
Art study in english class

Montreal, Canada. Today, my son came home from his French private school telling me something that had upset him. His girlfriend, who is 16 like him, had a homework assignment to write for her English class: an art study on a painting of their choice among ten, all by the same artist, Kent Monkman. He shows me this painting that is among the choices, and tells me that all the paintings chosen by the teacher are of the same nature, equally shocking. I put emojis to publish it on the site, but the original painting can be seen on the artist’s website: Kent Monkman website

Not only is it incredibly perverse, but the theme of indigenous people is revolting! The author is apparently indigenous himself…
I reminded my son that during covid, teachers were fired just for saying on social media that “the vaccine is not good”…
For me, what this teacher is doing (she’s a woman btw) is very serious, and child abuse.
We thought about the best solution, my son and his girlfriend not wanting to get into trouble in their establishment. Finally, my son wrote an email to the psycho-social educator to make an appointment with her and warn her of the situation, in private. I hope she is not woke herself and that she will take the necessary measures to warn the management.
My son told me that the other students were not as shocked as he was, and it just made them laugh…
I am very proud of my son, he had the courage to act and above all he is neither desensitized nor put to sleep by this evil propaganda which specifically targets young people.

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4 days ago

This is so depraved. I hope Christ returns soon. Praying for the kids in this world. They are exposed to so much evil.

3 days ago
Reply to  6ei3


3 days ago
Reply to  musimorphose

With that Olympic opening we now see what France wants to teach children. Hate it. Thank you for the extra info!

3 days ago
Reply to  musimorphose

But she never stood up and so is an accomplice following orders.

3 days ago
Reply to  rick


2 days ago
Reply to  musimorphose

Is this happening at Stanislas?

4 days ago

Revelation 12:9 So down the great dragon was hurled, the original serpent, the one called Devil and Satan, who is misleading the entire inhabited earth; he was hurled down to the earth, and his angels were hurled down with him

4 days ago

The elite often harms its own children and is complicit in networks of pedophilia, which is why they go to great lengths to sexualize minors. Just take a look at the accounts of women like Cathy O’Brien.

Fed Up
Fed Up
4 days ago

Home school.

4 days ago
Reply to  Fed Up

I second your notion FedUp.
Musimorphose, I was one of those teachers you mentioned who spoke up about the COVID shots in 2021 to my students and faculty, and I was completely removed from my classroom for it as if the school administrators and Pfizer were one in the same organization.
Thank you for bringing to our attention the current goings-on inside this system that operates contrary to enlightenment.
Everyone pull your kids out of this hellhole yesterday.

3 days ago

Boy I sure miss the days when it was illegal for teachers to expose children to p*********y. What is the difference between this “art” and an old dirty magazine? Why not just let teachers create lesson plans around a couple of videos from pornhub? This Kent Monkman is just a perv who fantasizes about gay sex between indigenous Canadians and the RMP. He obviously gets off by painting his masturbatory aids and watching stupid people admire them. What a sick world we live in.

3 days ago

Those perverts get excited when they show sexual pictures to kids. They like it, just like a perv who exposes himself.

3 days ago

Why did people de ide in the past to trust in school, media, government…. did I say government? Are you really going to care about voting for MKamala ou MK Trump? Does anyone still believe they’re going to bring any change?

3 days ago

Sorry but that’s just nasty. Kids should not be looking at things like that especially at school. Gross.

3 days ago

Giving homoerotic art for analysis to 16 years olds is blatant sexual grooming and normalizing sexual deviant behavior in developing minds.

The teacher knew exactly what she was doing. The devils are out in full force.

Kudos to your son, a fine young man who stood up amongst thr naïve and immature.

Thank you for this contribution. Oh CANADA! 🫡

Last edited 3 days ago by rick
Antonia D
Antonia D
2 days ago

And they’re pushing the “indigenous” theme everywhere because it’s non-Western Civilization (which was formed by Christianity), and because it’s *pagan*.

2 days ago
Reply to  Antonia D

Did you not see the White cowboy in the p**n above?

2 days ago

I’m so used to looking for the one-eye sign on this site that I was only studying the obscuring circles and literally didn’t get what they were trying to cover up lol

1 day ago

Honestly would have been better for Europe with we had let the Germans win that war

1 day ago

This is insulting to indigenous people portraying they are having sex with same sex in heels and with animals!