
SpaceX Starlink Gets FCC Green Light For A Big New Feature (

“SpaceX’s Starlink satellite internet system has crossed a major authorization hurdle with the FCC, making way for a more versatile service in the near future.”

In the article, there is a picture of a box/package of starlink dish. It had the words “We Unite for Victory” & graphics that looked like a giant eye. 

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1 year ago

I (already using this, for now) had a suspicion after prayer that this could be the final piece needed for the mark of the beast to be fully implemented. This makes me even more solidified on this belief. King Jesus return getting closer and closer!

1 year ago
Reply to  PapaZhan

Same for me. Stay in prayer and in the Word. Be a light for Jesus in your corner of the world. I’m seeing a revival where I live. People are seeking Jesus. It is beautiful and we get to be a part of it. 🙌

1 year ago

Thanks for posting this.
The slogan is odd. “We Unite For Victory”
Victory over what? I read a couple years ago, that Elon wants his Starlink satellites to surround the earth. There was a graphic of the plan and it showed tens of thousands of starlinks encircling the earth, like a web or an intricate hive. I also read that astronomers are upset because there is already so much space junk, that it is becoming increasingly difficult to view heavenly bodies. I can only imagine all the ways these satellites could be used against us; weapons, surveillance and deception like Project Blue Beam.

1 year ago
Reply to  Aletheuo

Maybe they are going to use Project Blue Beam / HAARP to simulate an alien invasion and Space X will come up with a nice space shield project to protect all of Mankind, united into one world, for victory…