
Where do aborted babies go?

If you are wondering why those abortion rights have been fiercely encouraged, promoted and institutionalised by governements in cahoot with Big Pharma, this animation by Choice42 will provide you with a poignant explanation.

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2 months ago

Lord have mercy on us!

2 months ago

Everyone who has had a vaccine are infected with murdered babies. God sets before us life and death and we have chosen to inject ourselves with death. If we pray and ask God to forgive us and turn away from wickedness then he is faithful and just to forgive us for any of our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness because he love us.

2 months ago
Reply to  Michele

Did people choose to take the vaccines because there were dead babies in it? Or did people take them because they were misled with promises of cures, protection and freedom of mobility? Being victimized because of ignorance is not a sin. Victim blaming is a sin. Blame the oppressors, not the victims. The Truth shall set you free. Accusing others for something they didn’t do ( consciously choosing dead baby cells) is not from God and is not Godly either

2 months ago
Reply to  john

The word used for “sin” in Greek is αμαρτανω αμαρτια

The verb αμαρτανω (hamartano) means to miss in the sense of to miss a target, road or direction (not in the sense of missing a friend). It’s used a modest 43 times in the New Testament, but the primary noun αμαρτια (hamartia), meaning error (see below) occurs a whopping 174 times.

Source: Abarim publications dot com “sin” – Abarim are Hebrews who have translated and provided a full concordance for the New Testament.

Michelle is correct. Of course, if people were deceived they are forgiven, but consquences remain which must be dealt with as best we can. The time for arguing is past – now’s the time for humanity to band together and start to heal our myriad battle wounds and reject this monstrous system entirely.

2 months ago
Reply to  lgageharleya


2 months ago
Reply to  lgageharleya

Thank you for eloquently clarifying what I was trying to say. Yes, I meant that we suffer the consequences irregardless of whether we knew what was in the vaccines.
I was just trying to explain that God provides us with a way to overcome wickedness that we have chosen or that others have chosen for us.

2 months ago
Reply to  lgageharleya

It’s really hard to forgive the willfully ignorant, especially when they drop dead a year later, but I’m coming to terms with it

Confused 2
Confused 2
2 months ago
Reply to  LAZ

I know many, many people who have taken not only the original vaccines, but all the boosters, and they are still healthy. What give you the right to make false judgements like this?

2 months ago
Reply to  john

They weren’t told. The doctors, etc tried to keep this quiet. Even now they down play it.

2 months ago
Reply to  john

I don’t think she is blaming people – just pointing out the hidden dangers that were in these things

2 months ago
Reply to  Michele

Well I don’t know about you but I don’t want my kids to die from the Measles.

2 months ago
Reply to  Sherry

The bottom line is that nobody but the manufacturers knows what is in the vaccines. You don’t know if the vaccine will actually keep your kids from dying. In fact, some studies show that people vaccinated against measles died from measles. The vaccines could be poison but slapped with a vaccine label for all you know.

2 months ago
Reply to  Michele

There’s been plenty of independent studies of what’s in the Covid vax and none of them are good. Documentation shows big pharma and the fed lied through their teeth about testing. And to top it all off, the Supreme Court ruled that a vaccine must prevent a disease not just alleviate symptoms, which only a couple of basic vaccines fall under

2 months ago
Reply to  Sherry

Vaccines don’t do what you think they do. The government has used fear tactics to make us believe they have stopped a variety of illnesses, like polio and the measles, but researchers have found that these diseases were on the wane BEFORE the vaccines were even developed. Besides aborted fetal cells, vaccines contain many substances that are toxic to the body, and it no longer makes sense to me to inject poison into ourselves and our children in order to prevent disease. True health comes from the food you and your children ingest, avoiding toxins, and maintaining an active lifestyle. Start by reading “Dissolving Illusions” by Suzanne Humphries, or “Virus Mania” by Torsten Engelbrecht. Both are extremely well researched.

2 months ago

Oh my heart :(. Even though most of this info isn’t new to me, this video was hard to watch.

Antonia D
Antonia D
2 months ago

Horrific. We could each pledge to do more to bring down abortion and the culture of death, as well as to evangelize and bring the light of Christ against the unholy system that runs this planet. Even if it’s just a bit more, it will help. Jesus, forgive us, guide us, help us, and send the Holy Ghost to sanctify us! Mary & St. Joseph, pray for us!

2 months ago
Reply to  Antonia D

Mary and Joseph are dead and are not interceding for anyone. Jesus is our only intercesor. Please get out of the Roman Catholic Church. She’s the W***e of Babylon and has done much evil in our world. They kept the Bible and the true gospel out of people’s hands for 1,400 years. Her false doctrines will not save you. If you’re not RCC and I assumed forgive me. But you’re still deceived on dead people praying for you. Dead is dead.

2 months ago
Reply to  Kathleen

You are correct, Kathleen. Talking to dead people is necromancy which is absolutely forbidden in the Bible. Catholics do a lot of things that are forbidden in the Bible like praying to dead people, calling priests ‘father’, worshiping statues and idols, participating in repetitive rituals, praying to the queen of heaven, etc. I personally realized that there is something completely wrong with the catholic church when I personally witnessed people bowing down and worshipping the pope. The reason these posts get down voted by mindless bots is bc the catholic church is part of the synagogue of satan. William Schnoebelen attended catholic seminary before becoming a witch and satanist. He said that the priests in the seminary were teaching that Jesus was a magician and the Bible is a book of spells. Where would they get such an idea? Well the Bible never says that Peter a.k.a Simon was ever in Rome. However, Simon the Sorcerer a.k.a Peter was in Rome. Many believe that Simon twisted the scriptures into Gnosticism and founded the Catholic Church based on his babylonian Gnosticism. The sorcerer is allegedly the one buried in the Vatican:

Antonia D
Antonia D
2 months ago

I **highly** recommend the website LifeSiteNews for pro-life news, strategies, and also for news on Freemason / occultist New World Order (and the syncretistic New World Religion) stuff.

2 months ago

Satan and demons still receive human sacrifices every single day. The sorcerers just call it “healthcare”. The deceived pervert Christ’s words of love “this is My body given for you”, to the abominable self worship of “my body, my choice”. God, have mercy please and change as many as possible while there is still time.

2 months ago

Thank you so much for sharing this artistic representation of the horror we all know is one of the curses of our land that keeps Pharma’s engines running.
Can barely stomach it but I’ve got some relatives who need to consider these young innocent and defenseless humans who were ritualistically sacrificed to Satan through Sanger’s legacy.