
Alien civilizations were wiped out by global warming.

As you all know by now, there is an agenda being pushed onto society that is called “global warming.”  Through this fake crisis, the globalists are wanting total control of this planet’s environment.

I wont go into the details but this article just shows how desperate these pigs are pushing it.  It seems that scientists, through some sort of simulation have been able to recreate alien life and it keeps dying due to global warming.

From the article:

Where are all the aliens? They may be too busy dying from the same global crisis that we’re dealing with — that is, climate change.

In a new, yet-to-be-peer-reviewed study that was spotted by LiveScience, scientists conducted simulations to see just how long extraterrestrial civilizations could survive if they kept up similar rates of growing energy consumption to our own.

And it’s not looking good. They found that the aliens kept dying off within just 1,000 years because their planets would always get too hot to remain habitable. Not even totally switching to renewables changed their fates: their worlds would still slowly toast themselves to death, all the same.

So what do you guys think?


Scientists Simulate Alien Civilizations, Find They Keep Dying From Climate Change

What do you think?

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1 day ago

I actually loled from this one!

1 day ago
Reply to  Hunter

Thank God we have advanced so far in Science as this here!

Fed Up
Fed Up
1 day ago

I think it’s all BS.

23 hours ago

we don.t BYTE that!

17 hours ago

Seems to me a lot of “models” they run are bollocks.