
Huma Abedin and George Soros’ son Alex reveal relationship in Valentine’s Day photo from Paris (

Well, this tracks. 

Soros posted a pic Wednesday of himself with his arm around the waist of the former Hillary Clinton top aide as they sat side-by-side at a restaurant in Paris. 

What do you think?

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8 months ago

Perhaps my eyesight is blurry but I can’t see what’s wrong with this simple picture.

Shirley Temple
Shirley Temple
8 months ago
Reply to  Noth

Two NWO devils bearding for each other.

8 months ago
Reply to  anxietytiger

What is Fra*****p?

8 months ago
Reply to  Amy

Something you better forget for your own good

8 months ago
Reply to  Amy

A terrible video that incriminated Hillary and Huma which was found on Anthony Weiners laptop.

8 months ago
Reply to  Amy

Frazzledrip. A video of Hillary Clinton and Huma Abedin (and apparently Courtney Love) torturing and mutilating a young girl before killing her and doing other awful things. It was supposedly in a folder on Anthony Weiner’s laptop labeled “life insurance”.

8 months ago
Reply to  anxietytiger

George Soros’ wife is 41 yrs younger than him, love or business ? He’s 93 she’s 52.

8 months ago

2 monsters in love, so beautiful

8 months ago
Reply to  quantguacamole


Shirley Temple
Shirley Temple
8 months ago

He’s a cookie sniffer and we all know she’s Hillary Clinton’s sidepiece.

8 months ago


art guerrilla
art guerrilla
8 months ago

off topic like a m**o, yet true…
i’ve given up on CAPTCHA
online i find them anathema
pick out the motorcycles it said
will i fail if i pick a moped
is it partly in this or that square
the wide borders make it more unfair
i can’t tell in the blurry distance
if there might lurk another instance
does that square have a bit of tire
or does this test say i’m a liar
its trial by puzzle i am failing
this turing test is not smooth sailing
if there are botz who can pass this test
i for one will concede they are best
because i give it all that i’ve got
and half the time turns out i’m a bot
The Worlds Most Dangerous Poet

art guerrilla
art guerrilla
8 months ago
Reply to  art guerrilla

for skeptics in today’s studio audience who doubt the claims of The Worlds Most Dangerous Poet that he was subjected to a LONG program of harrassment by tweeterkrats, here is one screengrab vid of them taking a post with 5-600 likes/etc, and -as i term it- Zeroing Out muh posts…
here is link to file i put on mega cloud storage acct of screengrab video (chose one with smallest file size, got others show zeroing out 26k to 70k likes, but files are a lot bigger, and frankly, can’t easily find them among thousands of screengrab pix/vids i accumulated) which shows some 5-600 likes/etc disappearing before your eyes…
needless to say, vid-yo is in original, unedited form…

art guerrilla
art guerrilla
8 months ago
Reply to  art guerrilla

a negative 1 like for my harrassment by The Man ?
perhaps if you had cogent opinions worth censoring, you might feel differently… but probably not…
needless to say, you are not brilliant and beautiful, so there…

art guerrilla
art guerrilla
8 months ago
Reply to  art guerrilla

yeah, the ‘not brilliant and beautiful’ hit home, huh homey …
hhhh negative away, its funny…
muh pwecious feels aren’t hurt, its just gratuitously weird, is all…
presumably you are of the post-literate generation who can only communicate by smooshing like icons, emojis and reposting tired GIFs..
impressive !

art guerrilla
art guerrilla
8 months ago
Reply to  art guerrilla

no ?
not taking the bait, or simply incapable of ratiocination at even a nominal level ?
idiocracy is a documentary, and its now, kampers…

art guerrilla
art guerrilla
7 months ago
Reply to  art guerrilla

what a coward you have to be
even with anonymity
downvote for your personal pique
only shows you’re stupid and weak
you are unable to debate
so you just do your silent hate
its your refusal to engage
can’t express incoherent rage
i suppose you must feel ashamed
your illiteracy is blamed
but i think there is something more
you’re an inarticulate bore
flinging feces your only trick
goodbye for now you pointless dick
The Worlds Most Dangerous Poet

art guerrilla
art guerrilla
7 months ago
Reply to  art guerrilla

heh negative nancy, you crazy stalker, here’s one of my tweeter haiku got 26+k likeys in two hours, then zeroed out by tweeterkrats…
not long before they unceremoniously banned The Worlds Most Dangerous Poet…
why are you so afraid of me, wormtongue ?
i know why…
muh memes are too strong
how strong ?

8 months ago

“He” is probably FtM too. Head looks kinda small and round.

8 months ago

satanic bloodlines being bred, no doubt. If you think there’s a serious emphasis on selecting and/or choosing breeding partners when it comes to horses… what level of significance do you think it has in the world of elite posturing?

8 months ago
Reply to  ibelieve

If they breed, the poor child would have 2 generational curses from the parents, he will be born fully demonized. Thats a reason why satanists inter-breed, they keep demons in the family.

8 months ago

Huma(le) looks so much like Clooney’s “wife”.

7 months ago
Reply to  Lee

Woooow xDDDD

art guerrilla
art guerrilla
8 months ago

what was found on wiener’s laptop
why’d the investigation stop
why were files named life insurance
there’s only bad inference
rumors by those who have seen
the vids are way beyond obscene
famous people doing sick acts
elite’s dark side the news redacts
like carlin said its one big club
and you and i ain’t in it bub
the price to play is your blackmail
talk and you end up dead in jail
most normal folks would not believe
the evil acts elites conceive
psychos with no moral restraints
perversely portrayed as our saints
but when we pull back the curtain
we find their evil is certain
the reality is chilling
they have no qualms about killing
there is a vast conspiracy
born of the elite’s lunacy
elites are psycho predators
and that’s not just a metaphor
The Worlds Most Dangerous Poet

8 months ago
Reply to  art guerrilla

Bravo. Your best work yet.

7 months ago

Zoom in on right hand…something off inbetween finger and thumb. Blurry. Also 6 slices bread. Six roses in black vase. More to this pic. It looks like a message.

7 months ago
Reply to  Jt007

The little glass thing has wings…like a butterfly. They bread is so random and the wheat poking out feels like something I don’t quite know yet…hmm..thanks for getting me to zoom in!