
GHOSTS IN THE MACHINE: PSYWAR (Army recruiting video for psyops)

Notice the first thing they list as their action priorities is, “We can deceive”. 

The underlying messages, to include the cartoon footage, reinforce that this deception is their utmost priority, and they use the (true) cliche “The pen is mightier than the sword” – the truth is, the pen, with other measures of extreme coercion are mighty, indeed, but what gives any man/country that right over others? Do common men of any country fight with any understanding at all of what they’re actually involved in? What makes anyone watching believe that men who glorify this “invisible” deception won’t use it on them too? This is perfectly illustrating the mindset “by any means possible” and “for the greater good” – as defined by whom? 

We commons need to get wise. Don’t provide the machine with fodder and what happens to said machine…? We need to stop offering our lives on their altars of mass sacrifice, because war serves NO common men.

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5 months ago

Perfect example of a psyop? Demonstrations. This year? Israel-Palestine. Last year, trans rights. Year before, climate change. Year before that, George Floyd. In the 60s, the Vietnam War and the manufacturing of the counter culture. It’s a production company that always needs new material. It looks like an organic movement or outrage. As if there are just SO many people this passionate about social issues.

5 months ago

The bottom line for me is that the military organization is not honorable and the vast majority of individuals who serve in the military are not honorable. Lest we forget, Pat Tillman was murdered by his own people. The military is so completely imcompetent that I believe that the military kills its own people a lot more than we know. I believed this even before the so called commander in chief ordered the murder of his own troops with covid vaccinations.

5 months ago
Reply to  checkers

Yes. Thank you for saying it and telling the truth.

5 months ago

Most likely you wrote this post on a phone. That in itself is being tracked and monitored. In other words, you and I just gave them fodder.

5 months ago

@lgageharleya i would love to have the scene in 2:45 explained: the witch, the mirror, the clown turning white with long legs?

5 months ago
Reply to  Jumbo

Hi, @Jumbo. This is only my take, but the clown/long-legged ghost is an old character from Betty Boop cartoons prior to a directly resulting censorship (her cartoons pushed many envelopes for that time).. She was before my time, but if you read about it or watch the cartoons, Betty was young enough to be living at home with her parents, yet highly sexualized and often placed into lascivious and compromising positions by adults far older than she. All her cartoons have a dark, seedy undertone.

There is a Scottish prayer: “From ghoulies and ghosties and long-leggedy beasties and things that go bump in the night, Good Lord deliver us.” – how “long-leggedy beasties” might apply here, I don’t know but perhaps soneone does?

This, as well as many old cartoon images, reeks of mind control: the “witch” (handler) holding the mirror (these have all manner of occult applications) and stalking the black and white (polarized, divided mind riddled with contradictions) Clown (read all intended insults here). You can see at one point that the clown extends his hand forward yet his hand protrudes, upside-down and backwards, through the mirror the witch holds -as above, so below, but distorted through Lucifer’s hourglass.

It is only my opinion that the man applying clown makeup just prior alludes to the cosmic androgyne we see so prevalently in politics, entertainment, etc. This, flanking the cartoon with the ending caption: “We are everywhere” when discussing a “new type of warfare” is about as plain as they can get without outright stating it.

In reading about that clown/ghost character after you asked, I found enough info to make me believe he was intended to represent a “familiar” or aspect of Betty’s own split personas. The clown was an often companion of hers and one article stated that viewers felt “safe” when the clown accompanied Betty into her scariest adventures. I interpret this as the ghost also being an even deeper persona that comes out in certain stressful situations, but again, I haven’t watched her cartoons in depth and only one or two because they’re all grossy occultic and creepy. Very Masonic-secret society. I take the ghost to indicate complete dissociation -she’s “invisible”. To others, but also, practically, to herself, as she has given herself up into circumstances she can’t handle, although she thought initially she could. When the witch captures the clown and turns it into a ghost, the witch/handler has taken complete control.

As this is a recruiting video, we understand that the clown represents the overly self-impressed, smug, perhaps silly/naive personality which might be drawn to this type of career for the enjoyment of the mind games…but when the witch “captures” the clown, as a butterfly catcher might with his net, he turns into a ghost in the machine – he becomes a “sp👀k”, invisible in a mamner of speaking. But he also gives up himself to become a nonentity, which, if he is lost, leaves no mark nor tale to tell.

This is a lure, a promise of power over the commons, mystery and intrigue…all you have to do is give up who you are, follow orders unquestioningly, and have zero conscience. Or, believe fully in whatever it takes for the “greater good”. Same as the Luciferians always promise, just with the Army benefit package attached.

5 months ago
Reply to  lgageharleya

“…the overly self-impressed, smug, perhaps silly/naive personality which might be drawn to this type of career for the enjoyment of the mind games…”

They’re called Gammas and we live in a world full of them.

5 months ago
Reply to  lgageharleya

Thank you for yur explanation, really eye opening.

5 months ago

Having encountered some of these “ghosts” in the machine, I can tell you they are everywhere where they try to reform public opinion and are often bad actors. For people on Vigilent Links and VC, I’d say most are easily able to detect a ghost or a bad actor. When you really know a subject, debate them on an open forum, they can easily turn tail and suddenly stop debating. Sometimes moments later deleting whole accounts to slip away. Thanks for posting this! Keep your armor up everyone!

5 months ago

Could you explain the scene at 2:45, the witch, the mirror, the clown from black to white? Why is he getting long feet?

5 months ago

@ 1:18 – Russia invades Ukraine.
I saw this video about 10 years ago.