
It's Plain to See Who is Actually in Charge of "Anti-Globalist" Hungary…

The staging shot of a stage of Hungary’s European Championship Rally. The timing of the massive geoegineering spraying at the same time and place as the international sporting event is hardly a coincidence and the having the staging shot pointed right at the toxic and climate sabotaging air tic-tac-toe makes that even clearer. They want us to see it, it’s a show of mockery of the ignorant masses and of contempt and dismissal towards the minority that’s aware.

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CJ Flintstone
CJ Flintstone
4 months ago

Baloney. Thousands of flights per day, there’s no way such an operation could be kept secret.

4 months ago
Reply to  CJ Flintstone

Stratospheric aerosol injection. I don’t think it is a secret – geo engineering is pretty accepted now. The idea of this is to create a fake albedo effect to combat the amount of heat the earth absorbs into the atmosphere. The poles already do it on their own.

It’s not contrails my friend. I live under a flight path and have watched contrails for over 29 years. Contrails fade.

Just look it up. In fact just look up. They’re woven almost and they’re appearing everywhere. You can watch them widen and taken a blue sky and make it hazy.

CJ Flintstone
CJ Flintstone
4 months ago
Reply to  Rosey

So what, is some secret ingredient being added to jet fuel? Or do airliners have auxiliary tanks for spraying that stuff?

Answer: no, and no.

4 months ago
Reply to  CJ Flintstone

Just illustrating to you my friend that these things do exist and governments are aware of them.

Go to Dubai and ask how the cloud seeding projects there have worked.

CJ Flintstone
CJ Flintstone
4 months ago
Reply to  Rosey

Well that stuff has to get into the upper atmosphere somehow. If not via commercial flights, then how? How?

4 months ago
Reply to  CJ Flintstone

Well it would seem Reading University were involved in the Dubai cloud seeding as the government there approved it.

I guess it’s win win. If it works great. If it fails we can blame it on climate change. And of course I guess the particulates will cause other issues down the line but we don’t have to worry about that today will be the attitude.

I guess all I’m saying is these things do exist and they are itching to try them. Whether this has been allowed covertly or not allowed at all…it would seem that some lines in the sand we had for such things are just being ignored wholesale. It is that that concerns me.

4 months ago
Reply to  flipthepyramid

I think you’ve completely misread what I was saying to the person I was originally responding to – forgive me as I can be overtly sarcastic but clearly I’m not being sarcastic enough here to illustrate – you are preaching to the converted. The poster I replied to was stating these things don’t exist and are simply contrails. I was saying otherwise. He was equating these things with ppl who could see it being nuts. I was just saying these aren’t flat earth theories but companies really exist that want to do this…and probably are with the assistance of governments.

To clarify I absolutely do not think this monstrosity is well intended. It is sometimes good to garner someone’s opinion before declaring what you think it is.

I was talking normie to a normie. Telling him to go and look.

CJ Flintstone
CJ Flintstone
4 months ago
Reply to  Rosey

You didn’t answer my question. How is this stuff getting into the atmosphere?

BTW where I live (San Francisco bay area) we never see those long lasting contrails. Why not? Are we exempt from the cloud seeding because we’re sufficiently woke here (LOL)? Or is it just a difference in humidity?

Don’t drink the kool-aid, it’s not good for you.

4 months ago

You can tell the 3lit3s want to spray pentagram 𖤐 patterns in the sky, but they know that’d be too blatant, so they’re doing these criss-crossing lines that come close to depicting pentagrams. I mean, there’s already an actual pentagram in the Washington, D.C. street grid (and there’s the Pentagon a few miles away), and a 6660” tall obelisk (Washington Monument), so I can’t really accuse our leaders of being bashful.
Some skeptics would naturally ask “Why would they poison us with aerial spray? They need us to work for them to generate money.” Nope. They simply print money via central banks. The U.S. is $35 trillion in debt despite the fact that they can print money.
I know this pic is allegedly from Hungary, but the technology seems to have been pioneered in the U.S. & U.K., which is why I brought up the U.S. govt.’s role. The aspiring world government has the same goals, regardless of continent.

4 months ago

@CJ Flintstone

CJ Flintstone
CJ Flintstone
4 months ago
Reply to  chud

So you think the airlines are spewing this crap into the upper atmosphere. Secret ingredients added to jet fuel (I wonder what Rolls Royce, GE, Pratt&Whitney would say about making their engines burn that unapproved stuff), or secret tanks in airliners filled secretly from secret stores at airports and everybody keeps the secret? Uh huh.

I’ve listened to the geoengineering watch radio show a few times. The dude is batsh!t crazy, which is too bad since some of his claims are probably true. I don’t bother with him anymore.

Alrighty then. Lucky for me I live in the SF bay area where none of this persistent contrail stuff is happening. Our sky is completely clear of those streaks. Why doesn’t it happen here? Isn’t it happening everywhere?

Last edited 4 months ago by CJ Flintstone