
Machine Gun Kelly debuts shocking blackout tattoo covering upper torso (

Machine Gun Kelly gave fans a bit of a shock when he revealed his new body art on Tuesday. 

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7 months ago

Just the upper torso? BORIIIING. How long until he does his face too?

Shirley Temple
Shirley Temple
7 months ago

He was signed to Diddy. Nuff said.

7 months ago

how do we even know this is actually a tattoo and not just very good body paint? Everything about these people is fake anyway

7 months ago


art guerrilla
art guerrilla
7 months ago

he’s a wigger in transition
some sort of racial magician
if race is just a mind’s figment
you can change it with some pigment
he already could rap ghetto
but he was still a white fellow
now he won’t seem so out of place
and more so when goes blackface
The Worlds Most Dangerous Poet

the great plague
the great plague
7 months ago
Reply to  art guerrilla

Lol. You know he went to private school.

7 months ago

looks like a demon imo

7 months ago
Reply to  simon

It said it took over 40 needles to get the tattoo done. The amount of pain involved in this is extraordinary. They said he consulted spiritually before the work was done – which says to me that he was ‘spiritually assisted’ to get through the procedure ie demon overshadowed.

7 months ago
Reply to  thekwon

They have special doctors for these kinds of things. He would’ve been anaesthetised for this. Remember, celebs get addicted to anaesthetic, and can even get it at home as a nightcap…. I wouldn’t be surprised if they even went as far as giving him a spinal block to ensure no movement.

7 months ago
Reply to  Cherie

I’ve been in a few tattoo parlors and I’ve never seen an aesthetician or ever heard of one at a parlor. They are medical doctors who work in medical facilities not tattoo parlors.
And these people are sick they enjoy pain and misery.
The tattoo artist commented on what a trooper MGK was for enduring the pain. There was no mention of anesthesia in the article.

7 months ago
Reply to  Cherie

@Cherie I don’t mean to say that I’m right and you’re wrong. They could easily have used an anesthesiologist. Judging from the article it just doesn’t seem like it to me in this case.
In mind control they are used frequently so who knows

7 months ago
Reply to  thekwon

Tattooing was originally a blood sacrifice to a demon in exchange for some kind of worldly gain. Marring the image of God in you gives demons the legal right to affict you mentally, physically, emotionally and/or spiritually.

7 months ago
Reply to  Michele

I have heard this too – good comment as usual Michele

7 months ago
Reply to  thekwon

Thank you, thekwon, for the encouragement 🙂

7 months ago
Reply to  Michele

Where did you hear this? That’s an interesting concept. I’ve often thought about similar themes with tattooing as a subculture. Now it’s the mainstream

7 months ago
Reply to  Lee

I think Michele referes to demonic sigil tattoos, which may have spiritual impact. These sigils are btw drawn in every electronic motherboard!
@Michele could you please explain more this sentence: Marring the image of God in you gives demons the legal right to affict you mentally, physically, emotionally and/or spiritually.
whatdo you mean by marrying the image of god in you?

7 months ago
Reply to  Gagli

I mean ‘marring’ which is defined as damaging, cutting or defacing. God made us in his image and choosing to basically graffiti or damage that image in us has consequences. I used to live in a third world country where the witch doctors and warriors would tattoo themselves. Thirteen year old males would get a tattoo as a right of passage in order to invite a spirit guide to ‘help’ them throughout their lives. The blood that was shed during the tattooing was intentionally sacrificed to a demon in return for power, material gain, success in battles, etc. Soldiers and gang members, like japanese yakuza, will actually tattoo the image of a demon, defiling the image of God in them, for power and success in battle. The demon would then attach itself to the tattoo. The demons know that we should not damage the image of God in us but they entice people to bargain with them because they know that they can then afflict us, and, to a certain extent, everyone around us, via the tattoo.

Even if you are not aware that you are sacrificing your blood and flesh to demons when you get a tattoo, the tattooist may know. The tattooist can also offer up the blood that he/she spills to a demon in return for some kind of ‘benefit’. That is why a lot of satanists, witches, occultists, etc. get into the tattoing business.

If anyone has a tattoo, you can repent of your sin and ask Yehoushua to forgive you. You may also want to consider removing the tattoo. There are many sites that discuss the spiritual consequences of tattoos but here is one that describes a situation in which a woman was possessed by a spirit as a result of getting tattoos:

Last edited 7 months ago by Michele
7 months ago
Reply to  ibelieve

Well, they admitted to drinking each others blood

Sherry Ridge
Sherry Ridge
7 months ago

Well it looks better than his scramble of awful tattoos he had before.

7 months ago

So am I evil because I have tattoos? I appreciate art even in body form. I don’t have anything done that represents evil or tied to religion…in the end only God/Jesus can ask me about my tattoos.

7 months ago
Reply to  Lalisaaa

You can repent of damaging the image of God in you.

Leviticus 19:28 Ye shall not make any cuttings in your flesh for the dead, nor print any marks upon you: I am the Lord.

1 Corinthians 6:19-20 What? know ye not that your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost which is in you, which ye have of God, and ye are not your own? For ye are bought with a price: therefore glorify God in your body, and in your spirit, which are God’s.

Last edited 7 months ago by Michele
art guerrilla
art guerrilla
7 months ago
Reply to  Lalisaaa

i don’t think ppl are evil who get tattoos, but i do think there is a Very High likelihood alcohol and peer pressure were involved, and that rarely ends in a desirable result…
i have NEVER looked at a nekkid ape, no matter how homely, and thought, ‘you know, they would look a lot better with tatoos’… never thought that…
conversely, i have never seen a tattooed person and said to myself, ‘yeah, that’s such a cool improvement, i want one!’… never…
i have seen artistic tattoos, but that’s one out of a thousand, and even then, there is zero motivation to replicate that…
i do make a distinction between those who get a barbed wire tattoo on the bicep, or a cute little butterfly on your ankle, or whatever small adornment, versus full sleeves, etc… ppl all tatted up just looks fugly and stoopid, not cool…
sorry, circus freaks, you made a bad choice, not my fault…

7 months ago

It’s likely just Hellyweird slipcovers or even graphical A.I. or whatever-the-f**k they machinate these days to keep fans fanatically worshiping their demonically possessed idols.