
Boeing whistleblower found dead in US (

Prior to his death, whistleblower John Barnett was testifying against Boeing over concerns about standards.

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5 months ago

Just watched a doc about this, f*****g alarming!

5 months ago

R.I.P. May God bless him for having stood for what was right.

5 months ago
Reply to  Ruth

Those who resist in ways which cause any real problems for the Talmudist-Masonic (Globalist) rulers are neutralized, in one way or another.

Lindbergh (baby kidnapping)

And of course countless others forgotten people, such as this brave man, who have resisted evil and payer the ultimate price for it.

The world is ruled by the real monsters behind the pretend ones in our history books and a lot of their crimes aren’t even told of and true villains are recast as good guys.

Just yesterday I read an article about (Globalist) Britain’s starvation genocide of 2 million Irish 1840-1845.

Queen Victoria’s chief economist is on record saying that the policies that caused the starvation (mass theft of food) “will kill no more than 1 million Irish in 1848 and that will scarcely be enough to do any good.”

Essayist Thomas Carlyle is recorded in history as being an “enlightened man” and said things like this:

“Ireland is like a half-starved rat that crosses the path of an elephant. What must the elephant do? Squelch it — by heavens — squelch it.”

Another journalist and newspaper editor who tried to spread the word about the genocide was sentenced to 18 years hard labor.

That’s how it works, good guys get taken out or severely punished and evil ones are rewarded and venerated. Because the rulers of the world are evil incarnate and do nothing but evil. They are supremacists who see humanity as merely resources, mere cattle or work animals or toys who exist only for their profit and/or enjoyment, to be used, abused or destroyed as they wish. Committing genocide, as they wish or see fit, is like exterminating rats to them.

Individual influential dissenting voices are all squelched, the only chance for liberation we have is if large enough numbers awaken and actively spread the truth that it becomes unmanageable for them.

Last edited 5 months ago by flipthepyramid
5 months ago
Reply to  flipthepyramid

Evil people are definitely a special kind of a mental case.

Somehow they feel that exposing their evil even by just a bit, is a much worse offense than the terrible things they do behind the scenes.

I never understood why Adam and Eve ran away from God in the garden of Eden for something I thought was a trifling reason but now I think I do.

It’s the same spirit that drives these people to kill someone for reasons not worth taking a life for.

Imagine, they destroyed and cut short a life because they didn’t want to be ashamed and to lose money.

Idk how they think they are going to make it through judgement day.

Their transhumanism nonsense exposes the depths of their delusions of grandeur.

5 months ago
Reply to  Ruth

Well, they don’t see it as evil. They see morals, ethics, compassion and conscience as well as belief in God as social constructs or legacy human features which hold us back and keeps us from progress and success, Being devoid of such “primitive” and “evolutionarily unfavorable” features, they see themselves as being more evolved than regular human beings and therefore as superior (and also for being “chosen ones,” among those part of that clan which is behind it all, the Talmudists/Cabalists.)

In their psychotic, narcissistic and supremacist minds, doing evil is the most logical and rational way forward to success and progress. Killing other humans or groups of humans which get in the way (or just for enjoyment even) is to them good and evolved behavior as humans are, to them, merely soulless beasts; just intelligent predators created by chance and killing (and/or tormenting and degrading) people is just them being and acting as the top alpha predators.

Their disadvantage is that there are many more of us lower tier, “primitive” humans who still have objective, Godly, morals and ethics and who still have conscience and compassion and who therefore want our countries and our world run in accordance with what is morally right and just and have leaders in politics and society who espouses such values. The general public would rise up and take don’t these freaks at the top if they knew what they were really like and what they do and therefore the illusion of our societies being run in virtuous and just ways and our leaders adhering to such values has to be maintained. This is done by higher education, the news media and Hollywood as well as by a number of powerful foundations. These have worked and work together to establish and maintain this illusion, writing and rewriting history in ways that make our rulers and leaders appear to be the good guys; hiding, justifying or minimizing their evil deeds or deflecting blame and guilt for it to others (for example like blaming their genocide of Native Americans, their Colonialism and their Transatlantic Slave Trade on white people.)

5 months ago
Reply to  flipthepyramid

As well as creating fictitious dangerous, evil enemies to excuse whatever evil actions they wish to take as “necessary evil” and “for the greater good.” Like how they created and established Bolshevikism/Communism, Nazism and “Radical Islamism” (which the Globalists created in and launched from British controlled Saudi Arabia in the 19th century.)

5 months ago

I’ve seen a lot about this today. He was exposing a lot of safety and engineering concerns. He was speakimg of a team of safety control and found over 300 defects on a single plane being built. Most of that crew was then let go and replaced, then applauded by their superiors for coming back with only 50 defects. Only they were only allowed a few hours to inspect the plane and then made to leave. They didn’t search the entire plane.

Brett Cooper did an episode about this as well. She was showcasing a few videos of some of the defects in “action”. Landing gear and wheels falling off mid-takeoff and landing on cars in the parking lot, an escape door flying off mid-flight, an engine catching fire mid-flight, and others. She also spotlighted that flights are now being filtered to not fly on Boeing planes.

The entire situation seems fishy and there’s a lot more levels to this, I belive.

5 months ago

As the Globalists are planning to decimate commercial air travel in just a few years time, I would assume it’s done on purpose to create more accidents so as to make air travel unsafe. Same with the danger created by vaxxed pilots. They are, for instance, planning to reduce the number of airports in the UK by 2030 to just 3 , just a small fraction of the current number, so they need to sabotage air travel extensively to get there. Perhaps they are looking to create a situation where air travel must be closed down for “public safety.” They don’t even have to announce it being due to defects or dying pilots, they could just blame it on Russia or even on extreme weather conditions due to “climate change” (which they can and do create through geoengineering.)

Last edited 5 months ago by flipthepyramid
5 months ago
Reply to  flipthepyramid

I agree. This is a promo piece to propagate fear of flying. There will be several plane crashes — all of which will be fake — over the coming 2-3 years. Airport security will become even more invasive and cumbersome. The “news” will abound with these fake plane-crash reports, complete with fake stories of the fake victims. Compound that with the “air travel is worse than we thought for the environment” bullshit stories that they are writing behind closed doors as I type this comment. We cannot let them decide our fate! We must resist their fake fear campaigns!

5 months ago
Reply to  Sharine

Right you are, Sharine. The people in charge no longer want the filthy masses flying in their sky. They will make flying so difficult, scary, or prohibitive that we will not use air travel. They are not above faking stuff to achieve that end. The news media is their accomplice in such efforts. Did this guy really commit suicide? I don’t have enough info on his case, but has exposed a lot of faked deaths in the past.

5 months ago


5 months ago

Intredasting … he was going to cost BOEING a lot of money.

5 months ago

Is BOEING trying to kill people? Why all of a sudden a flurry of defects putting people at risk?