
FLASHBACK: New Orleans unveils new statue after removing Robert E. Lee one.

The figure features a woman with a snake (boa?) wrapped around her.  Does this symbolize Eve in the garden of Eden?  These people take their satanic garbage and disguise it as art.

This comes some time after the Robert E. Lee statue was removed due to the BLM outcry.  So its obvious to me the BLM movement was a cover to remove this countries history and replace it with their nefarious garbage homage to idols.

Gee, I wonder what they will put where Robert E. Lee statue was (this new one sits at the foot of it).  Maybe they’ll put satan up there.

Note: it might have already been removed and was only there temporarily.


Simone Leigh Sculpture Replaces Robert E. Lee Statue In New Orleans

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3 hours ago

BLM supposedly practices satanic rituals so I am not surprised to see that their so called protests resulted in a depiction of what they worship.

2 hours ago
Reply to  checkers

Checkers I don’t understand why someone has given your comment a negative point value.
It is my opinion that if someone takes issue with something you have said, they should post their own comment to explain why they disagree.
I too have read about and heard the leaked recorded conversations between practicing witches inside the BLM organization.
So I’m not sure what aspect of your statement Checkers somebody had a problem with.