
Elon Musk reveals the European Commission threatened Twitter to censor users

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3 months ago

Theatre. All of it. Disconnect and feel the grass beneath your feet. Do boring analogue stuff like gardening.

The more I hear this rubbish the more I see the beast. The beast is what we become when we look in the dark mirror.

3 months ago
Reply to  Rosey

Rosey, so right you are. I had a meet up with some former HS classmates to discuss our upcoming 35th reunion. None of us wanted to talk about any mainstream BS. We all said we don’t watch the news or listen to it because it’s all BS and nonsense.
The Beast system can only control us if we let it. We let it by listening, watching, and answering back or getting mad and trying to force it to stop. We are powerless over it, but it is also powerless over us.
Step outside, step away, and live in love and suddenly you realize none of it matters.

3 months ago
Reply to  realestatepup

Amen. It’s the only way to stay sane. And if you do come across it? Mock it and ridicule it. Learn a useful skill.

Caramella Arden
Caramella Arden
3 months ago

Musk is an evil vicious chimp. Everyone needs to stop using Twitter.

3 months ago

He sure does play his ordered role as ‘good cop’ to Bill Gates’ ‘bad cop’ well though, doesn’t he?
Many of my peers think he’s the bee’s knees.
He plays the hero personally saving free speech but he quietly DOES censor important tweets like the one from our military serviceman who was imprisoned and tortured for his very simple and legitimate choice to say no to the Covid shot when it was first mandated to weaken our military.
WE SEE YOU Elon, for the wolf in sheep’s clothing you really are.
I hope you dress up again in your Satan’s Knight Halloween costume you wore to your witch-mother’s ball when Jesus comes back. See how well that pentacled armor protects you then, you slimy poser.

3 months ago
Reply to  GatesSmasher

I honestly have never gotten this hero worship. He says one thing and does another. Judge on their actions not what they say. Poor poor Elon…not.

This whole thing with this rich list. Another utter lie. You think they’d let us know who has the real money. These monkeys are middle management at best. They are the faces we get to see. Like the politicians. The people we get to blame. We don’t ever really know who pulls the strings.