
Over 70 Toddlers Aged Three and Four Were Sent to Tavistock Transgender Clinic – The Daily Sceptic (

Statistics reveal that 382 children, aged six and under, were referred to the Gender Identity Development Service, operated by the Tavistock and Portman NHS Foundation Trust in North London.

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7 months ago

Doesn’t this belong in the ‘crimes against humankind’ cathegory? Kids being traumatized with their life expectancy dropping very low due to these interventions? with their body, mind and spirit integrity being compromised?

Is there absolutely nobody that can do something against this Tavistock Clinic?

7 months ago
Reply to  crisspf

It is mutilation. The parent are mutilating their children.

7 months ago
Reply to  crisspf

I don’t know what’s going on with Tavistock currently, but I heard a while ago that they had closed their doors pending investigation… They were catching a lot of heat for these experiments on children. I hope that this place and all others like it will be rightfully forced to shut down permanently.

7 months ago
Reply to  Lee

I hope that, too. I hope it will be forever closed and all those workers impostering doctors will pay for their crimes. These are not doctors! These are Mengeles. And all those bainwashed adults doing this to their children!… It’s a huge thing, a great thing they gave birth to children, but to think these children look up to them with so much trust, thinking their parents, the know-all adults act in their best interest and are there to protect them, guide them is just heartbreaking. These parents will, too, answer one day for their crimes.

Last edited 7 months ago by crisspf
Susan Diabo
Susan Diabo
7 months ago
Reply to  Lee

And what kind of parents would subject their children to this.?

7 months ago
Reply to  Susan Diabo

Many of the parents doing it are “trans” themselves and by extension, force their gross ideology on their innocent children. Many of them are abusive in other ways. But some may be well-intentioned, but ignorant/brainwashed, and being hounded and mislead by doctors… Who tell them it’s either this or suicide for your child. Some are motivated by that fear, but even so, I cannot fathom the mindset that would enable any parent to willingly do this to their child.
Some scary precedents are being set now… Trans activists want to pass laws to have children taken away from parents who refuse gender “therapy” and transitioning for their confused children. Dark times we live in.

7 months ago
Reply to  Lee


“ Some scary precedents are being set now… Trans activists want to pass laws to have children taken away from parents who refuse gender “therapy” and transitioning for their confused children. ”

That’s because normal, moral, responsable parents lack stamina to gather up and react against this insanity. They have the power to silence these crazy voices. I also think they don’t realize that normality will be the new minority.

I feel my blood boiling when I see the nerve the trans have and how much they’ve accomplished already.

7 months ago
Reply to  Susan Diabo

Brainwashed parents, parents without morals, parents without faith in God.

I believe we can put all of them in the “without God” cathegory. The believers know God is against this abomination and would never think to do this to their own children. God will never tollerate child abuse (which is exactly what it is).

Susan Diabo
Susan Diabo
7 months ago
Reply to  crisspf

Absolutely agree with you on this. I think it’s sickening. Children should not be exposed to this. Let them grow up and decide for themselves. This is just crazy

7 months ago

Homeschooling is the only option anymore for educating a child. Shut down all public schools.

7 months ago
Reply to  Brooks

There are countries where people are left without their kids because of that. They face jail time, imagine that. These countries only recognize the public educational system.