
AstraZeneca withdraws Covid vaccine after admitting it can cause rare blood clots (

Pharma giant says vaccine no longer being manufactured or supplied

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3 months ago

This, imo, is just a way for them to tap out legally before the true cull hits. Whether it’s for believability (these are the GOOD guys!) later (like we’re still supposed to trust this grpup.. ) or risk prevention (the people who are left willing and able to sue) dunno.

3 months ago
Reply to  lgageharleya

Yep, I think you’re spot on!

3 months ago

They left it out there for too long to do rampant damage.
This is weird – either they’re mitigating their image so they can continue to convince the die-hard holdouts that this is goodhearted people who made a tragic error, or they are callously hoping to avoid lawsuits (it would only take one).

3 months ago

Take a gander at the comments section. These absolute fools are STILL burying their heads in the sand!!! Can you even believe that? I have been practically screaming from the rafters for 4 years since this all started, and nobody listened. Now even when the companies themselves sheepishly admit to their crimes, they downplay it with BS statistics and the sheeple in the comments lap it up! “Please sir can I have some more?” comes to mind!
It is SO hard for me not to be overtaken by rage and feel like at this point the sleepers are just going to get what they deserve! If it weren’t for the insanity of these people accepting blatant lies from the jump, we wouldn’t be in this situation now where a huge percentage of the world pop will be dead or maimed within a few years, and they’re shedding their proteins everywhere and infecting the rest of us who didn’t comply! I don’t want to wish harm on anyone, I truly don’t. It’s just so hard to see people still CHOOSING to be absolutely retarded (sorry no other word for it).
The rest of us will pay the price. I weep for the youth who had this forced upon them and didn’t know any better… It all feels like a terrible fever dream.
As a final note, it strikes me that the numbers of dead and dying must be EXTREMELY high for any one of these corporations to come out and admit even a partial truth after years of lies! We will never know the true numbers of deaths from this vaccine, the greatest ‘conspiracy’ in human history.

The willfully ignorant know no bounds, they disgust me!

3 months ago
Reply to  Lee

I know it’s difficult, but we must have patience. It isn’t an “Us vs. Them” situation, when it comes to “Us vs. the Uninformed.”

It’s really not Us vs. Them at all. Take a look at the United States. From the time a child is about 5, they go to kindergarten. All of the children get taught the same things, in the same manner, in bland, sterile classrooms. Obey, obey, obey. Minimum asking of questions.

Fast forward a couple years, and they’re likely feeling some pressure to perform well in school. And the only way they’re told they can “rebel” is if they act disruptive and/or engage in useless behavior that only serves to make them “feel better.”

Whether it be video games, or chattering on social media, or binging TV, or drugs, it doesn’t really matter- the only “distractions” we are presented with are fundamentally useless.

We’ve been reared like cattle, those with power treat us like cattle, and those that are asleep have been lulled to dreamland ever since their youth.

I completely understand your frustration, truly. However, the ONLY way I’ve found out of our situation is by reconnecting with our Creator, understanding the value of individual human beings, and doing all we can to learn how to love and have compassion for even the most brutal, even the most ignorant.

Anyways. Much love to you, don’t give up. Not on yourself, not on people, not on our Creator.

The human struggle won’t be televised and it won’t be quite so glamorous as in the superhero films 🙂

But it’s far more important than we can possibly fathom

3 months ago
Reply to  Channah

Thank you Channah for the lovely and thoughtful words and sentiment. I agree with you wholeheartedly. It just feels sometimes like each passing day is another wave of insanity rolling over me. I have tried to be patient with people and understand their perspectives but seeing how many are still asleep to the most obvious things, is very disheartening.
I agree 100%, we all have value as human beings, and we all should be in touch with nature and the Creator, as you said. You are so right about the public school system. I went to public school from the early 2000s to mid 2010s. I can remember early on, I was always encouraged to read and learn at home .. I learned to read on my own at a very young age so I had an advantage in school starting out. The first few years of school, I’d say I felt more engaged and eager to learn, always wanting to make good grades and improve my understanding of the world around me.
But as time wore on I began to get disillusioned with the whole experience… Realizing by the start of middle school that I wasn’t actually learning anything useful beyond the most basic level. Being taught all year long to simply pass a very basic test at year’s end, forced to memorize answers to questions that held very little relevance to anything useful in real life. It was so clearly not about learning, but indoctrination. My grades began to suffer, not because I didn’t understand the material, but because I was not engaged at all and felt like a mere cog in a machine.
I know a lot of my peers who were intelligent and capable felt the same way. Many of the smartest and most humble people I knew in my school years had poor grades — some of them even being held back or flunking out. It was not because they were incapable, but because they, too, were disillusioned with the system.
I think ideally parents should take a more active role in teaching their children, encourage extracurricular activities and socialization, to create healthy and well-adjusted adults.
I see so many kids growing up today with high rates of anxiety and depression, and I know a huge part of it is because the school system has degraded even further since my time. This coupled with the social pressures and technology, as you said. Kids don’t spend enough time outside engaging with the physical world, and their peers. It’s all online echo chambers devoid of critical thought.
My hope is that parents will be able to do better for their children and of course, foster a love and appreciation for our Creator and our purpose here as human beings. We are meant to be the Earth’s shepherds, rather than merely existing here, plundering resources and each other’s spirits. I wish more people would have your mindset and reject the material desires holding them back from their full potentials.
Thank you again for the thoughtful reply, best wishes to you.

3 months ago

No matter how good I feel about not taking this crap, I’ll never feel good knowing what’s happening. Lost a buddy, another friend has lifelong heart issues… then there were the notsees who stopped talking to me. I wish the best for us all. It’s too much…they genocide our people. Try as we may have, we couldn’t stop em from trusting the “mad science”!

3 months ago
Reply to  Wowjustwow

So sorry for your loss and wishing the best to your afflicted friend. I also have friends and relatives who took part in this experiment out of fear. I resisted every step of the way, but most people I know were among the first in line… I worry about them daily but I just try to share detox information and hope they will listen this time around. Hoping the worst can be avoided.

3 months ago

Hmmm…why is Astrazenica pulling out of this investment now when it has been obvious for so long that these were causing “unusual” clots?
I wonder what else these murderers are currently working on in their labs marked by Baphomet’s loins?
I hear the (valid) anger in some of you posting here.
I completely understand but don’t let these villains twist you.
I have seen a number of people in my circles killed from these shots also.
I was excommunicated from my church in 2020 for telling them the truth about these shots.
This evil plot will take a toll on our hearts and minds if we let it fill us with unchecked wrath.
Our Creator will bring justice when His Son arrives back on the scene.
I think the Astrazenica shot was among the first whose victims were seeing evidence of Bluetooth signals emitting from their bodies.
Did they decide that a sufficient portion of Europe’s population are now transmitting these signals? Is that why they’re throwing in the towel?

3 months ago

I’m still waiting for an apology from my extended family for excluding me and my husband from the family Christmas because we refused to get the jab.

… still waiting …

Oh, and fyi, we are (ironically?) the only 2 family members, on both sides, who never actually got covid (coincidence?).

… 🦗 🦗 🦗 …

3 months ago
Reply to  Vievie

I’m right there with you. I have not seen my grandfather in over 4 years because he has remained a hermit throughout this process. Thankfully my grandmother has not been as agoraphobic, I have been able to see her, but she was fully onboard with him … Both staying home for so long.
I had immense pressure from family, particularly my mother. She was sending me fear mongering articles on a near daily basis at one point, urging me to get the vaccine. Finally after months of the onslaught, I just went off on her once and made it abundantly clear that I was not going to cave to the pressure.
Familial relationships have been damaged by this, and I spent every holiday alone for 2+ years. But I would rather be alone with my sanity intact, than have to mask up and social distance at Thanksgiving whilst hearing about politics and scare tactics the whole time.
I hope our families can see the light and have the humility to apologize for the way they have treated us! But I won’t hold my breath. Most of my family still believes the lies. The only one who got the vaccine and finally came around to my perspective, is my dad. He’s done with the whole thing but I worry everyday that it’s too late for him as he got a booster as well.

The strangest to me is my uncle. He’s very intelligent and always been into science, particularly chemistry, biology, and microbiology. Yet he fell for the lies hook, line, and sinker and I found out he recently got ANOTHER booster! He had health issues to begin with and was always frail even in youth. He actually almost died as a toddler due to an adverse reaction to a vaccine! I cannot wrap my mind around why he, of all people, continues to believe the lies. I guess some people are so deeply entrenched in this that it would be too terrifying to admit they’ve been lied to and damaged themselves irrevocably as a result.

3 months ago

There is no mpre money to make from it. They are busy working on the bird flu death jab.

3 months ago

Did you all notice the timing?
Google has just advertised the find my device functionality and there’s some comments here regarding the Bluetooth functionality of these shots

3 months ago

All the cheerleaders and shamers were wrong. My gut told me dont trust these quacks. They were pushing poison all along Bill Gates belongs in prison