REPTILIAN Christian Christ Violence punk band Cancer Christ performed more than just music on Thursday night. The band appeared at a Barroom Blitz event at Knucklehead Hollywood in Los Angeles a couple weeks ago.
What you are about to read, and see, is nothing more than Blasphemy and an in your face Satanic Ritual that is heralded as being Christian. There is NOTHING about this that is Christian!!
Note: There is NO SUCH thing as a “Christian Punk Band”, just as the is no such thing as a Christian witch!!
Exactly ! and there is no such thing as a Christian Freemason @ceetruth
Every bit of this is satanism! They are mocking God and
“God will not be mocked.”
Like Randall said, clearly these are impersonators who are making a mockery of God. They may claim to follow Jesus, but the Jesus they follow is Jesus in name only. He has put his own ideas over what Jesus is.
The blasphemy in the picture is all I need. No need for more specifics. It is easy to see. There is no need dissect further.
Matthew 7:15-25