
RFK, Jr: "So now, the same people who flooded the country with fentanyl hope to make additional billions on vaccines that will supposedly solve the problem they caused. This is a tried and true business model for Pharma. You can't make this stuff up"

Scientists create a vaccine for FENTANYL…

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1 year ago

I remember seeing them create and advertise a medicine to manage opioid addiction. It’s to help with withdraws I think but is it not even a real withdraw if you put other medicine in you and don’t feel very much of the sickness period.

1 year ago

This can’t work on principle because there is NO WAY to form the “antibodies” to opioids from the biochemical perspective. There are antidote substances to opioid effects (naltrexone, naloxone-narcan) but they work as an antagonists to opioid receptors (i.e. they reverse the effects of the opioids) but the concept of “antibodies to fentanyl” is either some gene-altering voodoo or outright nonsense.

1 year ago
Reply to  Anton

Remember the CDC recently changed their definition of the word “vaccine” so now the word is even more deceptive than it used to be; it never Truthfully meant what it was marketed to mean in the first place; now it’ll be used even more bizarrely. The only ‘immunity’ any vaccine has ever conferred to anyone is immunity from liability/accountability/responsibility for injuries, maimings, & deaths from use of those products to the profiteers at every level, from manufacturer to injector. All the benefits of injectable toxic soups have been privatized, and all the risks have been socialized, since the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act of 1986 was signed into law; SCOTUS affirmed vaccines are “unavoidably unsafe” 32 times in Brusewetiz vs Wyeth (2011), and the indemnity was upheld (2 judges dissented) .

There is so much obfuscation (fraud; outright nonsense) in their language… the literature is clarifying though; samples here:
“…Because of linked-epitope suppression ((aka Original Antigenic Sin; synonymous)), all children who were primed ((first exposure)) by DTaP vaccines will be more susceptible to pertussis throughout their lifetimes, and there is no easy way to decrease this increased lifetime susceptibility….” ~J.Cherry; UCLA ((paper linked within: ))

Here is a report on the official (FOIA receipts) linguistic sleight-of-hand, showing before & after wording –

The CDC did not, however, change their glossary definitions: “Vaccine. A suspension of live (usually attenuated) or inactivated microorganisms (e.g., bacteria or viruses) or fractions thereof administered to induce immunity and prevent infectious disease or its sequelae. Some vaccines contain highly defined antigens (e.g., the polysaccharide of Haemophilus influenzae type b or the surface antigen of hepatitis B); others have antigens that are complex or incompletely defined (e.g., Bordetella pertussis antigens or live, attenuated viruses). Top of Page
Page last reviewed:  March 15, 2022 ”
((screenshot that… if they read this VCLinks page they’ll change the glossary too))

now look up “con game” or “confidence trick” in wikipedia – or the dictionary.

An excellent report series – exquisitely referenced – on the essence of the industry, beginning with The Last Word on Snake Oil:

“Tried & True business model” is precisely correct; their model depicted by a cartoon is also precisely correct – it’s purely NON-reality.

1 year ago

Hegelian dialectic