
Under oath, Fauci admits his social distancing and masking policies were arbitrarily made up

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3 months ago

I hope to one day happen upon Dork Fauci and his good money-buddy Billy Gee sitting at a bar in close proximity to a nearly endless supply of bottles that can be broken over their wicked heads.
Jesus help me, justice is Yours alone, but this is my recurring fantasy.
I appreciate a small handful of American politicians who have gone after Tony for his disgraceful torture of beagle puppies.
But meanwhile, nobody is responding to watch dog groups who have recorded that he has performed the same ”science” against human children who he has pulled out of the foster care system and had their records destroyed before leaving them blind, maimed, paralyzed or dead.
That’s right big Tony. We see you.
We know exactly what kind of money-grubbing deep scum you are.
You cry to Congress or our Senate about death threats against you?
It’s only because some citizens knew from day 1 you are a lying snake and we know what you are so pleased to do to puppies and human children as the entitled embodiment of science incarnate that you claim to be.
You filthy trash Darwin ape.
When your Creator comes at you with His perfect wrath, you will long for the death threats of the human peasants you’ve been crying about.

3 months ago
Reply to  GatesSmasher

Well said. I took dream of similar awful things happening to this worthless POS

3 months ago

I was in my doctors office and for some weird reason Fauci’s name came up, this was well over ten years ago and I have never seen my doctor get so irate and upset about someone. I think she worked for him for a short period and my normally calm and composed doctor had nothing but vile and hatred for him. I forget the details but I remember leaving thinking that Fauci was a dishonorable man. Turns out that my wife worked for him as a nurse at NIHbut never had interactions other than when they met she said he was incredibly arrogant.

3 months ago
Reply to  Brooks

I think Kary Mullis felt the same.

3 months ago
Reply to  Brooks

Wow Brooks! That sounds like too close for comfort.
I don’t doubt your wife’s description of that sorry excuse for a man in the slightest.
Is your doctor from your anecdote still practicing medicine today?
I would love to interview her about her experience in his department.

Airplane Clouds
Airplane Clouds
3 months ago

Everything’s a lie.