
The End Times are Planned (Thirteen Monkeys Pt II)

This post is the next in series after:

1. Elite Changes Oscars Mall to OVATION

2. The End Times are Planned (Thirteen Monkeys Pt I)

We left off with the conclusions:

1. The Film 12 Monkeys from 1994 proves the Transnational oligarchy had the details of COVID-19, including the  origin of the virus (Bat/Human Corona Chimera), Astroworld satanic sacrifice, COVID cages, forced vaccinations and mental enslavement fully planned going back to at least 1994.

2. The oligarchy had the details of the so called new economic paradigm, “Happytalism” planned since 1994, and that Happytalism is indeed a ritual satanic rite meant to enslave the people in return for food and basic necessities.

3. The “vaccines” contain toxic Reduced Graphene Oxide/Graphene Hydroxide read/write nanosenors, and how this, in connection with Bill Gates patent WO-2020-060606 filed on 3/26/2020, is designed to create a globalized monetary system where real-time bio monitoring is linked to digital wallets (you shall not buy or sell without the mark of the beast, or the number of his name.)

We have a general plan of the oligarchies main goals, and now, it is time to discuss the occult meanings behind all of this, as it is seen by the Satanists. This is meant to inform the public, the tribulation saints, as it will help you navigate the waters during this time of tribulation. It may be hard to swallow, but I promise you I speak the unadulterated truth, at my own great peril, to free you from The Truman Show they have put you in. These truths were meant to help humankind attain enlightenment, but instead have been co-opted and hidden away by the oligarchy so as to enslave the people. Remember, they take every symbol and knowledge meant to enlighten, then hoard and blaspheme it so as to try and usurp it’s power, including the false name they have let the public believe represents them, The Illuminati (The Enlightened).

As there are strict character limits, I will hyperlink to everything with the red text, so that you can look deeper into things if you wish.

This poster is for the heavily advertised new teen drama Naomi:


There is a cartoon version of Electromagnetic radiation flowing into her arm, at the sight of vaccination, and they state “Don’t believe Everything you Think” This is classic predictive programming, readying the vaccinated masses to subconsciously accept the implanted thoughts that are slowly infiltrating their minds now. The phrase originates from Robert Fulghum a “Universalist” Minister (see: one world religion), and the author of All I Really Need to Know I Learned in Kindergarten, a manifesto on dumbing down the masses to 5 year old intelligence for better compliance.

Google put that up on their desktop home page. They are blatantly stating that they have injected transmitters into people that are now “online.” Going further into the meanings it becomes blood chilling:

Chai (Hebrew symbol) = The Living

Chi (Greek khiazein) =  To Mark with an X

Pi/Pe =  Mouth

Psi =  The Body and Soul

Upsilon/Vav (Hebrew) = Hook/Peg

Sin (Phoenician)/Dalet (Hebrew) = The Door/Sin

Ayin = The Eye

Heart Shape = the symbol for Sylphium, an ancient contraceptive for which the recipe remains unknown to this day

Vaccine = Vaccinae = Cows/Cattle

The living are marked with an X on their mouths (masked), and thus their body and souls are hooked/pegged (jabbed) with sin, opening the door for the EYE’s SECRET CONTRACEPTIVE for the Cattle.

Yes, this is an admission that they have put sensors in your blood to mine your bio data/control your mind, and sterilize you. Ozone Therapy and Pine Needles can help, time is running short (you have until July 29, 2023 before your thoughts won’t be your own.)

Are you wondering why the oligarchy tells you all of this and embeds it into your subconscious? Why don’t they hide it? Let’s go back to 2016, a fertile time for the predictive programming of Covid-19. It was the start of the Great Trumpian Distraction: a game for the masses with petty Us versus Them political bickering (Social Media shouting matches) over the latest thing said by a bellicose billionaire, while they set the final preparations in motion for COVID-19 launch. (I am not American, nor political. The fact is, Trump’s signatures are on the Operation Warp Speed contracts that authorized this global eugenics program we are now living, and Puppet Biden continues authorizing.)

The 2016 Black Mirror Episode Men Against Fire, is an exact foretelling of the 2020’s: A world with a global eugenics operation resulting in mass global poverty and starvation, where soldiers have chips implanted in their brains (see Nueralink) that alter their perceptions so that they see people with inferior genetics, aka the Unvaccinated, as non-human “Roaches.” One soldier’s chip malfunctions, and he then realizes he has been duped into killing innocents. He is brought into an isolation room and told the truth before being reinserted in the brainwashing system with his memory erased:

Suffice it to say, his consent was not informed, and this is an allegory for why the oligarchy spends trillions of dollars devising ways to reveal all of their plans in a manner of “hiding in plain sight,” so that the masses subconsciously consent to and accept their fate, their Truman Show (and demise.)


These are the two pillars of Freemasonry, the pillars they say hold up the sky (As Atlas does), the Pillars of Boaz and Jachin.

More importantly these are the pillars that held up Solomon’s Temple, constructed in ~950 BCE, the same year claimed to be the founding of Freemasonry (and the gematria of OVATION). 

This is the temple where the ark of the covenant was finally brought back into operation to conduct EM fields, hundreds of year after it’s removal from Egypt by Moses. The ark is a Piezoelectric transducer invented and operated by the Aryeh Yehudah/the real Jews (not the despicable R0th$chi1ds or Car10s S1im or Am@ncio 0rteg@, who are false Persian “converts”) and then taken by the Egyptians by force after we completed our end of the bargain and put together the architecture of the pyramids. The Jews didn’t build the pyramids, they designed them.

Yes, the pyramids used underground water currents to conduct electricity, transmitted through limestone shafts and thus create Electromagnetic fields that made the Pharaoh “like god.” This entire fight is about the Dragon Bloodline (Satan’s people) co-opting Jewish technology (Electromagnetic Tech and associated Physics) for the enslavement of mankind rather than to honor their connection with God, and it has been for 5782 years


The pillars of Freemasonry represent the intellectual inheritance of those that engineered the technical marvel of building giant artificial underground aquifers at Solomon’s Temple capable of reproducing the aqua-anionization electrical conduction techniques natural to the plane of Giza. The engineers plans were stolen by Satanic crusaders, funded by the Papacy, another pedophilic, demonic organization masquerading as the mouth of The Lord.

More about the construction of Solomon’s Temple and those aquifers.

The Pharaohs were Aryans, not Egyptian:


They call the Antichrist. More to Come

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2 years ago

A lot of food for thought on this one. 444gem do you have a website or could direct me to some books that I could get more info like this?

2 years ago
Reply to  Dan

Dan, I can pass you lots of information on this. Do you have a way I can reach you?

2 years ago
Reply to  444gem
paradise astronaut
paradise astronaut
2 years ago
Reply to  444gem

Hi 444gem,
I would love to also reveive an email with infos and references about the subject..
As a reader of your posts i really would like to thank you for all you efforts.
my email is :
By curiosity: can you explain the meaning of 444gem, the number 444 and gem?
Thank you

2 years ago

I want to issue a caveat about pine needles. Pine was sacred to Dionysus, who is Satan. The pinecone represents the pineal gland which is activated when kundalini is raised, which is the process of illumination. It leads to possession, union with the false light ruler of this world, Satan. I dont know if taking pine needle extract facilitates this but I sure am going to avoid it. You are not wrong about the heart shape, it represents the leaves of the sylphium plant. It was driven extinct because ancient peoples used it extensively to fornicate without consequence. It was so important to their economies it was printed on coins, which is why we have a record of it.

2 years ago
Reply to  Fleurdamour

Fluerdamour, the pine cone is the Hindu version (they are Indioaryans as well) of the “Apple” that was the fruit of the tree of knowledge. Most organized religious church teachings have taught the people to fear this as bringing Satan.
It is meant to keep those connected with God from reaching their full potential and coming to God.

The true meaning of this parable,
Is that knowledge + DESIRE leads to all evil, the temptation of sins of power, lust, greed, etc. Eating the fruit, having desire, leads to evil: the use of technology to enslave mankind. However, the use of technology to honour God, as it was in Solomon’s temple, is expressly encouraged by Yahweh. This is the fundamental fight of good and evil you intuitively understand.

Pine needles contain shikimic acid and Suramin. If you do not want to use line, then don’t, but these compounds, particularly shikimic acid, bind with the spike protein and re regulate glycogen production (sugar) and insulin sensitivity, which is why it’s used with diabetes. Glycogen molecules are required to bind with Spike proteins so they can bind with ACE 2 receptors and harm your cells. If you don’t want to take Pine, find another way (there are several plants with this compound safe for consumption) to take it with some regularity.

Furthermore, in Judaism, the pine tree is the center of higher consciousness and connection to Erertz Ysrael, and is the symbol of the Menorah, gods knowledge helping us to survive a siege from the dragons.

2 years ago
Reply to  444gem

The only thing that the fruit of the tree of knowledge will bring you is separation from God, misery and death. Kundalini is not some great treat the elites are withholding from the masses, it is the mechanism of the fall and the means of possession. It is horrifying. Satan is a predator and the kundalini is a predator’s trick to draw in prey. It promises union with the divine, but the “divine” it means is the ruler of this fallen world, Satan. Please don’t be tempted, it’s just a horrible trap. Kundalini rises through the vagus nerve, the main nerve complex that runs from the base of the spine to the top of the skull and throughout the torso, controlling the life functions. I believe Satan is a parasite that has settled into this complex. The imagery of a snake coiled around a tree is an apt description of that thing fused into the treelike branches of the deepest parts of the central nervous system. It is disgusting.

2 years ago
Reply to  fleurdamour

You do not practice or study yoga, including Kundalini Yoga, to any degree, because all that you’ve said is based on fanatic, Christian superstition. I practice Kundalini Yoga, which is focused on the breath (the spirit of God, the Ruach), and I’ve had nothing but beautiful experiences. I’ve even encountered spheres of radiant light in the sky, traveling at amazing speeds.

Please, do not let your superstitions keep you from an understanding of the mind, body, and soul God has provided you with. We are divine being, and that is manifest from the soul to the body. This body is a temple.

Tell me, what’s Satanic about conscious, connected breathing? The Kundalini, to rise, requires a great deal of chastity and sovereign control.

Sounds super demonic, huh?

2 years ago
Reply to  fleurdamour

Not to mention that to consciously raise the Kundalini (which is, essentially, your sexual energy), it requires one to transcend their earthly, material, and sexual desires.

Lust is a deadly sin. To take full, conscious control over your sexual drive and your desires is a lesson embedded in all forms of good spirituality, and nothing but goodness arises from that, as you may well know.

You create evil in your mind according to your own misconceptions, fears, biases, and superstitions. It’s ignorance, no offense, but you must understand what you know and what you don’t know, not speak from ignorance. The serpent, throughout all spiritual history, represents both evil (destruction, temptation, seduction) and good (creation, infinity, healing).

So use it for good. Take note that the tree of life is symbolic for your spine, your 33 vertebrae. The Rod of God symbolizes the same. Without your spine, you have no foundation for life, for your breath, for your nervous system, for your cardiovascular and neurological systems, for your entire physical being. The pine cone is symbolic for the pineal gland, and without that, you have no serotonin, which is also essential to your life and well being. Nothing evil about it.

1 year ago
Reply to  fleurdamour

1 year later and we still have the same debate

2 years ago

The pine tree in Judaism, represents the center of our consciousness with God. It’s branches are the symbolic origin of The Menorah, and it is mentioned throughout the Old Testament as a holy tree.

The Hindu meaning of the pine cone, is equivalent to the Apple in the story of Adam and Eve (they are also Indo aryan). It represents knowledge. However the now common interpretation of this story, spread by the demonic Catholic Church, is meant to enslave the spiritually minded and keep them separate from God but making them fear knowledge and wisdom.

Knowledge, enlightenment and self awareness are paramount to connecting with the Lord Almighty. Where the evil comes, is that the serpent, engrained KNOWLEDGE + DESIRE in Adam and Eve. When knowledge meets a desire for power, greed, lust, etc. it results in evil; that is Satans ploy, as it was in Egypt. When knowledge is used to elevate and free mankind, as it was in Solomon’s temple, it represents the divine. This is the war between the Dragons and the Aryeh Yehudah: the use of knowledge to either free the people and connect with The Lord (Jews), or to enslave the people (Dragons) and drag them to hell.

The Pine Tree’s oil was used to keep the Menorah burning by combining it with the sacred oil; a revelation from God that kept us, the Aryeh Yehudah, alive during a seige from The Dragons, Satans seed.

If you do not want to use Aleppo Pine for tea, then find the chemical compounds Shikimic Acid and Suramin in other forms; they are present in edible plants throughout nature, The Garden of Eden. Shikimic Acid bonds with spike proteins and inactives them to some degree; it also regulates glycogen production and insulin sensitivity pathways (why is it helpful for diabetics). The spike protein needs to bind with glycogen family molecules (sugars) in order to bind with ACE 2 receptors and enter cells, causing much of the damage.

Pine needles are also hi in Vitamin C and A, which will reduce the chronic inflammation in the body (and brain blood vessels) and help restore the integrity of the blood brain barrier that spike proteins destroy.

Ozone therapy is the only safe and cost effective treatment that will break apart the nano sensors in your tissues to small enough pieces that your body can expel them.

2 years ago

Please read the top two posts linked to: OVATION Oscars mall and Part I of the 13 monkeys series.

In a nutshell:
The vaccines contain nanosensors sensitive to 5G that can be used to manipulate electrochemical responses in the rain and body, and this control thoughts.

There are 42 lunar months between 3/20/2020 the world Happytalism day and Vernal Equinox, and July 29, 2023, the 100th anniversary of Satanic Masonry founding by Aleister Crowley. Revelations prescribes this exact period for the first beasts control.

2 years ago
Reply to  444Gem

Ah, I see. Thanks for clarifying

2 years ago

Another amazing article

2 years ago

Hahaha brilliant comedic post, keep up the “great” work

2 years ago

The truth shines brighter than any star

Randall Flagg
Randall Flagg
2 years ago

You’ll be upside down soon enough 444. N**i trash always ends up as compost.

2 years ago
Reply to  Randall Flagg

Given your name, in reference to the fictional dark “wizard” Randal Flagg that allegorically embodies the real world attempt of The Dragons to hoard knowledge and enslave mankind, and your apparent death threat, I am sorry to inform you that the Aryeh Yehudah are God’s people, and nothing in your hatred, nor your dark desires, nor your souls of Beezlebub can stop us.

The lord is my God. I shine through him and his grace.
From the point of life, in the mountain of God
May The Light flow into men’s minds
So the Light Descends upon the Earth
From the point of love, in the Heart of The Lord, so Love may flow into the hearts of men
So Christ may Return to this Earth
From the center at which God’s will is known to guide the small purposes of men
The purpose that the master knows and serves
Through the point we call mankind, that brings to fruition the plan of Love and Light that seals the door to where evil resides.
So that The Light, The Love and The Power reestablish the plan of God on Earth.

Papa Emeritus IV
Papa Emeritus IV
2 years ago
Reply to  444gem

Death threat? Your existence is a death threat.

The world is on fire and you are here to stay and burn with me. You think you’ll escape the destruction that you’re desperate to bring about, but nah you’re frying with the rest of us.

There will be no Blonde hair blue eyed utopia.

At least the the mask is off here on this portion of the site.

We Focus on Your Death.

2 years ago
Reply to  444gem

you are a liar. You are distorting the information and serving it as if it is very true. You are confusing people. Moses used the dragon to lead the Jewish people in prayer. frightened them, but they still did not pray. The dragon’s saliva burned like acid when it fell to the ground. The dragon is actually one and belongs to Hz Moses. You are Jewish and you make up false stories about yourself. the last religion is islam, if you are very smart why not muslim?

2 years ago
Reply to  Randall Flagg

This guy chooses the name Papa Emiritus IV, in reference to a satanic doom metal singer that also goes by the name “Leviathan,” and he claims the author wants a blond hair blue eyes Utopia? As always, the satanists have no shame in their evil ways

good times
good times
2 years ago
Reply to  Randall Flagg

He didn’t say he was a n**i he suggested the pharaohs might have been blonde and blue eyed due to the way they were depicted. But instead you have to project your misery on others at any opportunity you get. You won’t be remembered. You’re not adding anything to the world. This is all you have.

2 years ago
Reply to  good times

The singer that goes by Papa Emeritus is a known white supremacist, and he quoted a song known as La Mantra Mortis “the mantra of death,” which is an ode to killing all Jews for their impure blood.

The other guy, who’s name is from the Stephen King character that King himself said “embodies all evil of Satan” said 444Gem will be upside down, a reference to murder.

Genetic tests by Pablo Svante, and confirmed by dozens of labs, have shown that the Pharoahs of Egypt were indeed genetically fair skinned, light eyes, and light hair. It also shows that Tutankhamen is related to over 50% of white Europeans, and related to less than 1% of the populace of both ancient and modern Egypt. The dozens of DNA analyses have disproven the theory of the embalming causing light hair, and proven that people originating from north of the Black Sea, spread out around 5,800 years ago and became the ruling classes of India, Egypt, Mesopotamia, North Africa, the Levant, Anatolia and Europe with very limited intermixing.

2 years ago
Reply to  Randall Flagg

Come. We will wait for you.

2 years ago

The ark of the covenant was built in the desert after the Jews left Egypt.

2 years ago
Reply to  A.M.W.

To house the piezoelectric transducer

art guerrilla
art guerrilla
2 years ago

firstly, VERY appreciative of the efforts of whoever does the vigilant citizen site… must say in all honesty, that i did NOT give a LOT of the conspiracy mongering about ‘illuminati’, etc much credence… BUT, after DECADES of seeing how high-level sex scandals, pedo cases, etc, were instantly memory-holed, various whistleblowers suicided, etc, the patterns became too obvious to ignore… there is DEFINITELY some very weird stuff going on at the top of the food chain with our psychopaths who run the world, BUT, not sure how real the woo woo stuff is, simple human greed and sociopathy can explain a lot of eee-vil….
to my point, all that you say *may* be so, and yet -for the average joe & jane sixpack- this is ALL so much BS, your analysis (again, whether metaphysically ‘correct’ or not) depends upon their seeing and recognizing (at least subliminally) a BUNCH of symbols, metaphors, relationships, etc that 99.99% of us Do Not Have the knowledge to understand the significance (if any)…
this is *all* just background static to ‘condition’ us to accept the Pedo Elite’s agenda ? ? ? virtually NO ONE goes through the ‘analysis’ you are doing, so *who* is all this woo woo stuff intended for ? ? ?
y-e-a-h, no, just doesn’t make ‘sense’ to me (realizing things don’t *have* to ‘make sense’, but they *generally* do), a LOT of manipulation for no return on investment, as i see it…
i will forebear going into the vast chasm of confusion that is numerology, clever nekkid apes can make All Kinds of associations to prove pseudo-significance, and do ! ! !
but again, my main point obtains: WHO knows, recognizes and understands ALL this BS you say is being used on us ? for *my* life, it has ZERO significance…
meaning this: nuclear launch codes have MASSIVE POTENTIAL to destroy my life totally, BUT i have NO REAL KNOWLEDGE of those codes, where they are, who holds them, who can order them, etc, etc, etc… AND, IF i *did* have that specific knowledge, WHAT GOOD would it do me? i *still* have zero influence over the situation…
(it is enough that i know nukes exist and we shouldn’t use them, the details are superfluous to that view…)
same with all this elite’s symbology, etc: so what ? for the most part, not exposed to all the rapper, music biz, celebutard BS, barely notice or go to mainstream movies, hardly watch teevee, don’t pay attention to a LOT of pop culture, EXCEPT to note its degeneracy…
frankly, just seems like so much self-satisfied mental m**********n with no point… ‘end times’ *are* coming, no doubt, but the woo woo crap is just window dressing to scare the sheeple, as far as i can see… surviving won’t depend on transposing numbers, power crystals, obscure incantations, and catching subliminal ad BS, it will depend on forming cohesive LOCAL communities and banding together to resist totalitarianism by any means necessary…
knowing the ‘mark of the beast’ don’t mean ca ca, putting a bullet to the brains of Pedo Elites is what is needed…

2 years ago


So this date, July 29, 2023, is a real thing? We will all be a witness? (or syahid in muslim language)

I try to stay positive, but I wish I live somewhere else not affected by end times events.

Will there be “a line” 6 months from now? A place where anti-christ reigns, and a place of safety where anti-christ does not have power?

2 years ago
Reply to  arif

Forgive me, Arif, but did I name a date for anything? If I did, it was reckless as that is not within my knowledge base right now. That is not anything I would generally assert

2 years ago
Reply to  A E

No, you did not, but this part ii post did.

Sorry to bother you, but I was feeling “very thirsty” at the moment.

I did not even know that I had this “very thirsty” condition, until I read Amos 8:13.

“In that day the lovely young women and strong young men will faint because of thirst.”

This “end times” journey has been hard for me. I thought my condition will improve after reading all posts in the series since last year. People still comply. Take the jab every 6 months. I could not believe it all happens right before my eyes.

2 years ago
Reply to  arif

You’re not bothering me at all, arif. Forgive me, I’ve been having some personal struggles, too. Sometimes all this still feels like too much and it gets me down spiritually as well. I will have to look back to see what you’re referring to – this article dropped at an unusually busy time for me and I need to revisit it entirely as I didn’t absorb it well.
EDIT – this is how distracted I am, I didn’t even realize this was an early article! I need to refocus!

I will tell you one thing that’s become very clear to me: I have never established a habit of meditation, so it’s very easy for me to get distracted and to fall out of doing so, and inevitably, once I do, I start getting this pressure of doom feeling again. Is that what you mean by thirsting? I MUST find a way to make certain that I set aside this personal time every single day without fail.

When I maintain my time spent talking with YHWH I don’t feel this same relentless pressure and drag, things don’t get me down, people don’t bring me down, and even with all I don’t know I do find peace and joy. But this quest we are on is definitely a lonely one.

Last edited 2 years ago by lgageharleya
2 years ago
Reply to  lgageharleya

Amos 8:11

“The days are coming,” declares YHWH, when I will send a famine through the land — not a famine of food or a thirst for water, but a famine of hearing the words YHWH.”

Thirsty for not hearing the words of YHWH.

Just yesterday, I discovered on the internet, series of articles written by a messianic jew. A lot of topics covered, from the Power of YHWH, the trinity, name of messiah.

And then I did two internet searches, “does a jew believe in jesus” and “”YeHoVaH” Is His Name”.

I feel so happy! Finally I can hear the Word every day! Praise YHWH !

Revelation 22:14

“Blessed are those who DO His commandments

that they may have the right (Greek eksousia meaning “power of choice”) to the tree of life…”

2 years ago
Reply to  arif

edit, I put into search “does jew believe in yeshua”

2 years ago
Reply to  arif

I just found a man who speaks further truths from what I have heard in the past, but specifically speaking towards deliverance, recognizing demonic influences (vs fallen angels) recognizing what patterns exist in people who may have gotten rid of a lot of personal sins but remain plagued by familial ones (sins of the fathers) and I had another very intense experience earlier today, just praying and speaking whatever God placed within me to speak and two very intense and odd emotional upheavals came up out of me.

One made me feel like a prolonged retching, like I was vomiting something up and couldn’t breathe for a long while as it came out. I had a few feelings as these came up and a generalized idea of what they related to even though I have no memory of such things personally. I have already confessed all I know to and have prayed to be shown anything hidden – have done so for so long, yet these remained and had to be dealt with.

I have felt things rise before, up from my gut and chest and out of my throat when I was praying and felt relieved of a lot, but these were from a very base place, in the base of my belly, and as they came up it nearly choked me with tears and intense emotion. I believe I’ve felt them rise up before but they’ve always maintained an “upper hand” and I could feel them almost immediately assert their power again, even if it was lessened. I couldn’t get rid of them.

They didn’t feel like they belonged to me in the same way my personal wrongdoings did and they were in a deeper root place.

I have felt tired since, but in a more relaxed way, not in the unnaturally exhausted way I have been feeling. I really pray I sleep tonight! It has been so hard to sleep.

I keep getting a mental block here, wanting to tell you something yet it goes away so quickly.
I know this man stated that, in every instance he has seen in which someone was about to be delivered, unnatural obstacles suddenly arose against that. There is a strong force that doesn’t want to let us go, and not only that, but once we are, it will try everything to break you down so it can come back.

We all must have some “sins of the fathers” we must be freed from, as part of our human condition, yes?

This man spoke specifically of “thirst” and of “desperation” and how that pertains to receiving from YHWH.

I have always been so difficult in that I must understand every tiny detail (in my own way, anyway) in order to find my way through. Some just believe and they do receive. I entertain doubts and complicate things.

I believe that, as we seek Him with all we have and all we are, He will make certain that we are given the right ministers at the right time for our personal needs. I have too much evidence of this, just in my own life, since I became desperate enough to be sick of how I had been feeling before.

You give me a great deal of comfort, arif, because I can feel the intensity of your sincerity and I know that feeling with all the fibers of my being. That is a sense of being less alone. That is my selfishness (and I know we are never alone) but it is still a concrete blessing to me, personally.

Don’t ever let that go. Don’t ever let anything push you back or discourage you. I pray for you even as my own family (which you are). Yeshua prevailed and as we forge forward in Him, so must we, because He has guaranteed us that promise.

2 years ago
Reply to  A E

I also had this visceral, gut wrenching feeling and after it had subsided, it revealed to me a subliminal message. The message was about me in the past watching a Hollywood movie, titled Easy A.

Can you see the subliminals?
Hollwood modified Yeshua to Easy A.

Well, to me it felt… good. I felt good after receiving “the message”. Subliminals rising up to the surfaces. We live on a “sea” after all.

That one was very recent. However, in the past for me, receiving the message like that, felt like sea sick. I could not stand up and walk.

2 years ago
Reply to  arif

Yes, I agree to you that we must be freed from “sins of the fathers”. By following Yeshua, of course.

And those sins are not harmful on the surface. Like, maybe, reading a book. What harm can a book done on human beings? On the surface, a book is not harmful.

Yet, I became a follower of Gnosticism beginning by reading a book written by followers of Gnostic.

2 years ago
Reply to  arif

Any and everything we do or are exposed to in this life impacts us in so many complex ways. Reading a book, watching a movie, most of these things are mixed bags – there are spiritually uplifting messages, very human aspects of our reality, and spiritual seeds or downers of varying degrees, but you’ll find this in all things. I am coming to realize it is all about us and how we process these things through with YHWH.

As for sins of the fathers, think genetics – hereditary illnesses, predispositions, etc. Then it becomes even more complex: nature vs nurture – for instance, I have physical traits received from my birth father I know nothing about, but I also have environmental markers from my adoptive father who raised me since age 5. Both those impacts, plus those from my mother, must also be addressed. If the curse is: sin, sickness and disease, and poverty (poverty is not just money/resources, but can be of health, of spirit, of fellowship, etc) then it stands to reason that any of those things we inherit from family through no fault of our own are not God’s best intended for us, either, and He will help us to be made free from them if we ask Him and follow Yeshua.

2 years ago
Reply to  arif

Wow, I wouldn’t have noticed that. I get those subliminals, too, though – not all the time, but I’ll often get a sense or strong feeling, or sometimes a clear message like yours, about what the thing(s) leaving me are related to. I can agree, too, that now when I get these happenings, they are not as sickening/nauseating as they were months ago. They are still very intense, but I feel cleaner, not as filled up with mess…

Are you finding that you are able to help other people to be relieved of some of these things, too? Do you get flashes or senses/subliminals about them? I do and I don’t really like that, so I figured out how to let it channel through me without it impacting me consciously – I just get the spiritual energy sensation but I don’t let it speak to me. I feel it’s a privacy invasion. I’ve found that I can help this way spiritually, from a distance as well. A couple people have confirmed very positive reversals just afterwards, but only knowing I have prayed for them – obviously they were praying too and in full agreement with their hope and we all know it is YHWH, I am just helping.

2 years ago
Reply to  A E

I am very thankful for this conversation A E. Thanks to the Power of YHWH, “the line” I asked you about, really exists out there.

I wished I had lived somewhere else, turned out I was not positive enough, haaa.

I wish you and your family are well, A E !

2 years ago
Reply to  arif

I think we’d be hard-pressed to find anyone who is a true follower of Yeshua who doesn’t wish he lived somewhere else! Thankfully, we know this depraved world is not our home, not our birthright, not anymore. I don’t know how it’s all going to really work out anymore, what with all the confusion and mistranslations, but I know we can trust YHWH and His Truth.

I wish you and yours very well, too. Anytime, please reach out, I always feel better after we interact.

1 year ago


July 29th, 2023 has passed, what can we expect from here?
Was your prediction really the truth? How can one tell?

1 year ago
Reply to  Channah


Indeed the date has passed for the first 1/3 of the decade of reset. They declared the official end of COVID in the US government on April 11, 2023, after 1116 days the sum of the first two words of scripture. “Berashid Bera.”

AI is now speaking, walking and talking “creatively”, thanks to the harnessed brain and body data of the world through the injectable nano-tech. The real time Ki farm made fully operational. As musk said “the bird is free.” Then he started his everything WeChat type app and called it the Phoenix to coincide with this date.

Simultaneously, they marked the date and launched “world coin” and retina scans through digital ID.

Now comes phase II

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem

Sirius rises. “Dog days” of summer.

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem

Phase II, the harvest of the willing? Phase III, the harvest of the unwilling? @444gem

1 year ago
Reply to  lgageharleya

@lgageharleya @channah

See Monkeys Middle Chapters where there are general gameplay outlines laid out. Some of the nanotechnologies and bioengineering strategies they have put into effect up to this point are laid out here:

1 year ago
Reply to  lgageharleya

@lgageharleya @channah

See Monkeys Middle Chapters (4-6) where there are general gameplan outlines laid out for the NW0. Some of the nanotechnologies and bioengineering strategies they have put into effect up to this point are laid out quite decently here:

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem

I have been reading this and links as time permits, and while I’m not surprised, it is horrifying and utterly pervasive @444gem @channah.

How does the follower ride this out intact? You have said the “magical” translations aren’t what they seem.
How did Yeshua actually heal and was it immediate or was it a teaching and a process? Or both, a combo?

Does Father “mark” us when we submit our prefrontal cortex and authority to act (yod) to His guidance and so steers us away from toxic things? Is it that simple?

How does that manifest so as to change us to be immune? Or does He, through faith, heal us in an instant? Or both?

If this is being sprayed on us and put into all we consume, how do we escape?

I know that my husband and I experienced faith healing, but I think that was the equivalent of emergency surgery -it was touch and go and another shot, but nothing to get complacent about.

But we didn’t understand anything, and he was preserved. I was shown remedies and I gave them and he rapidly improved.

Give the body the right conditions and it heals itself…

I have been thinking that the fall came because men believed another man who wanted to place his feelings and mandates above our Creator’s – so many think they can ‘improve” but it’s all their own biases and desires.

Who was the original serpent? A snake bodily or in human form?

1 year ago

Stop watching YouTube