
Here We Go Again: WEF Hosts Upcoming Meeting to Prepare for “Disease X” (

They warn Disease X “could result in 20 times more fatalities than the coronavirus pandemic.”

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7 months ago

May god open their hearts to their evil ways

7 months ago
Reply to  Buddhaboy19

Their God did open their hearts to evil

7 months ago

How do these scum bags sleep at night, how to they reconcile with themselves?

7 months ago
Reply to  paul

They know something we don’t? We’re definitely nothing but trash to them.

7 months ago
Reply to  paul

Some would call them psychopaths or sociopaths. I would call them evil piles of crap that only care about serving their evil master. The end was already written. God will have His vengeance.

7 months ago
Reply to  Anonymous7

You do know the earth has already went through the fire

7 months ago
Reply to  marie

7 people who didn’t look further into that than a thumbs down. Prove me wrong because I can prove me right. Research it a bit but don’t be ignorant and use Google

Last edited 7 months ago by marie
7 months ago
Reply to  paul

They have no conscience. They are psychopaths and they hate the world and humanity. When you see in a movie saying that humanity is a plague… That’s what they think of us. Remember also that they worship Satan and his demons. So, they are in some way demon possessed. So, dont expect a “normal” behavior from them. They directly worship Satan.

7 months ago
Reply to  Will

Reminds me of Prince Philip openly calling the general public “useless eaters” and saying that when he died, he wanted to come back as a plague to wipe out humanity. As our friends across the pond would say, “good riddance to bad rubbish.”

Last edited 7 months ago by Lee
7 months ago
Reply to  paul

Because psychopaths lack empathy and compassion. They are not human. Thats why. They are made out from the fires of hell. Satan forges these pigs like a blacksmith.

7 months ago
Reply to  rick

In Christian mythology Satan is unable to create, only God is capable of creation.

7 months ago
Reply to  JimBooney

indeed! he is not creating. he is corrupting.I think rick wants to express just that.

7 months ago

I hope you all made a note of those around you who turned into power hungry nutbags the first time. Strengthen your resolve and prepare now. The next psyop will probably focus on children rather than the elderly; people will be extra aggressive and maybe violent if you do not comply. Even if it means your job, longterm friendships or family, do not comply with evil lies. Stand firm. Let those who wish to cower, control or fear their fellow man live with their own choices. Stay human folks, because they want you in a pen ♥️

7 months ago
Reply to  Dagny

Absolutely. I was totally repulsed, but not entirely surprised to see it happen within my own family, and my partner’s. That family… Literally shamed me numerous times for being unvaccinated. Once I was sitting behind a closed door in a bedroom when the father, unprovoked, began a whole tirade against me from the other side of the door… Repeating all the bogus CNN talking points and making wild sweeping statements assuming my stance, political ideology, and essentially trying to guilt-trip me and calling me part of the problem. The grandest irony was to see a family of Jews acting like modern-day Nazis and totally blind to it. I just sat there quietly and did not say a word but he kept going for a good 5 minutes, prattling off all the garbage he’d soaked up through CNN and MSNBC. All major media outlets are compromised of course, but it was absolutely ridiculous and uncalled for.
I’ve despised the man ever since he showed his true cowardice and complacency. Of course, he was triple vaxxed/”boosted” (remember when they said the vaccine was a one and done?). Only a matter of time before he has some sort of horrific cardiac event or stroke and I’m positive that when it happens, he will still be willfully ignorant and in complete denial that he did this to himself by behaving like a frightened sheep with 0 critical thought or willpower.
I do not wish ill on the vaccinated, but I will not ever forgive or forget the way they wished I’ll on us. I’m not going to bow down to tyranny and I have 0 respect for anyone who does.

7 months ago
Reply to  Lee

Lee, I understand completely. My experience was very similar to the one you are describing. Like you, I struggle to forgive the ones closest and I will never forget the things they said. I don’t know what we can do differently the next time – X, Y or Z – but know this, when ‘they’ are attacking or mocking you, you are not alone. There are others like you, sitting on the other side of that door, watching the horror and wickedness around them with heartbreak, and at times, utter despair!

You are right…the vaccinated wished ill on us and were happy (and SMUG) to exclude us from society. My only hope is that we pull through the next escalation and avoid camps, forced vaccinations or worse. They’ve shown their true colours. They’ve shown they’ll comply with anything as long as they can go to a concert, or restaurant or get on a plane. They would put on their brown shirts and salute as we were all taken away. Clapping for their Marxist overlords.

The communities of old that would fight back and start rebellions are gone. There is no town hall with raised pitchforks coming to the rescue. We are scattered, in every way, but we are still not alone…

The Almighty is watching. Show ‘them’ no fear. Courage until the very end my friend. Rather be sitting alone in a room than with them.

7 months ago
Reply to  Dagny

Dagny, thank you for your thoughtful reply. I completely agree. It’s sites like these that keep me hopeful with the knowledge that there are still sane and reasonable people out there in the world who object to this authoritarian regime. I just wish that I knew some folks like you and others here in real life. For years, I have been trying to open my family’s and friends’ eyes to the agendas at play in this fallen world, but to no avail… Even when provided with direct, carefully researched and documented information with numerous citations, they still refuse to even consider anything beyond the scope of their limited worldviews…

Sometimes I almost envy that ignorance and wish I could be so far removed from reality like they are. But mostly I am grateful for the information and knowledge I’ve gained through the years, as it has helped me to break free from the programming and be my own person. I am heartened to read your comment and know there are others out there who are aware and against the tyranny.

I agree with your sentiments and found the last statement particularly powerful. He is indeed. I pray for a safe journey ahead for you and yours, and all people of the world to see an end to this injustice. Thank you for the kind words.

7 months ago
Reply to  Dagny

Id like to think itll be different next time, but alas…..The Sheep are ridiculously dumbed down. I think it (Covid) was a practise run & a Display of Power. The next Virus will be dangerous, i will def stay inside next time & maybe even Mask up, i DIDNT last time, saw thru the deceit & lies….Always have, since young, the GOVT doesnt fool me one lil bit. I have no idea how theyve lasted this long as Organisations, of deceit. None are perfect, but they take the cake. I caught Covid Twice, seperate FLUs both strains – Survived fine.
BIG PHARMA spreading bio-warfare is all that is. Theyre using Religion as a BluePrint on Earth & Revelations like a Playbook…..As Above So Below. Look up the MAZZAROTH.
An Astrological cycle (AGE) is coming to an end, Death & Renewal is their Goal, a cleansing of a things to Make Anew.

Its not their 1st CULL theyve willingly caused of MAN…..Its recorded, The Flood wiped out the Human Race last time. Many myths support this & The Pyramids/Thoth etc etc.
Bible Prophecy/Revelations.

7 months ago
Reply to  Lee

Lee, I’m sorry you had that wretched experience. It’s horrifying to watch them turn against family and friends in the name of protecting themselves when in reality, they are defending the very people who are actually trying to kill them.

Sadly, if you were in such close proximity to them you may have been exposed to the spike proteins through shedding – even though you weren’t vaxxed yourself. I would encourage you to listen to some of the docs like Ardis or Peter McCullough who have protocols to detox from the exposure. I was hit hard when I hugged a friend who’d taken one. I’m still trying to recover 2 1/2 years later.

7 months ago
Reply to  SeeRay

SeeRay, thanks for your comment. Yes, it was quite alarming to witness… As the saying goes, all it takes for evil to win is for good men to sit by and do nothing. And that is exactly what has happened.

I’m afraid that I have been in close proximity to the vaccinated for some time now… Due to circumstances beyond my control, I had to move in with some family members last year who were vaccinated and boosted. Ever since that time, I’ve been constantly aware of the likelihood of picking up their shedded spike proteins, and worried for them as well. I fear it may be too late for me now even with detox treatments or remedies… The fact remains that I’m around these people daily and it’s hard to imagine I could cleanse my system after so long. I’m nearly at the point that I’m just hoping for mercy from God when the time comes, although I’m not yet into my 30s, I fear the end may be near.

Not to be too doom and gloom, but I don’t have much interest in this fallen world… I would rather keep living and fighting, but it remains to be seen what’s in the cards for me and others. Nonetheless, I will definitely look into those doctors you mentioned. Thank you kindly for the information and stay safe out there.

7 months ago
Reply to  Lee

“ I’m just hoping for mercy from God when the time comes” – the right attitude. Hoping for mercy _and_ fighting. Till the end.

Still, if you want to improve your health try bromelain + NAC, bone broth and/or colloidal minerals.

7 months ago
Reply to  Lee

Stand Tall brother…..i will stand with you.

7 months ago

The Brazilian communist sociologist, health minister who is forcing babies to take three doses of the toxic covid vaccine, is one of the key speakers.

7 months ago

That image looks like it was generated by DALL-E 3 via the Pro ChatGPT version that lets you do wide aspect ratios and text pretty well. The WEF logo was probably (certainly) added in post production.

Inspired YouTube guy just posted a video how the WEF wants to take over the whole world soon and disregard all laws, enact digital ID for health and climate change. It was a clip of some gov minion laying out the horrific plans (not scared by the way). It is his video titled Emergency Broadcast. They have about three weeks to do the legal things necessary to make it take effect in April or something.

7 months ago
Reply to  stevencasteel

Makes sense. With what I’ve gleaned from 444Gem, he predicted awhile back that March 26, 2024 would be the Greenies next big move and even mentioned digital currency.

I save these things to my calendar to verify.

Unfortunately (as I am a poor note-taker, I rely too heavily on intuition at the expense of detailed data at times, but am working to remedy that) I also noted 2025 on this note, but given the slow pace in which they love to seduce us to death, it could be a span for which this action would seed and grow.

I also have on March 31st a heightened death alert through to April 4. Does this coincide with the giant X eclipse cycle running through North America currenty?

I tried to submit an article that was declined regarding this. I’d forewarn Texans , at least, to look up the trajectory and, especially if you”re near the intersection, pray and plan. A solar eclipse with a unique X pattern, effectively crossing out a large swath of North America, given all we know about the ill-etes disdain for us “roaches”, I believe caution is warranted like planning for a massive storm looming.

The mark of the illiterate/cattle, drawn by the sun and moon conjoining across the base of an entire continent, must be a striking out, a “canceling” if you will…so, the evil ones think…

April 8 there will be another total eclipse – complete darkness in midday. This is visible in the US, Mexico and Canada. It is our time to destruct according to their cycles, which they’ve been signaling for the longest. Isn’t it sweet of them to take us down slowly? They give us time to take action, but don’t so alarm (by slow boiling) that we are inspired enough to feel the need to.

7 months ago
Reply to  lgageharleya

I’d like to read your article. Is there somewhere else you could post it?

7 months ago
Reply to  SeeRay

Not at the moment. Unfortunately, I’d also have to write it again as it doesnt save if declined.
Here is the link where I first read about it:

7 months ago
Reply to  lgageharleya

That’s your blog? it’s not bad

7 months ago
Reply to  quantguacamole

No, not mine, but I’ve learned some interesting things over time from her that have helped my overall understanding, mainly of how Satanists operate (or at least how they allow their bloodline members to speak of it). Thank you for the compliment, though, it’s quite meaningful coming from you after our overall interactions to date.

7 months ago
Reply to  lgageharleya

There is an interesting article I found on satanic blood sacrifice when I did a bit of research on the O9A/ONA. I researched this because I wanted to know how these people operate, so I can avoid being a potential target for these kinds of groups.
They claim to be genuine satanists and they made a guide on human sacrifice, you can read it on their website or on arcane archive:

They use the sacrifices to increase their powers and the sacrifices are tempted multiple times, 3 times most commonly (sound fammiliar?). If the victim fails their tests, they are assassinated. In order to fail, the victims must demonstrate a weak moral character and the victim’s death must benefit the satanists. If there is any chance the murder will be discovered they won’t go through with it.

7 months ago
Reply to  SemperVigilans

Thanks, @sempervigilans,I will take a look. I am finally comprehending how their hateful actions do create imprints in the spiritual which affect all, even those unaware of the initial event. It’s similar in aspects to Doctor Sleep by Stephen King, if anyone’s familiar – the storyline shows not only the vampirism, but gives some vivid images of what this “steam” looks like spiritually.
The Truth shall set us free.

7 months ago
Reply to  lgageharleya

Came here to show you they already come with it with our money, paid for by our gov…

It could be something toxic sprayed above homes, it could be to vaccinated via airways or skin, really thinking of moving to a extremely secluded area. I will avoid their bs if I can, even when the masses vote for not wanting something they force it on us. It’s been done several times so the whole thing with them having to have compliance is bs.

7 months ago
Reply to  marie

I don’t think it can be avoided and going off somewhere just makes you more a target…you’re the only one not walking like a zombie, moaning “Im-ho-tep..*” you tend to stand out a bit. Seclude yourself and there is no one to even notice if something awful happens to you.

7 months ago
Reply to  lgageharleya

Thanks! I’ll read it now.

7 months ago
Reply to  lgageharleya

I’m guessing everyone should keep an extra eye on their children and animals too during all of March. I’m not afraid to die but they’re not my maker so shouldn’t be my taker.

7 months ago
Reply to  lgageharleya

That is very true. They’ve been going steady since the last of their lockdowns. People have just started making plans again. They’ll get a shock.

7 months ago
Reply to  stevencasteel

There are millions of free quality stock photos yet the “vigilant fox” still used this horrible AI generated slop. I can’t take websites seriously when they use nonsensical disfigured AI trash.

7 months ago

2025… H1N5. Wait for it. By the end of 2025 the world will have the worst pandemic ever. Many of the deaths provoked by the vaccine will be blamed on the virus and “climate change”. May God be with us and I hope all of that is a lie.

7 months ago

Well, if you believe that unseen particles-of-disease float around just waiting to infect and kill a host human (or goats or papaya or Coca-Cola or motor oil) which can then be transferred to other people, animals, fruits, unhealthy beverages, and petroleum products, then you should be SUPER-WORRIED about Disease X.

In another perspective, if you have doubts about that theory, you could laugh heartily at the would-be rulers and their prognostications, knowing that they’re a worldwide death-cult who care NOTHING about your feelings unless your feelings lead to either 1) enslavement to their systems OR 2) your long and painful death.

7 months ago
Reply to  Sharine

Okay I get where you’re coming from but there has to be some reason why if your dog gets sick it can pass it on. Kennel cough isn’t imagined.

7 months ago
Reply to  marie

I agree. I think pathogens are demonstrably contractible, but reaction has everything to do with the health of the organism exposed as well as the dose they get exposed to. Some take the hit, feel a little puny but get over it reasonably well, some don’t fare so well. But I know we both agree they are hitting us in myriad toxic ways: water, foods, pharmaceuticals, contaminated air, 4G/5G, etc. So many variables that the outcomes are tough to predict anymore.

7 months ago
Reply to  lgageharleya

And yes, like Sharine says, psy op is a huge part as well, as constant, intense fear is a major contributer to poor health.

7 months ago
Reply to  lgageharleya

I just wanted to say I always notice your username and appreciate your comments here. It’s always nice to see someone so well-informed and trying to help others. Thanks for that.

7 months ago
Reply to  Lee

That is a beautiful thing to say, @lee and it is deeply appreciated in ways you cannot know. Thank you so much.. There are so many people here far beyond me, and the more I learn, the more I realize how terribly little I know.
Are you the same Lee (if I recall correctly) who spoke with me about backmasking?

7 months ago
Reply to  lgageharleya

Big respect to you.

I teach private music lessons in my home. Since before and all through the CovAin’t, I have shared my piano bench and my small music studio with children who cough and sneeze on me. They put their fingers in their mouths and noses and then onto the piano keys and my drum kit and other instruments. They bring their unhealthy snacks into my home and eat them while a brother or sister does their lesson. We often hug, because my students and their families are like extended family to me.

I have not been sick in over 8 years. The last time I got sick was when I did a stint as a substitute teacher, thinking that I could make a positive change in the system. I got sick twice within three weeks. Three weeks! I felt frozen and I shook so badly that I almost rattled off the bed. My husband had to lay on top of me for 30 minutes to keep me warm and prevent me from shattering, almost literally. I was sure that I was going to die. But I didn’t.

Since then, I went inside and figured out that it is death-cult systems that instigate dis-ease when we subscribe to their anti-Life notions. I changed my my mental field. I changed my diet. I stopped being afraid of the psychopathic tyrants. My entire life changed because I no longer FELL (fallen angel, anyone?) for the mainstream incremental mind-control notion that we are dirty and dumb and that we infect each other with illnesses.

No. It’s the death-cult and their petroleum pharmakeia and their harmful-to-LIFE non-terrestrial frequencies, other products, and practices.

I wish you much joy and love.💖

7 months ago
Reply to  Sharine

I have a great deal of regard for you as well, @Sharine, thank you. Your perspective, being so different from mine, is invaluable to me.

And I hear you – the more I learn, the more I realize how many ways far beyond the physical methods we’re drilled to memorize by allopathy (demonic system of benevolent oppression) there are to gain and maintain health.
I suppose I’m speaking of the vast majority who, as we once were, knew nothing yet of these other things. Many diseases are manageable with only herbs, for example, and the patients are comfortable enough to remain content. Allopathy is nothing but a slow road to a painful death and much misery and sorrow (and cold cash) along the way.

That said, I can’t discount the possibility that all dis-ease is externally induced. It would make some sense, although I consider, also behavioral attributes which encourage disease transmission. I was a pediatric nurse early in my career and I can assure you that most snotty, coughing children aren’t considered infectious/infected -it’s a modern day norm. Most of that is just baseline protective functioning.
If a child came in with strep, a new nurse swabbing for culture nearly invariably contracted it. Not some other ailment, no, it was strep. This informs me that person-to-person transmission may very real. Consider it as “shedding”…perhaps…? In that way, strep may still have been externally induced, but remains provably transmissible.

After all, our bodies are a microcosm and pathogens are just different types of cleanup crews. They’re already present…what causes them to proliferate? Dis-ease. These bugs are actually trying to rid our bodies of bad stuff to bring us back into balance, if possible, but when a body becomes weakened enough, these bugs have to bring out the full brass band to consume whatever is wrong within that body.

7 months ago
Reply to  lgageharleya

…strep may be externally induced by mechanical, and not natural means, I meant. Same as with covI9

Last edited 7 months ago by lgageharleya
7 months ago
Reply to  marie

Vaccines and other pharmaceuticals (all poisons), extreme stress (so many aspects such as room/floor temperature, lack of true care/love, etc.), possible torture, and animals with illnesses/traumas whose tragic suffering lower the overall frequency of the kennel.

7 months ago
Reply to  Sharine

Many are based off of plants and secretly made from plants. I think you’re right in a way but in another I have seen animals who are loved and happy and healthy suddenly get sick so there’s something more to this imo.

7 months ago

they’re loading the food, the air etc. I recommend everyone washes every fruit vegetable they get, peel the top layer and just be very careful what you eat.

side note
Sam’s club is now taking photos of faces bodys and what they consume, the excuse is for if they aren’t checking your cart so be aware they are getting your facial body id in a database that way they don’t need to get consent and as a bonus they are seeing what you eat. They are part of Walmart or Walmart (martial law) is part of them, can’t remember which but they’re in bed together.

If you get sick get some ivermectin, get some zinc and vit c. If you cannot get it off the dark web horsey paste is safe, get the apple flavor the other tastes like a chemical ashole, actually they both do but Apple is distracting, just take a small gob based on your weight, eat it and do a whinny sound, do it for 5 days and you’re done. Keep in mind this new variant they’ve made might need a different medication so invest in some chlorine dioxide

Last edited 7 months ago by marie
7 months ago
Reply to  marie

Have missed your unique brand of humor, haha!

7 months ago
Reply to  lgageharleya

I missed your wit but busy trying to help some souls in need so I’ll be back when things calm down

7 months ago
Reply to  lgageharleya who has a Tesla. He sells this crap but people love him despite his history

7 months ago
Reply to  marie

You mean the nurse in this clip? He’s theatrical for an Englishman. You think he’s only awake in this one area, or a shill?

7 months ago
Reply to  marie

Tesco sell genetically modified fruit and aren’t required to put it on the label. That’s just one of them. I thought it odd my raspberries lasted weeks.

7 months ago

I have seen three articles on the Microsoft landing page about this “hypothetical” disease, including one talking about how scientists are already working on a cure! For an illness supposedly not even real yet!

7 months ago
Reply to  Fleurdamour

They patented the vaccine to Covid 3 days after patenting Covid. There was a really good clip with one of the heads over all the us patent offices coming out against this crap. He stated they were forced by the gov to okay the vaccine even though it was not a vaccine since it has rna and of course yutube took it down, and he was let go or resigned afterwards. You can try to look it up maybe someone fought and reuploaded but it was interesting how they get around things and plan things far in advance

7 months ago

The place needs obliterated while they are in it

6 months ago

A nuclear explosion shuts everything down. They can reopen using all their New World agendas. With all the staged wargame military events happening like Ukraine, I’m surprised they haven’t done it yet. Another pandemic or alien hoax won’t be believable but a military event featuring a nuke explosion, people won’t have any choice but to follow along.