming.

If you see a female wearing a mask, you can be near certain they can’t answer “what is a woman?”.

The solution is probably for men to lead them properly, but I still think that is a cop out.

Conspiracy communities are like 95% men. That’s messed up. We need quality ladies to step up in leadership and to dive deep into the dark reality of what is going on.

We really need powerful female energy on our side.

1 year ago
Reply to  stevencasteel

Maybe you can get high off some shrooms, mediate and ask one of the demons you serve to provide a woman?

Take someone who enjoys life the way it’s supposed to by lived…then fill their mind with useless facts that aren’t going to change what’s happening behind the curtain.
In fact, they will go from aware of the “secrets” to obsessed with them as you are.

1 year ago
Reply to  stevencasteel

Female here. The pursuit of Truth is my spiritual journey and to be in the presence of those seeking Truth is infinitely preferred to the presence of those who think they have found it. Truth is a language we are not taught to speak. Truth resonates; it is an energy; it has a particular tone and frequency that a truth teller is familiar with.

To be able to get past my childhood religious indoctrination to find Truth and depth, I always open myself up to alternative points of view about anything and everything, because I know that there is life beyond religiously regulated constricted community of perceptions. To me, the ultimate self-love is to use my will for power and not using it unconsciously anymore for more mental bondage; I do not want to be a knock off version anymore of those who came before me with their hand me down religious belief system spoon fed to me about some “god” I need to worship and some “Jesus” that is going to “save” me from myself is just low vibrational nonsense; it has never resonated with me as Truth. I am more energetically pulled towards the spiritual sages who studied the esoteric knowledge stemming from the Occult—which means “hidden.”
I know that the spiritual nuggets and gems that I am searching for are in those spaces where it’s uncomfortable and oftentimes demonized with the intention to suppress consciousness from expanding. I want go to towards the unpopular ideas and notions in those esoteric places with valor and gusto, instead of trembling with terror and guilt for exploring what might be around that dark corner.

I know that spiritual Truths are beyond the intellect and my intention these days is to explore the depths of my being by being a courageous, open receiver of the messages, downloads, knowledge, and Truths that are revealed to me on my journey, so that I may use these transmissions on my path to help me expand in my consciousness and perceptions, so that I may manifest more in my life in a conscious, fearless, deliberate, and intentional way, for it appears that my life has this ability to unfold in such magnificent ways in proportion to my courage. 

No one is coming to save me from myself, my fears, my pain, or from my “stuff.”

Also aloo
Also aloo
1 year ago

Well said

1 year ago

Jesus doesn’t save us from our stuff. He saves us from Satan.

1 year ago
Reply to  Fleurdamour

Why do you need some other being to “save” you from this other being called “Satan”? Question: do you remember who originally told/sold you the that “savior” story and the “Satan” story?

Are you powerless? Why is your Truth solely invested in the idea deeply imbedded into your subconscious about needing some being called “Jesus” to save you? It’s such a repellent story to me. What does “Satan” represent to you tgat you are trying to avoid?

Last edited 1 year ago by transmutethyself414
1 year ago

Why do you think other spiritual paths hold merit and only that one, out of them all, does not? Who condtioned YOU?

1 year ago
Reply to  Fleurdamour

I really don’t beLIEve any other being’s ideas/stories/thoughts about “god” or “Jesus” or “sin” and garbage like as being Truth. I’m asking questions. You’re satisfied with spoon fed, half baked dogma and doctrine, stories, and ideas from other people’s thoughts, interpretations and projections that you have interpreted through your brain washing as Truth. I’ve been shaking off the mental shackles of that conditioning for a long time now and am looking for Truth. None of those religious stories resonate nor satisfy my Spirit’s quest for Truth.

1 year ago

At this point in Western culture, nothing is more spoon fed than the occult. Every popular magazine and newspaper has a horoscope section. In large cities there is a yoga studio on every street corner. Tarot card readers appear at mainstream corporate events. Wellness snake oil salesmen promote a religion of self worship. The entertainment industry pumps out an endless stream of content about witches and demons, and the tie in merchandise can be found in every mall and amusement park, assuring that people bring toys and clothing with demonic messages and symbols into their homes. You are on a website where some of us take these things seriously. And I am asking you a deadly serious question. If you question where Christianity is coming from, please also inquire as to the source of occultism. Our culture is become saturated with it. Who is pushing that, and why?

1 year ago
Reply to  Fleurdamour

You’re right, but I don’t subscribe to any of it as the ultimate Truth. I don’t care nor need or want you to believe in any of it for me to be free or so I get “saved.”

It is our concept about “god” being external that has gotten us into trouble. Man-Made Religion has made the most money, profiting from the ignorance and fear of people.

The “atheist” didn’t bring people to destruction, on the contrary, the people who defined “god” in the first place did. Especially those that define god as something outside of yourself to be found and worshipped? That is when mankind list its whole compass when it failed to see the god within itself and others.

Gasp! That’s “witch craft” “black magic” “sorcery” “of the Devil” “Luciferian”

I digress.

There are no “saviors” but yourself.

1 year ago

And that in a nutshell is the religion of self worship.

1 year ago
Reply to  Fleurdamour

With all due respect, you are pathologically obedient to religious programming. I do understand the religious psychopathology that controls your mind and the external authority-worshiping orthodoxy that permeates your thinking process.

Last edited 1 year ago by transmutethyself414
1 year ago

And you are attached to rebellion.

1 year ago
Reply to  Fleurdamour

@transmutethyself414 There is a serious misconception about Christianity. God does not send us to hell, we are already halfway there. Satan rolled up on us like a child abductor luring us into a car with candy and we went with him. Jesus is the incarnate lovingkindness of God trying to get us back. Puts a different spin on things, doesn’t it? It is my personal observation that the fallen angels have a mind controlling effect on mankind, and that the belief in Christ counters that. I think it is why Christian rituals like church service recur regularly, to remind us and refresh the protective effect. He really is trying to help us. I’m not trying to control you, I am trying to help you understand that nothing in the occult can offer you that.

1 year ago
Reply to  Fleurdamour


1 year ago

It is not about what “resonates” with you. That is not the criterion for what is true. Some things will resonate with some people and not with others. And the truth will never resonate with some people, no matter how much they may claim to be seeking it. I include you in that.

If you reject God, you are part of the problem, and you need to be treated exactly the same as the people who follow the Devil.

1 year ago
Reply to  A N

It’s much easier to fool people than to convince them that they have been fooled — such is the nature of confirmation bias and other psychological tools of manipulation like this “God”/ “Jesus”/ “Satan” narrative that has your mind bound. Breaking free of the ancient, historical ‘constant’ of mind control is an ongoing process of waking up out of a state of denial. 

Set the religious/bible bullshit down.

1 year ago
Reply to  stevencasteel

“Real” men have largely abdicated, or like you, have begun to justify their own preying upon women and children as “love”.
Women have been holding together the torn fragments of society mostly alone for decades. And now you want to come throw this as well?
Many, MANY of the people on this site are women, Steven. You do us grave discredit.

1 year ago
Reply to  lgageharleya

Downvote me all you want, but when men paint themselves and dress in mockery of women to deceive and make excuses for corrupting children, lay it at your own feet. It is mainly women protesting this and the men are largely silent, as usual.
You are the ones who can physically join and make this stop. But do any of you…?

Last edited 1 year ago by lgageharleya
1 year ago
Reply to  lgageharleya

I see it’s mainly women taking their children to drag shows. There are a lot of men speaking up. You’re not looking in the right places or your lens needs replacement. Matt Walsh for example has been one of the loudest voices. Maybe try looking at the world without the filter

1 year ago
Reply to  lgageharleya


1 year ago
Reply to  stevencasteel

We need quality ladies to step up in leadership and to dive deep into the dark reality of what is going on.”

I am doing just that:

1 year ago

I really LOVE that you made your blog accessible with BOTH choices available to choose from. Pay option and a no pay option, but your content was there for both; no penalty. That to me feels like freedom.

1 year ago

“Quality ladies” in his special vocabulary meaning those that dear Steve-O here “can lead them properly”.

1 year ago
Reply to  stevencasteel

I am female, and the majority of conspiracy theorists I know are female. We are busy raising our children properly instead of letting the oligarchy get their clutches on them, so not so much spare time to spend on the forums.

1 year ago
Reply to  stevencasteel

Another strong female and regular contributor here; maybe you’ve missed us Steven, because we are many. If you’re looking for female energy, you’re literally surrounded by it. If you’re looking for someone you can “lead”, however, you’ll have to look elsewhere. Strong female energy looks for its balance, not its oppressor.

1 year ago
Reply to  stevencasteel

Who cares what sex a person is? They bar anyone with any relevance, male or female. Why are you so obsessed with sex? And how is your estimate at 95 percent? Do you not see all the women around? What do they need to post their photos and dox themselves like you did? “Quality ladies” indeed, you are not exactly a good judge of what a lady is as you are confused where children tweens teens women and ladies start and stop. You are the one who trains your p***s. You choose your attraction. I am not perfect and I don’t expect you to be as we all have faults but choosing to let loose and being a pedophile within some mental gymnastics of telling yourself it’s a good wholesome choice then schooling others in morality and about being truthful when you cannot do that for yourself-that needs underlined for you. You talking about a strong frame, boundaries when you let yourself go hog wild in children and teenagers and you’re choosing to be just a dirty old goat when you could be much more, then preaching away.

1 year ago
Reply to  stevencasteel

Man if you believe in redpill and hypergamy you need to go out there and touch some grass. You’ve been indoctrinated with these ideas and they perpetuate your frustration further.

1 year ago

Lyrics also say, “We don’t make babies, but we practice” – meaning, people still have the procreative drive, but have been largely sterilized.

1 year ago
Reply to  lgageharleya

And they kill ‘em

1 year ago
Reply to  WowjustWow

🙁 Before killing them, they torture them, slurp their adrenalin (from fear and pain) permeated blood (adrenochrome for euphoria and power) and then eat them. It’s just sickening that all this goes on right under our noses, while we are so busy surviving/suffering/trying to “make money” (hot air)/ distracted by materialism… Understanding the underbelly of the diabolical nature here that holds up the matrix has barely even been scratched.

The challenge is to dive deep into your mind and to become aware of those aspects of your life where your self interest is contrary to the spiritual laws which sustain life and where you personally contribute unconsciously and energetically to the “evil” here.

Also aloo
Also aloo
1 year ago


1 year ago

Yes I know. Frazzledrip and all that. I know.

1 year ago

Its time to fight back. The power of evil men lies in the cowardice of the good.

Also aloo
Also aloo
1 year ago

Ahll this debauchery is happening as their planned demolition of human health culture. It’s what they did before wwi wwii napoleon war Greece Rome etc etc all through the ages this has been their tried and true methodology of lock step destruction without firing a single shot – of except by their emm kay ulhtrud slayvz who their program to produce fauls flags and appointed mirdirz like sandyhook amd all the trauma bonding horrors which also double as gun-free sales pitches trying to remove the last thing peoole have to defend themselves against this tyranniculling sykopahtic bankster mapheeuhh.

1 year ago
Reply to  Also aloo

Ok, yes! But, what is underneath, inside of THEM, those “sykopathic bankster mapheeuhh”? What soul possessed them? So many call it “the Devil” Those old ancient or “future” Egyptian mythology “stories” resonate with me more than what is concocted up in the “Bible” for some reason, but hmmmm… Who created this “devil” character, and why?

Who created the other stories that parallels the “devil” story? You know? The story that started the story. Who started *it all”? You call it “God.” Ok, I get that this construct/”program” of “God” is deeply embedded into your technology/ “hardware”/ explanation you have been given here and then put into “religious doctrine” from other people’s ideas about who and what “God” is, but my hardware has different ideas/”programs” that resonate with me. There is something else and it is being hidden. Suppressed. And DEMONIZED.

I already know the “Christian” story ( I was indoctrinated with it and hated it; DISSED beLIEved all of it. I don’t need you to quote SCRIPT-ure at me, but those religious stories that put this character “Jesus” (“Horus”; “Yeshua”; “Krishna”; all the same recycled stories regurgitating the same s**t in different ways) on the plate of perception; you see what I am getting us. What is underneath those “stories”? Who created that? This place sucks. It’s intriguing. I am on a quest for Answers. I want to get out of here. And none of the stories that are here now for me to beLIEve in resonate with me energetically. I refute ALL of them. Let no weapons be formed against me. You see? We SAVE ourselves.

Please, I do not belIEve in the “Jesus” coming to “save” me story. The number one rule of this game is not allow anyone else’s IDEAS/ “stories” to take over your mind. Always be open minded/ always use discernment not matter how alluring the LIGHT/ “knowledge.” / “stories” are lighting people’s way. Like the “Jesus” story. If that is what is helping you cope with life by believing in that story. That is not my story. I think that is the ticket out of here. I am

Last edited 1 year ago by transmutethyself414
1 year ago

Thank you. I thought I was alone.

1 year ago
Reply to  kiki

There are many more of us all over the place—keeping us separated is all part of this simulation/game.

1 year ago

Autism and atheism share some of the same mutations. That’s probably why it doesn’t resonate with you.

1 year ago

“ I want to get out of here.”
What stops you?

I feel there is a lot of anger when you mention Jesus … and you do that a lot. You also ended your speech interestingly – “I am”. I only recall one special “character” lately, saying that through the people it possesses (Will.I.Am, Beyonce (Sasha Fierce), Kanye West (I Am … a god), Lil Wayne, Nas…), but don’t worry – it’s just a “story”! Have you seen their music videos, do you know what they stand for, do you know what they post? Now, let me tell you this – it’s a “hell-of-a-story”!

1 year ago
Reply to  crisspf

Oh I love this game!

That I need some “savior” to “save” me from what? Myself? Why is “his way” a “better” way?

Why is the story/idea about his way the better way?

Why is my search for Truth less than the truth you claim to know?

I hardly feel that you speak in a lovely way based on your spoon fed religious indoctrination that instructs to be loving and kind and treat others how you want to be treated. Look the way you chose to believe in is not the Truth. I’m looking for it and it definitely is not the “Jesus” “Satan” narrative. I’m curious about that. Who told you so? That it was Truth? That the “savior” story is the Truth? Seriously, why is your way believing in the “Jesus” the way also something I need or have to choose or people like you, who believe in that Jesus story will berate someone like me for not believing in it and consider you a “demon” “Devil” worshipper until I say “praise Jesus”?

Let me make it clear again. I do not subscribe, or beLIEve, or care about any of those hand me down religious stories spoon fed to the masses by the controllers of the mind/ the real “slave masters” who created the religious stories and bound them in book form (“Bible” “Book of Mormon” “Talmud” “Koran”) so we see them as “Saviors” while inadvertently worshipping them and THEY are all the tricksters. Those behind those “religious doctine”/stories we all get fooled by THEM in one way or another. It’s all a different flavor of how this “Supreme being”/“God” is being interpreted. That’s why I don’t believe in that religious s**t.

All the real ghouls / interdimensional beings are cloaked behind/under the religious stories/lies to hide THEM. They are controllers of the government — government are puppets playing parts. They are controllers of the financial realm. The medical, mental health educational, agriculture, military, spiritual mind control thought experiments are all controlled by them. I want to go deeper. Don’t you? Who or what are playing those roles?

Go deeper than manufactured religious doctrine and dogma. It’s a system of mind control. I’m looking for the controller(s) who have used such precise mind control to make so many believe they need a “savior” or if you don’t believe that you thrown mental purgatory for not believing it for that you’re a “demon”/“Devil” all because you know you have Power electrically and energetically and don’t need to “be saved” from this other being playing a part called “Satan.” It’s all in the mind. Who got into your mind? Why is the Jesus way better in your mind? You keep the machine of the play going by your very beLIEf in a lie.

I am looking for Truth. It has nothing to do with the “the devil”/“Satan” or “Jesus”/“Yeshua”. I’ve really gone inward away from the spiritual war and trust what my intuition is telling me these days about what I also have been spoon fed. I don’t need to be “saved.” None of these religious stories energetically move me deeply at all. I don’t believe in much so I am asking questions now.

1 year ago
Reply to  crisspf

Oh, not “commit suicide,” brother. I know that THAT isn’t the wisest spiritual choice, for me, anyway. Truly that is the greatest philosophical question, though, isnt’t it? “Should I kill myself”?

It’s really interesting to me when having discussions with “Christians” where I express my doubts and disbelief about those “Christian” beLIEfs, inevitably there always comes in a comment or two that imply just enough behind the use of words to say “take your life then; get out of here.” Gosh, I love “Christian’s.” They really practice what they are being brainwashed with.

I can’t “take my life.” Too much at the spiritual stake for me. And no, I’m not talking about some hand me down beLIEf that I have about some “Devil” ready to “eat” me if I “commit suicide.” It still causes so much curiosity inside me how so many people can get suckered into a group think experiment to believe in the same thing, fight others over their beliefs, and need others to believe in their beliefs too or they are seen as “unworthy” or a “devil worshipper.”

I refused to be hypnotized with someone else’s thoughts.

Seems we are being heavily tricked. If I take my life, I’d probably end up right back here to do this “life” again. They have everyone thinking that they need to “reincarnate” to “learn lessons” for “growth” and “personal evolution” etc etc. Look, I know many religious businesses don’t believe in that “reincarnation” story. I’m thinking the Truth about our origins, what we are doing here, what this place is, etc, falls somewhere right in the middle/ in between the religious garbage and the “new age”/ new mental cage bullshit.

It’s not one or the other. Truth is the middle way— the hidden— yet, right under our noses.

1 year ago

I had some similar beliefs as you not that long ago. When the entire world feels like one giant mouse trap (in many ways it is) then of course ‘God’ has to be part of it because look how many Christians and Catholics there are.
If you study the material on this website you will begin to see there is a huge difference between The Word of God and the organized religions. Lucifer / Satan is a copycat usurper of everything good and Holy. All of the organized religions have been usurped and bastardized to keep the majority of people in the dark and on the wrong path. He allowed that because only those truly dedicated will see through those lies.
The Bible has been deeply encoded with the Truth of YHWH’s word – this was necessary so that when the time came we would come to see these encodings that light the way back to Wholeness and Strength and Power in the face of great evil.
444Gem understands these encodings and is helping us understand them as well.
If you are as open minded and searching for Truth as you claim to be, then don’t shut your mind down to the possibility that what I’ve said here could be True. 

1 year ago
Reply to  thekwon

I see through the illusion
(“lies”), even the religious one’s and the many books attached to them and I don’t believe nor do have to believe in any of it as Truth. I don’t need it nor want it. It gives the creepiest feelings.

Look how the spell has all of you pushing it as Truth and you also need everyone else to beLIEve in it, too. You’re like foot solders for lies which you’ve been made to beLIEve as Truth.

I prefer discussion with those who broke the spell/system of mind control via the use of the “Messiah” story.

Believing in that is part of a spell to bind your mind; to stop it from expanding. It’s a trap. You’re too scared and call what’s beyond your “Jesus” and “The Devil” story “witch craft”/ “sorcery”/ “black magic,” when you are the one caught in the incantation to stop your mind from going deeper and seeing the biggest trick in the book. You’ve outsourced your power away to someone else to “save” you. How sad.

I’ll keep questioning; the answers I’m seeking are not found in the Buy Bull(s**t)/“Bible.”

1 year ago

I imagine you are a practicing occultist already. I thought maybe were only thinking about dabbling in it.

1 year ago

You are delirious! Where did you see in my comment I suggested you to commit suicide? I quoted something in your repertoir: “ I want to get out of here” (you said) and I asked “what stops you?” ( not having a clue you talk about suicide. I thought you talked about leaving this site since it doesn’t provide you any satisfactory answer to your spiritual pursuit from us, the “stories- enslaved-sheep”

1 year ago
Reply to  Also aloo

Are you drunk?

1 year ago

I think I am going to vomit. I couldn’t even get through the article.

Can someone tell me what that symbol above the heads of the people in the video means?

1 year ago
Reply to  Confused

It represents those who are Illumined – the candle above Baphomet’s head.

They are also diamonds indicating a trauma based mind control state where those who are in the ‘diamond’ class are high end prostitutes for lucifer.

1 year ago
Reply to  thekwon

Thank you.

1 year ago
Reply to  Confused


The symbol of the conical diamond is often used to esoterically represent the shattering of a personality. This is often associated with MK Ultra mind kontrol programming and personality splitting.

In this case, it represents “passing the virus,” that is infecting the thoughts of the masses (aka the “cattle,”) as a form of mass indoctrination.

The scene where the “goddess,” (Lucifer as a female) makes eye contact with the guy at the cafe shows him then becoming ILL-lumined (as @thekwon pointed out,) and then becoming a cross dresser with a split personality. He then recites a well known alchemical mantra in Latin, of which only the last word is clearly audible “metallum.” This is a reference to the “great work,” of which the Luciferians plan to transmute the world into Lucifer’s image.

Behind him are many words written, and highlighted in red is “redesign existence.” While INANNA, the harlot of Babylon whose priests were transgender temple prostitutes, is to his left in two columns. This scene itself being an inversal and perversion of the writing on the wall that Daniel interpreted at Nebuchadnezzar’s court that foretold his destruction, and thus representing the writing on the wall for humanity.

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem

The video is titled Pass the Spark which indicates a virus like you said.

Can you elaborate on ‘the virus’ – by this I mean what does it actually entail to infect others with the ‘satanic mind virus’ @444gem

1 year ago
Reply to  thekwon


The spark ⚡️ Is of course a reference to igniting illumination, both in its physical and cognitive-spiritual manifestation. It is on one level, a reference to the spark that was made with flint to give control of fire to humanity by Prometheus, and this access to illuminating their camps/settlements, and access to thermal chemistry. I have with @JBL before discussed this regarding the Rishim (India)/ Perishim (Pharisees, for whom Paris is named…) the Fire sages whose name survives in English encoded as “Fire I sees.”

By way of this analogy, it references the spark which begins a chemical:alchemical reaction in a system, either through electrical conductance or thermal reactions. Without human controlled heat energy, smelting of metals that lead to mass warfare would have been impossible. This is detailed in Amos 7 regarding the terribly mistranslated “plumb line,” but for which the word hAnak, actually means tin, the metal mixed with copper in a furnace to make bronze weaponry. The passage uses the term 3-4 times eith variations which if you open the interlinear (highly recommended), you will see has the term “Shamanak,” referencing the fire sages (like Moses staring into the “bush,” Hassina with is Athena of “glowing eyes,”), and and Mat-Anak, meaning bringers of death/judgement (Mat still means to kill in Latin languages like matar in Spanish.)

That is why the son of Kain, called“Enoch,” aka ANAK (the tin man), are called the metal smelters, the fire priests, and the murderers throughout the scriptures, it is the same reference as in Amos 7, a now largely disregarded passage which is an excellent history lesson. They used the spark of seeing a tree lit on fire by lightning, to engage in these processes for their own temptations. Hence the name “Children of the Devil,” As Yeshua calls the Pharisees/Fire I Sees in John, which is actually the “Children of the Di-Hevel” Hevel being Abel and Di meaning “twin,” Kain being Hevel-Abel’s twin.

There is a heavy dose of hermeticism and reference to “emerald,” here through the green gem. I would direct you to look at the “emerald tablets,” which are a direct reference to the role of the (chloros Green) Osiris Stone in alchemical traditions, which we see spread throughout the world with Jade and Emerald used in Luciferian nobility tombs, a reference to the alchemical “transmutation,” of their soul from this realm.

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem


As always, tread carefully with Luciferian texts, and read the emerald tablets as if they are a thistle to distill. Some looking at the Arabic of the earliest versions is very helpful.

In the context of this commercial, it is of course the death of their soul, and awakening chloros, as the Green man. Thus here they are showing you how they are passing mass indoctrination to the world, such as the woman who is on the cake, making a cake, and then serving it to others whose emerald crystals, rebirthed, but shattered shards of their personality, taking control of their mental programming and thought processes.

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem

@thekwon @igageharleya

From the official video, clearly a representation of the dizziness of the spirals (think whirling dervish), and split personalities everywhere. The name of the singer is Anita, which means “little Anat.” Anat being another variation of theme on the ancient “queen of heaven/Great Mother,” figure.

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem

Cover says it all of the shards of her personality

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem

My understanding is each of these shards has a life of it’s own in a parallel dimension in the multi-verse that is still controlled by their handlers. Many shards are put into the secret space program some being sent to Mars (or Ceres an inhabited asteroid of Mars’) for example where there are around 10 million inhabitants living in underground cities (both human and alien) ?

1 year ago
Reply to  thekwon


1 year ago
Reply to  thekwon


There is a lot of misconception regarding personality splitting. This is a process of utilising programmable trauma response in order to create Manchuria candidates, highly controllable public figures, and ritual slaves.

It is not about splitting the same individual into different physical locations, but rather being able to maintain absolute and self-policed control over puppets.

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem

Yes, my understanding is they create amnesia walls thru specific traumas (lockboxes, if you like), then hide informational instructions and built-in cues to draw that aspect of the personality forward when they wish to activate whatever command(s) they programmed into that walled off portion of the personality.

Sometimes it’s a one-off (manchurian candidate) and sometimes it’s a “career” type aspect (beta and delta slaves). Sometimes they have one or more “trigger”/command(s) for predictable reactions to situations which may randomly repeat (if the primary personality is saying too much, this personality may step forward to override and intervene, etc).

1 year ago
Reply to  A E

@A E

This is a very good general description of the MK type programs that are floating around. If you ever happen to meet one of these people, it is highly disturbing to deal with.

A. E.
A. E.
1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem

I’ve seen it in limited action, they used to call it multiple personality disorder, but changed that to dissociative identity disorder years back. I’ve also seen videos when they switch alters. It is extremely unnerving and a lot of people intially think these people are faking to be weird or to creep people out but they are truly compartmentalized, separate personalities. Usually the “normal” front everyday personality has no idea himself anything is off and no memory of any events when a secondary alter has taken over.

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem

And musk supposedly a self made man with his family’s emerald mines. They are obsessed.

1 year ago
Reply to  marie


His father owned and ran one of the biggest operations of apartheid mines (see: slave labour) in South Africa. It should be no surprise they have moved to cobalt, slightly north in the condo, using again African slave labour, destroying The Congolese jungle, and putting so much heavy metal in the air and water, babies are routinely born bow-legged and severely deformed now.

They are a well known Fanaxian blood line, hence why his slave mother (a breeder from minor line), is so often shown doing symbols. The name “Elon Musk,” means “The Embodiment (Fruit of) of Osiris’ S***n.”

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem

Ok, I get that THAT is what *you* believe to be a “true” story, but why does this “Lucifer” / “Yeshua” narrative resonate with you out of all the other stories floating around to believe in? Why is having a “savior” needed in the story you believe in?

Why do people need to believe in a story about another being in order to be spiritually “free”? Are you powerless? You can’t do it yourself for yourself? You have to believe in another “man”/ idea/ thought that is not your own, but given (spoon fed) to you to chew on and you gulped it down as Truth and nothing but the Truth so you can have “salvation”?

Your belief in “Yeshua” “saves” you? From what? What are you so afraid of that someone else whom you believe needs to “save” you… save you from what?

See, to me, those concepts/constructs of “heaven” and “hell” seem to be symbolic of mental/mind states of consciousness. What we choose to beLIEve in can begin to create living hell and heaven in one’s mind, because beliefs shape our perceptions and when our emotions are also manipulated and we have never learned how to control them we get possessed (pulled in energetically by things/spiritual beings (“spirits”)) keeping them alive unknowingly through worshipping them as
something/someone out to “save them.”

Now, if we did know the power in being able to control one’s mind from being possessed by another mind/consciousness, we would not allow anything, anyone, any type of story to stick fully inside our minds willingly.

I just don’t give my consent to those stories. It just never seemed to be part of my “story”/ programming. I’m curious why we have such differing programs.

I’m working on unbinding my mind from the same old programming to stop my conscious from expanding and from going towards the “user access denied” areas. Those “hidden”/ Occult realms where they are demonized. Where everyone is afraid to go. I am trying to get out this incantation to bind my consciousness from going deeper than the story that *you• have consented to about some almighty “God,” “Jesus” / “Yeshua” and “the Devil”/ Satan/Lucifer. I rebuke ALL of it.

And why do so many who believe in that same thing want others so terribly to believe in it, as well?

Why are those who do not believe in that story about god, Jesus and the devil get called “demons” or seen as lesser than/ without the Truth?

For what it’s worth, I do see the “messiah”/“Jesus”/ story actually just recycled Egyptian mythology. I know there is Truth in all things and know to use discernment. Obviously, there is way more to all this beyond this “savior” story.

1 year ago

It goes further back than Egypt. Anyways why does it matter if you are set on your beliefs? genuinely curious here..

1 year ago
Reply to  marie

I have never been a pathologically obedient mind controlled slave to religious programming and I am not set on any beLIEf, as I have more questions than any spoon fed answer religious dogma/doctrine gives.

When I began this journey of discovery, what I found is that the mechanism which has been used – and still is being used – to drive these agendas, is the unsavory, unholy topic of religion and all the lies bound in book form that no one questions, and the manipulative God-imposters lurking behind the many branches of this despotic tree. 

We must be prepared to do the homework in order to discover our true human origins and the ongoing agenda of social control, which suppresses that ‘occulted’ (hidden) truth.  

1 year ago


It is important that you have realized the ruse of the Re-legions. The factories to make pawns for the lord of the light. However, you have fallen into the next trap: believing that all ancient scriptures contain what these wicked fools claim they do, and thus rejecting the tremendous wisdom, knowledge, and understanding provided therein.

If you are willing to do the homework to see The Truth of our origins and history, try reading the ‘Thirteen Monkeys,’ that I’ve posted here. It may help you see the magnificent Truth contained within the scriptures, that has been buried beneath tremendously devious superstition designed to capture the foolish, and drive away the clever, as yourself.

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem

Yes, I looked through the “Thirteen Monkeys” a few days ago and found many of your comments very similar to my own, however, you vainly clutch at the apron strings of worn-out dogma. Plus you need a “savior.” Why? What is this “Yeshua”/ “Jesus” “saving” you from? “Satan”? What does this “Satan” character represent to you that you are trying to avoid and need a belief in “Yeshua” to “save” you?

I would like to hear your thoughts on that. No one has answered that inquiry, which leads me to render that it is because of a pathological religious programming that went deep into your subconscious at some point in your life.

One must go back further than religion and their accompanying stories (dogma/doctrine) to find Truth. That is the starting point of the great reassessment we undertake in freeing ourselves from the burden of false knowledge. Freeing ourselves from unquestioned assumptions of truth. We need to get back to the roots of mankind, and in so doing, re-establish a direct and reciprocal relationship with nature and the universe, of which we are a part.

BeLIEvers are in groups; Seekers are alone.

Last edited 1 year ago by transmutethyself414
1 year ago


Any casual look through of Monkeys is not going to give you an idea of what is there. That you have the impression that I “clutch at the strings of dogma,” tells me you have not really read the series, but looked through a filter which pushes the rejection button instantly on anything that may resemble, even superficially, what has been touted as dogma by wicked Luciferians.

The series, and what I speak of, is usually vehemently hated and attacked by the indoctrinated followers of dogma, particularly Catal Licks and Eve-Angelics. Because it cuts through the twisted dogma perpetrated by these wicked fools.

You asked what Yeshua has saved us from; go back and a truly read Chapter VIII and the part regarding the body on the tree:

The message in the scriptures (I’m not including Saul of TarShish as scripture) is clear: It is the paths of the development of space and time, often known as “the tree of life,” or the “universal tree,” which Yeshua has altered inexorably. The third word of scriptures is Elohim, the word, much discussed and wholly misunderstood, means in Hebrew Elon: “The Tree,” and Heim: “Creation/The doors of the universe.” It refers to the very fractal nature of branching space and time, hence why Yeshua said the Kingdom of the COSMOS is like a mustard seed that starts so very small and becomes the largest of trees. The word itself in the alphanumerics of the Aryeh Yehudah language encodes Catalans Constant (Tile stacking of quantum objects that control statistical mechanics), The whitehead knot/hyperbolic octahedrons (the shape that controls general relativity), and borromean rings (the shape in stars that leads to the creation of all CArbon 12 that is the basis for our bodies.) It also encodes the days in a Solar year and how these mathematical constants, in combination with the tile stacking and the “speed” of light ensure the very existence of humanity as the tree or branching time unfolds. You don’t know these things because you have uniformly rejected the scriptures without having ever read the scriptures, but only the silly, dogmatic, and very twisted mistranslations that erase all of what I speak of here.

This relationship of Carbon-12 between the body and the earth’s composition, is why the scriptures say both that: the Adam (meaning humanity, blood, and clay, are male and female) are made of the dust of the earth, it is Carbon-12, of which most soil on earth is made up of, and that “YOU ARE ELOHIM.” Because the fundamental construction of the universe statistically guarantees your existence as its branches of form unfold.

This is the stuff the dogma lovers killed anyone for speaking for more than 1000 years, and which they still revile today.I’m not praying to baby Cheesus hoping he’s gonna make me rich and save me from the devil by magical transmutation of a waifer on a pedophiles hand.

What Yeshua has done, (read chapter X and look at the math) is to alter the course of the unfolding of the tree, which has been in a loop leading to humanity’s self destruction, to ensure that the Luciferians will not prevail in our destruction on the sixth day in this iteration. Indeed we are on the 6th day now of creation, when humanity is commanded to subdue the earth. Obviously we are at the point of concluding the command, taking co tell of the weather, biotechnology, nuclear energy, and AI, which is when we wipe ourselves out at the behest of the Tanninu, the “beasts out of the sea,” but which also means the Tannaim, “the repeaters.” 666… to repeat the sixth day over and over…

The scriptures are clear that only a small contingent of humanity, those with a heart for Truth, will survive the next Kata-Astro-Phi. It is Yeshua’s alteration of human history that guarantees this.

The dimensions of the “new earth,” given in Revelations are actually a relativistic equation describing the surface of a hyper cube which encodes the equations of the mass and gravitational movement of the galaxy’s and earth’s kinematic characteristics exactly as they are right now.

Let me know when I get to the dogmatic part.

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem

Thank you.

1 year ago

I stopped at the guy saying “anu nanu”. I don’t know what any of that means, but I’m sure there’s a LOT of weird illuminati messages throughout this weeeird video.

1 year ago

Everything is sexualized now. Why does this “Sims” ad have all this LGBTQ symbolism while a trans activist sings “We don’t make babies but we practice”?

Absolute degeneracy and glorification of promiscuity and debauchery.

1 year ago
Reply to  CeeTruth


In the middle of this commercial is a reference to the emerald tablets and hermetic alchemy.

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem

I didn’t catch it, timestamp? Also, it’s possible that building with the weathervane on top in the beginning is a church. They take what’s sacred and they pervert it.

1 year ago
Reply to  CeeTruth


The opening the weather vane simply shows that the rooster, which faces East to the rising sun is spun around backwards to face the setting sun. It is a reference to reversing the natural order of the universe, redesigning existence.

Regardless, there is nothing sacred about a church. The assembly (qahal) never was supposed to be held in an elaborate architectural design. Church = Kirk = Circ, like a circle, and like Cersei, the ringleader of a circus which lures its victims in with promises of nourishment and then turns them into donkeys…

Do you notice they are all wearing emeralds atop their heads? Or that a great number of luciferian emperors and priests have their tombs in the hues of emerald and Jade, a reference to the emerald man of Osiris, whose green corpse gives birth to flowers. Emerald represents a death and rebirth into the underworld, where the natural order os reversed… The direct hermetic alchemical reference is in the scene where the man at the cafe becomes a transgender. Listen closely to the Latin and translate it to Arabic (the last word is Anuna Metallum.)

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem


I want to give you a clue regarding the deeper alchemical meaning here:

The priest of Innana in front of the writing on the wall says “Anuna Metallum,” at the end. It is a conglomeration of the most ancient of the serpents tongue:

In Tamil it is:
அணுக மெட்டலும்
“Anuna Metallum” : Access Metal

In Arabic it is:
أننا متلوم
“Anana Metlum” : We Are to Blame

In Latin it is:
“An Una Metallum” : Another Metal

They believe in transmuting they word into Luci-Ferrus (Iron) image. The Solar Gold of Sol And the silver Bones of the goddess Mani, the Sun and the Moon. SOL-I-MANI.

1 year ago

She sings “we don’t make babies but we practice”?