
SATANIC TEMPLE hosting movie night

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Grift Tannen
Grift Tannen
1 year ago

Swee. Ferngully is a great movie. You started this by insisting on having Christian extra curriculars at schools. You made the rules so didn’t be upset when people you dislike play by them. You get to poach young minds, so do we.

1 year ago
Reply to  deletetheelite

This guy just wants to pick a fight, delete. He doesn’t actually want to debate with you about morality and philosophy, he’s just here to yank your chain. Don’t feed the trolls.

This is a great post! Never thought about it, but Fern Gully has tons of occultic stuff: fairies, Mother Nature (who needs to be saved at all costs), rock and roll, etc. Nice.

1 year ago
Reply to  Grift Tannen

The difference is, one preaches the blessings of God and His Spirit, selflessness and goodness, and the other preaches the worship of the ego, selfishness, free will over all consequence, and it glorifies sin.

So tell me, what’s wrong with Christian extra-curriculars when it’s clearly meant to instill good values in the youth?

Grift Tannen
Grift Tannen
1 year ago
Reply to  ceetruth

Christians are universally some of the worst, meanest and nastiest people I’ve ever met ( as VC shows daily ). There is no virtue or “good values” it’s about promoting a far right ideology masquerading as a religion.

You don’t know what “the other” is actually about, much like how you don’t know much about reality.

Religious clubs have freedom of assembly in public schools due to outcry from Christian groups. Satanists or any other religion has these same protections.

“Religious freedom” when used by you freaks is just code for Christian supremacy.

1 year ago
Reply to  Grift Tannen

Go away troll. Go start your own website about values you derive from some other source.

1 year ago
Reply to  Grift Tannen

go transgender, or get some estrogen, you’re lost regardless. I seem “mean
to you although I hope one day you wake up to the REAL truth.

1 year ago
Reply to  Grift Tannen

There are many calling themselves “Christian” on the side of “conservatism “ that are simply the enemy of The Way masquerading as angels of light, as Satan himself does. If you’re a plant attempting to draw out vitriol and hate, you’re doing your job well. I don’t take the bait. If instead you’re still living in bondage to sin and worship of self, you need Christ alone as he will save you from the wrath to come. Either way, I pray for you, and deliverance of your soul while there is time. So many equate the church (those few who are born again, purchased by the blood of Jesus/Yeshua, not buildings filled with people practicing man made traditions as the things of God/YHWH) with the world’s depicted vision of it. Rome was never of Christ, but a future preparatory measure for the Antichrist. This is a war that predates humanity and this creation. The end is in sight and drawing near. The omnipotent, omnipresent, omniscient Ruler of all offers forgiveness with the penalty already paid. Just believe in His finished work at the cross, and come into agreement with Him in repentance. Or continue in self professed wisdom and live forever in a prison without escape. You have a choice. Choose wisely.

1 year ago
Reply to  papazhan

Well said papazhan!

1 year ago
Reply to  Grift Tannen

Why do you hate God so much wayward child?

Airplane Clouds
Airplane Clouds
1 year ago
