
Post-Modernists are the True Crazy Conspiracy Theorists

The “gendered labor market” is of course a result of men and women being very different and therefore seek out different paths. Women gravitate towards jobs that suit their natural inclinations to care and nurture, like child care and nursing as well as, still to some extent, actually performing their natural roles of being wives and mothers. Feminists have nothing but contempt for anything and everything female and believe that to be equal women need to usurp males and become more male while pushing men towards the, in the feminist view, inferior female roles. Feminists are anti-female and anti-male. Feminists want to push everyone towards some gray middle ground between the sexes to achieve what their warped minds perceive to be the way it was always supposed to be if not conspired against to create the “social construct” of opposite biological sexes.

This all stems from the deranged and fraudulent conspiracy theory of Post-Modernism, which posit that objective reality itself is an oppressive social construct (nefariously constructed by white men, of course) and that true reality is relative and subjective and can only be determined by “expert consensus.” This line of “thinking” is the main reason why deranged, baseless ideas and theories such as  Critical Race Theory, Critical Gender Theory or even Germ Theory have been able to gain such traction. The reason the deranged and baseless conspiracy theory of Post-Modernism was able to gain any traction was of course that it was created and marketed by the Globalist (Cabalist-Masonic) oligarchy, the true oppressors, enslavers and destroyers of all of mankind.

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5 months ago

There is so much more that can be done with this page. Who ever is picking post is missing the mark too often. Maybe that’s just me…

5 months ago
Reply to  Wowjustwow

you’re the only one missing the mark buddy

5 months ago
Reply to  Wowjustwow

Wow, and here I was just going to say how well this post was written, and spot on info. What content are you wanting to see? Why not contribute something, if you see an unmet opportunity? This forum is only as good as we make it, you know…

Last edited 5 months ago by vievie