
How many celebrating Elon as a free speech "hero" will line up for their brain implant?

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8 months ago

I noticed that Elon created the implant to look like a iris and pupil. I suspect that people will put the implant either in their foreheads so it looks like a third eye or in their hands. It is a symbol of allegience to the one world government and financial system and a symbol of worship to the antichrist spirit that empowers the one world government. It a symbol of enslavement and eternal damnation for everyone who accepts the sign of the beast.

Revelation 13:16 And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads…

8 months ago
Reply to  Michele

Nice observation.
I remember reading somewhere online that it will integrate itself into brain tissue in just 2 weeks after being inserted into a person’s head as neurons will grow over it. So you won’t be able to get it out without causing serious damage to your brain.
Things like this might be good for amputees or paralysed people so they can get replacement limbs, but we all know those pushing for cybernetics won’t stop there, they want something like this in everyone. With this in a person’s head there is no longer any physical barrier between them and the internet, they will lose their last line of defense against temptations such as social media or p*rn. And then there’s the danger of literal brain hacking.

I wouldn’t get it, it’s not worth the risk.

8 months ago

It’s insulting and offends my whole human being how much these lunatics are always using unlucky hurt people as cover for their disgusting acts. “I’m a philantropist, i help disadvantaged etc”, complete lies. And the worst of all is that people are clapping for these clowns and applaud how good they are, how they save people and so on.
I’m fine with pressing buttons, I don’t need stupid implants to control my devices.

8 months ago

Neuralink is disgusting and Elon is a scam artist who rides a wave of glory on the back of his underlings, who do all the actual work while he reaps the rewards. The fact that so many people on the Internet are brainwashed into believing he’s some sort of folk hero is alarming and depressing. This is the same person who has a photo of himself dressed like a demonic warrior as a profile picture, and people say it’s “just a costume”. No, he’s showing you what he really stands for.
If something like Neuralink had been proposed 20+ years ago, nobody but the most hardcore, maladjusted sci-fi nerds would like the concept. Everyone else would be wise enough to see the inherent dangers and dystopic connotations. Alas, the entire world has been nullified into a state of near-total reliance upon pointless technology, and now something like this is actually celebrated. It’s disgusting.
I long for the days of the late 90s, when technology peaked and bolstered our lives, without totally overtaking them and disrupting our connection with nature. It still pains me to go out in public and see how many people are glued to their phones rather than engaging with the physical world around them. We can never put this horse back in the stable and soon, nobody will even remember a time “before”…

8 months ago

Well said by everyone here. I’ve been telling people who I know and work with since last year, don’t get chipped in the future and don’t eat the bugs.