
"satan respects pronouns" might not win hearts and minds

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9 months ago

It is a sh*t test from the adversary to get under your skin. It isn’t trying to win people over. Just annoy you.

The manosphere from ten years ago had this saying “amused mastery”.

Exactly the same as that new lil nas x video where he is a gay cheerleader and Jesus on the cross.

You have to treat this stuff the way Trump handled the millions of hateful tweets that came his way and fake news comments from reporters.

Nonsense from clowns should roll right off your back like water to a 🦆.

I’ve really been appreciating what Matt from Quantum of Conscious has pivoted to. Once you figure out the main gist of nonsense from this world, don’t stay stuck in the weeds. Reality generates a never ending stream of it to keep you distracted from the self mastery work you’re really here to do.

9 months ago
Reply to  stevencasteel

The pedo cheerleader for morality twerking it like it is

9 months ago
Reply to  stevencasteel

The pedo cheerleader on morality and self mastery, schooling the spiritual as he is identifying as a female child or showing his attraction to one. It’s been done a lot but the nerve….One day none of those pedo chant excuses to convince yourself you’re justified and wink at the other pedos while convincing others that it’s okay to do it will fly. You being ignorant or feigning it isn’t good enough. The abuse and death of innocence will get you formatted.

9 months ago
Reply to  marie

Facing one’s fears directly and voluntarily builds inner strength, resilience, and discernment. Rather than averting our gaze from that which makes us anxious or uncomfortable, there is value in carefully examining the precise sources of our distress. This is what is called shadow work. By steeling ourselves with courage and purpose, as a warrior prepares for battle, we can confront even our deepest troubles.

The intent is not to vanquish or deny valid concerns, but to understand them more fully. This willing engagement with adversity, in all its nuances, can gradually diminish its power over us. Though difficult, turning our eyes to meet our fears holds the promise of self-mastery and liberation from avoidance. By penetrating to the roots of dread, we find not only knowledge but freedom.

9 months ago
Reply to  marie

You are so right. This commenter has consistently defended topics such as lowering the age of consent, and attraction to preteen children. He is disgusting and regardless of whether or not he occasionally makes decent points, we need to consider the messenger. I have never forgotten the disgusting comments he’s made on this forum, and wish others here would pay more attention and remember them as well.

9 months ago
Reply to  Lee

🥱 pointing out reality isn’t evil. Lying to yourself is pretty close to evil. Orwellian style tyranny is powered by people not being able to tell the truth to themselves or others. The human body doesn’t become disgusting after a certain day and hour just because our trauma based mind controlling government tells you so. I have never advocated for non consensual action.

9 months ago

I watched the BBC Documentary about “Prophet” TB Joshua. Is it possible for one to be a follower of Christ and be a homosexual?

9 months ago
Reply to  Yuyu

I suppose if you mean a Catholic follower of Christ. But if you’re a follower of the Word of God, then pretty sure u not tryin to engage in an abomination and seek His blessing at same time.

9 months ago
Reply to  Jbizzle

no real christian would engage himself in something so unnatural, unclean, anti-life. there are a lot of people hiding it or openly admitting to be gay while claiming to be christian (catholic or not). these two things are simply not compatible. but yes, anybody can change his/ her ways and become a real christian.
in the bible we have the best example of God not approving it (I use a mild way of saying it). Sodom and Gomorrah.

Claiming to be is not necessarily being.

Sosad, come Jesus quickly
Sosad, come Jesus quickly
9 months ago
Reply to  Yuyu

9 Do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived. Neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor [a]homosexuals, nor [b]sodomites, 10 nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners will inherit the kingdom of God. 11 And such were some of you. But you were washed, but you were [c]sanctified, but you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus and by the Spirit of our God.1 cor 6:9-11

9 months ago
Reply to  Yuyu

No, it’s not. The Bible says that if we are born again we are New Creations. That means even if we *were* homosexuals before we won’t be after. There may be some struggle but we won’t want to be. And if someone truly becomes a Christian, then they won’t become a homosexual. The Christian life is a radical transformation.

9 months ago
Reply to  Kathleen

Amen. #truth is unpopular

CJ Flintstone
CJ Flintstone
9 months ago
Reply to  Kathleen

A lovely sentiment but complete fantasy.

9 months ago
Reply to  Yuyu

of course not

9 months ago

Well of course Satan respects pronouns when you have entities like Legion and Baphomet. No surprises there.

9 months ago

I feel like this person would be really mean.

9 months ago

Interesting how hard it is to get a posted sometimes

9 months ago
Reply to  marie

Website is controlled by 1 person, pride gets up sometimes!

9 months ago

Very funny, they just exposed who’s behind all this madness : Satan.

9 months ago

When I see the trans brigade wearing clothes like this, I feel they are not only woefully misguided, but also making a deliberate attempt to “shock” and be edgy. It’s like a form of mid-life, delayed teenage rebellion. They think they are sticking it to the man, when in reality they’re simply revealing themselves to be the empty-headed sheep they really are.

9 months ago

Sit on the transgender’s T

8 months ago

Wow. Her image says it all baby. No word need be said.