
National Fraternal Order of Police insignia

They are like an octopus, they have a slithery tentacle in everything.

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Shirley Temple
Shirley Temple
4 months ago

Check out the LA County Sheriff badge…

Last edited 4 months ago by Shirley Temple
Antonia D
Antonia D
4 months ago
Reply to  Shirley Temple

Do you mean the six pionted star & the ped* triangles with spirals? Or is there something else that I’m missing?

4 months ago

The checkered pattern smells like Freemasonry.

Police officers and those who carry guns will go to Hell. Ubani Kingsley Divine Revelation-The Time Is Over | Eternityrace

Then the angel said to him, Geoffrey, you are a murdererYou were worshiping God with gun in your hand. You served God, but you were police officer, you were carrying your gun about. Nobody who carries gun have a part in heaven, and nobody who belong to a force whether Police force, Army force, Navy force will enter heaven because they carry gun and their heart is filled with evil. They love killing and their camp is filled with human blood.

4 months ago

From what I understand, all police chiefs throughout the United States are freemasons. Sheriffs are elected by the public, however, police chiefs are selected for office by other freemasons.

4 months ago

driving into small towns… you always get those billboards that have all sorts of freemasonic / police logos. perhaps to let you know whose turf you’re on. lol. Clowns wearing aprons, lol.

4 months ago
Reply to  ibelieve

ps. if you look at the police HQ in Toronto… it’s riddled with masonic architecture/statues. There’s a chevron, beaver and winged disk on the police logo also. super obvious.

Antonia D
Antonia D
4 months ago
Reply to  ibelieve

What’s the chevron & the beaver? Thanjs for any info.

4 months ago

The all-seeing evil eye…if they arent already compromised before they join, they will be soon after the initiation.

4 months ago

If you want to know the cops where you live, talk to cops ex wives and ex girlfriends. You will soon learn how corrupt and hate filled many cops are. Cops are never your friend and enjoy ruining your life and will get promoted for it. Many are running drugs and prostitutes and are involved with nefarious things that would get you thrown in jail. As an FBI agent once told me if they didn’t have a badge they would be in jail.

4 months ago
Reply to  Brooks

I wonder how much of the child p**n on the dark web has been uploaded by the alphabet agencies…

4 months ago
Reply to  Brooks

When I was younger and used to do not so great things, I used to buy cocaine from an ex-FBI agent, who showed me his badge and told me stories about what he used to do for them that made me sick. I also used to buy heroin from a little old lady that used to get supplied from corrupt cops in a little AZ town that I won’t mention

Pointed critique
Pointed critique
4 months ago

The handshake logo immediately made me think of the cover art of the band Modest Mouse’s first major-label album, The Moon & Antarctica. If the ampersand is replaced with “And,” the album title The Moon And Antarctica has gematria of 666. This band’s original drummer was sacr1ficed by the numbers early last year, during the frenzy of orchestrated snuffings that occurs between Christmas and the Super Bowl every winter. (As the film This Is Spinal Tap joked about, drummers tend to be the most frequently sacrif1ced band member; ask Led Zeppelin, The Who, Lush, Hum, Foo Fighters, Pantera, and countless other bands. Def Leppard’s only had to give up an arm; blink-182’s had to survive a plane crash.)

The checkerboard pattern is a hallmark of Freemasonic lodges, specifically the flooring. It’s the simplest way they show their love of combining opposites. Also used esoterically in the Satanic motto “As above, so below.” Their obsession with eclipses ties in with this.

Crime-plagued New Orleans often leads the nation in homicide rate, and The Daily Mail recently named it the only U.S. city in the world’s top 15 deadliest by homicide rate. (11 of the top 15 were in Mexico.) Check out NOPD’s curious tradition of having its leader wear a specially-made badge with a single point on the bottom à la the Satanic pentagram:

I remember during Australia’s brutal Covid lockdowns, the cops who were assaulting & arresting people who dared to go to the beach had badges with a single point on the bottom. Definitely something to look into.

Very interesting thread:

A. E.
A. E.
4 months ago

Why are drummers the first to go, do you think? Is it that they don’t operate as much on sound frequency, so camp out in their baser levels? That seems too simplistic.

A. E.
A. E.
4 months ago
Reply to  A. E.

Meaning that their attributes make them more expendable…?

4 months ago

NFOP is the most successful spinoff of Freemasonary in North America. Hate them yet?