
'The most qualified person should get the job' a microaggression (

The top universities said that examples of microaggressions include telling people that ‘everyone can succeed if they work hard enough’.

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7 months ago

at least propaganda works…. kids these days are growing up with such entitlement

7 months ago

They have made social engineering a part of every facet and nuance of proffesional life. Fair play to the satanic globalists they are dismantling the West on all levels at alarming speed. Will the ‘elite’ live to tell the tale at the end of it, now that I’m not too sure about.

7 months ago
Reply to  simon

At least there’s a silver lining if they don’t.

7 months ago

When SHTF, and it’s only a matter of time, the first people I’m going for are the University Marxist intelligentsia and I’m not going to show any mercy.

art guerrilla
art guerrilla
7 months ago

media watchdogs are not watching
their crucial duty they are botching
the blind dogs won’t hunt or even bark
which leaves we the people in the dark
we can not give our informed consent
by the lies the talkingheads present
this awful outcome was predicted
when central owners were inflicted
this wasn’t a random greedtard act
part of a big plan where we’re attacked
they divide us by social issues
by partial truths and facts they misuse
each week they create the next big thing
promotes the confusion that they bring
all our leaders are bought off or killed
which you won’t know unless red-pilled
all contrary voices end up banned
by this evil scheme they have long planned
must break free of their hypnotic spell
or ride this handbasket straight to hell
my brothers and sisters must join hands
in these fell times we make our last stand
unite and hear our full-throated cry
i may die but WE WILL NOT COMPLY
The Worlds Most Dangerous Poet

Manny O
Manny O
7 months ago

The word “microaggression” is a word that was artificially and cunningly crafted by the luciferians to be used to take away people’s freedom of speech. It is a part of the “political correctness” agenda.

7 months ago

Since when is reality and fairness a “micro-aggression”?

I guess I am aggressive by nature, albeit on a microscopic level.