
Will we have a nuclear catastrophe before the elections?

Tension between NATO and Russia is hitting a boiling point.  NATO has just secured certification for the F35A Joint Strike Fighter to carry the “B61-12 thermonuclear gravity bomb”.  

From the article:

“This F-35 Nuclear Certification effort culminates 10+ years of intense effort across the nuclear enterprise, which consists of 16 different government and industry stakeholders.”

“The F-35A achieved Nuclear Certification ahead of schedule, providing US and NATO with a critical capability that supports US extended deterrence commitments earlier than anticipated.”

This comes after Sweden successfully joins NATO after decades of declaring itself neutral.

The conflict is heating up and makes me wonder … will we have a nuclear catastrophe on or near the elections?  Elections suspended?

God have mercy on us all.


NATO fighter jets get green light to carry nukes as tension with Russia soars

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7 months ago

The New Cold War is a charade, just like the previous one. Meant to scare us into mindless submission and distract us from our true, common, enemies. As well as to scare us into accepting or even requesting faux-protective but actually tyrannical measures.

The Soviet Union was enabled by Globalist bankers, through their Bolshevik revolution/genocide and established and continually funded by means of US tax dollars.

Modern Russia emerged after the Globalists arbitrarily ended the Soviet Union and looted all its assets (how the “Russian” (actually Talmudic Jewish) oligarchs came to be.) Russia and all its means of power has since remained under their control. Putin is their agent, a puppet and an actor playing the role of savior and protector of Russia and antagonist and threat to the West, just like Hitler was and did.

Putin is at least part Jewish, records show and he has had ties with the WEF. Putin allowed the Globalist Central Bankers to “freeze” (steal) all of Russias Central Bank assets despite having both plenty of time and ability to claim it for Russia before that happened. The oil and natural gas resources of Russia are managed by Rothschild-owned companies. Putin sends wave after wave of Russians to die in Ukraine for nothing, when he could have launched a full scale assault right away and taken the Ukraine with minimal causalities.

Last edited 7 months ago by flipthepyramid
7 months ago
Reply to  flipthepyramid

A bit of background on “the Cold War.”

7 months ago

Nuclear equipped jets are nothing new. Dad flew one in Germany in the early 70’s. What is troubling is how rabid the ruling foreign elites are at warmongering

7 months ago
Reply to  Laz

It was the same elites and they were just as warmongering back then. The difference is now they’re warmongering is geared towards turning the new cold war charade towards becoming a hot one, whilst they previously kept the warmongering (and genocides) to far off lands in South East Asia and kept the cold war charade cold through the MAD psy-op and having the US play a “good guys striving for peace and reconciliation” role (while actually doing nothing but evil.) Now they have such control over the flow of information and the masses so dumbed down and hypnotised that they can be blantantly warmongering and still be perceived as “the good guys.”

I fear the enrollment of Sweden and Finland in NATO, as well as the Ukraine war charade is setting the stage for turning the new cold war into a hot one. There are many ways it could play out. They could have their puppet Putin react with pre-emptive action towards Finland and Sweden over joining NATO and thereby putting Russia’s (fake) enemy military alliance on Russia’s doorstep and becoming a massive security risk to Russia. They could also have Russia invade more countries and/or have Russia commit more and more horrific atrocities to sell Westerners on the necessity taking them down and then invade.

randall hewgley
randall hewgley
7 months ago

I seriously doubt the election will take place.
In order for the NWO to take place the US and dollar have to be destroyed. The rest of the world will fall in line. Trump is also controlled.
Most likely the US is mystery babylon and will get nuked but mainly on the coasts. China wants the farmland in the center of the country.

Antonia D
Antonia D
7 months ago

I don’t think elections matter at all… the top candidates (at national, state, big city, & probably medium-sized city levels) are *all* controlled / in on it. The Republican vs Democrat political struggle is a puppet show, two steps forward and one step back on the elites’ occultist agenda. Meanwhile, they change society through movies, music, games, education, big sports, food supply alterations, medical interventions (especially recently), probably chemical poisons, etc.

See Dave McGowan (Center for an Informed America) on how the hippie / 60s rebellion movement was manufactured by the elites, on 9/11, and on the fake moon landings. See James Perloff (blog under his name) for many great articles & books, for ex: how the false doctrine of “the rapture” was invented by the elites (“War on Christianity Part 2”).

Most Precious Blood of Jesus Christ, save us and the whole world. Mary & Joseph, pray for us.

7 months ago
Reply to  Antonia D

You can have no power without means of power. The means of power have been in the hands of a small Cabal or oligarchy of finance and state elites since hundreds of years. The means of power, other than – nominally – those belonging to the state – do not change hands through election results. Those with the means of power are also the only ones with the ability to decide what candidates and options people have to choose between and they also control the institutions (higher education, foundations, think tanks, news and entertainment media, now including even local news) which control what people are taught and told and what people see and hear (or not) and thus control how people think and feel and what they believe and thus also how they vote.

The means of power have not shifted hands for hundreds of years other than more and more of it shifting to them. And that includes Russia and China, as they took them over through Bolshevik/Communist revolutions/genocides and has never let them go or lost them since. Research who financed and orchestrated these events and you’ll find it was them (and no one else would have been able to, same with Nazism.)

Without the means of power being spread to at least two different distinct factions, politics can be no more than theater. And true democracy is only possible if the means of power are in the hands of the common man.

7 months ago
Reply to  Antonia D

Absolutely. I discovered Center for an Informed America years ago and it was life-changing. I always suspected the information we are given in schools was false but I had no idea how deep the rabbit hole went. That website was super detailed and informative and exposed so many of the lies, connected the dots in ways that can’t be denied. Glad to see another person aware of it and sharing with others.

Antonia D
Antonia D
7 months ago

Great article on origins of the Illuminati & Freemasons, and how the good guys inside the Catholic Church were fighting them:

There are bad guys in the Church, but they used to be the exception.

7 months ago
Reply to  Antonia D

The Catholic Church may have been good and it has fought Freemasonry in the past but it has long been usurped by the Talmudists. It was infiltrated and taken over by their crypto-Talmudist cult of Jesuitism.

7 months ago

There was a discussion about the Ukraine war recently on Zerohedge and one of the two panelists said that current thinking puts the odds of nuclear war now as high as 50/50. I’d put money on Ukraine/Russia/Nato as the 75% certainty. Although there is a chance we see a nuclear armed Iran going head to head with Israel. Or possibly North Korea, South Korea and Japan at war.

Putin himself even alluded to the Luceferian cabal running the elites in the West and how it is a sign of the rot having set in and the inevitable demise of the West. Believe me when I say Putin is a religious man and he will have all the intelligence on what’s going on in the corridors of power in the West and how bad the corruption has become.

I keep seeing punters and commentators swearing blind Putin is bluffing about the use of nuclear weapons and on that basis it’s okay to push back against Russia and cross their red lines. Several of those lines have already been crossed btw … Putin has been quite clear that Ukraine retaking the Donbas and Crimea will result in all out war. He’s also been very clear he will not be nuking Ukraine. He’ll be nuking all Ukraine’s accomplices.

If you want to point any kind of finger I’d blame in all this then I suggest you read up on what Victoria Nuland has been doing the last couple of decades. If you ask me, she should be held accountable in a court of law for bringing us all to the brink of nuclear annihilation.

Charles Nenner says the war cycle is up and has predicted we’d have a global war this year – 2024. He’s now revised that to 2025. Which buys those of us making preparations a little more time (a good thing). Nenner says he believes 2 billion will perish by the end of this coming war cycle. That’s a quarter of all the people on the planet. It has to be a nuclear war with those numbers.

If you read up on the Fourth Turning, we are in the climax of that. Much turmoil, large swathes of humanity collectively losing their minds, bizarre behaviour, aggression and violence all round. Culminating in a massive war in the peak years of the Fourth Turning. This is cyclical and happens every 80-100 years. The last one culminated in the First and Second World Wars. Before that, it was the time around the American and French revolutions.

You need to be prepared for any and all outcomes. The situation is precarious and not looking good. Things will be somewhat better with a Trump presidency – Nenner says winter is coming and Trump will be the winter coat – but unfortunately the inevitability of what is about to occur is pretty much a given right now. Too many psychopaths have been handed the reins of power and are dangerously abusing it for all to see.

Get right with your families, friends, colleagues, neighbours and with God. A day of reckoning is soon.

7 months ago

No, because this isn’t real. There are bombs but there’s no such thing as nuclear catastrophes or the power to end the world. All a lie.

7 months ago
Reply to  Italics

I think you’ve seen this then?

The situation is, they don’t have or have weapons they don’t know how/can’t use for whatever reason. They have ancient tech but clearly it won’t work for them properly or they won’t use (it maybe they made some deal).
Keep digging. We need to get down with a toothbrush and razor blade if needed. The truth will be confusing but eventually it will all make sense hopefully. All I know is we need to question everything, the see eye aye told us they aren’t successful until everything we believe is a lie. Their biggest tools were the education system/media/gov and money system. They present absurd things generation after generation until we don’t question anything. This needs to stop. We need to demand the truth, demand anyone in lead positions or with power operate with honor or be punished severely.

7 months ago
Reply to  marie

They will use their green lasers of death though. Just paint your roofs blue, get some blue tarps.

6 months ago
Reply to  rick

Nope, pretty sure we don’t and we didn’t. There’s pretty compelling evidence that Nagasaki and Hiroshima were firebombed. Why is Chernobyl thriving now? Where’s that horrific nuclear fallout we’ve all been terrorized about? Agent Orange seems to have worse effects.

Anonymous Rose
Anonymous Rose
7 months ago

I doubt anything happening, as far as I know doom scrolling isn’t helping anyone. Recently someone who was obsessed with stuff like this drove themselves mad to major anxiety and depression…fear mongering isn’t healthy and it’s not doing anyone good. Strangely enough I’m questioning the motives with a few sites as well since I started noticing some also falling down the rabbit hole. I leave it in Gods hands there is nothing you can do anyways about what is happening in the world and just live your life the best you can. If Jesus or God wanted this world to be done with it would have, but in current events it’s a spiritual war so people should just be doing right the best they can .