
New Zealand's Most Unusual Couple are Fighting to Defend Their Forbidden Love

New Zealand's Most Unusual Couple are Fighting to Defend Their Forbidden Love

My Father, My Lover (2009): For thirteen years Kiwi Sarah and Englishman Steve have been in love: for all intents in purposes they are a couple. Except Sarah and Steve are no ordinary couple - they are biological father and daughter. For similar stories, see: Does Science Hold the Secret to a Successful Relationship?

These agendas of the Masonic elites (multi-generational incest-based families) are easily explained through the Overton window:

The Overton Window is a concept that describes how ideas, once considered unthinkable or taboo, can gradually move into the realm of public acceptance and normalization. This process doesn’t happen overnight—it’s typically a long-term, strategic effort that shifts societal norms step by step.

To explain this in the context of controversial or extreme practices such as pedophilia, incest, b********y, cannibalism, human sacrifice, or other alleged elite agendas:

  1. Unthinkable Stage: Initially, these practices are universally condemned and considered morally unacceptable. At this stage, they are seen as abhorrent and are socially or legally prohibited.

  2. Radical Stage: Through small acts of exposure (e.g., provocative art, niche debates, or controversial media portrayals), the topic begins to surface in public discourse—not for acceptance, but as an academic or intellectual discussion point. People may start to ask, “Why is this so taboo?”

  3. Acceptable Stage: Advocates start reframing the discussion around these topics using euphemisms, empathy, or scientific arguments. For example, they might present them as psychological phenomena that deserve understanding rather than condemnation.

  4. Popular Stage: As the stigma begins to fade, media and influential figures introduce these practices as edgy, misunderstood, or “alternative lifestyles.” Content normalizing the topic becomes more widespread, potentially sparking debates and division, which are crucial to weaken public resistance.

  5. Policy Stage: Gradually, activists or lobbyists might push for legal or institutional changes, framing opposition as outdated, oppressive, or discriminatory. This stage can overlap with mass campaigns to reshape public perception of morality or ethics around the practice.

  6. Normalized Stage: Over time, the once-taboo practice becomes integrated into societal norms. Public outrage diminishes, as the majority of people have been desensitized or convinced that opposition is regressive or bigoted.

In this framework, the Overton Window highlights how carefully orchestrated shifts in public discourse and attitudes can lead to the acceptance of ideas that were once unimaginable. Critics argue that some elites, whether through media, politics, or culture, use this process to normalize behaviors that serve their own interests or ideologies, despite societal harm. Whether or not one believes in such agendas, the Overton Window demonstrates how influential ideas can evolve over time.

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1 month ago

You’ve got to be freaking kidding me 👿puke

1 month ago

Yes, I have noticed that the media has been used my entire life to make sin appealing. However, the consequences of sin are rarely shown in movies. For example, all of the so called heroes in Marvel movies are out there killing and destroying lives more often and more violently than the villians but they are made to look honorable for the murders that they commit. I could really could go on and on about how the media destroys people’s lives by distorting reality and the natural consequences of sin. God says don’t do something but then the media says that it is ok just like the snake said to eve.

1 month ago
Reply to  chek

This goes beyond spiritual consequences. It has severe genetic implications, creates social chaos, and leads to dysfunction in family relationships.

Besides that, this is considered a crime in both New Zealand and the United States. In some Luciferian families, there are cases of grooming and incestuous abuse that start at an early age. In some instances, children are subjected to abuse as infants, and the exploitation continues in the form of sexual relationships throughout their lives.

The Masonic Elite promote this harmful agenda because of their practices. Some of them f**k their children throughout their lives

1 month ago
Reply to  bright777

Demons can be passed from one person to another and one generation to another during sexual intercourse. The satanic families pass along demons to each other during sex in order to create a hive mind of demon possession.

1 month ago

She said why should we have to carry this stigma.
BECAUSE you are Father and Daughter.
They are living in a fairy tale world if they think this is OK

1 month ago
Reply to  DC

Check out the level of craziness and dysfunction in these families:

These elite families are extremely dysfunctional and twisted. Occultism is something that deeply corrupts people and humanity

1 month ago
Reply to  DC

This is the real nature of the occult elite and their seemingly inappropriate relationships with close relatives:

“Old news, but still horrifying: John Phillips f****d his daughter. Remember, if you will, that the Mamas and Papas’ songwriter’s daughter claims he kept her as a pseudo-consensual coke-and-heroin-addicted sex slave for about a decade starting in 1979, and ending when she aborted what she thought might be his baby. The irony, other than the fact that he was her father, is that he was – drumroll – one of the major architects of the sound of the Summer of Love and all that.”

Last edited 1 month ago by bright777
1 month ago

There is no way that is not two men. New Zealand presents: “The Satanic Inversion Normalization”

Manny O
Manny O
1 month ago

This is exactly what the elites have done in the case of homosexuality and transgenderism. Nowadays, there is a whole month dedicated to homosexual and transgender pride, without much public opposition. They are planning on doing the same thing to pedophilia. We need to beware and alert others.

1 month ago

There was an article by the sun or daily mail that spoke about a woman that slept with her cousin and had “amazing” sex.

Crazy. People are getting unhinged.