
Police investigate virtual sex assault on girl's avatar (

The incident in a virtual world reportedly left the under-16-year-old traumatised.

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7 months ago

WTF is that !!!!! Pieces of sh*ts! There are REAL girls getting abused and the Polices do nothing, evil world!

7 months ago
Reply to  username

This is not a comment against the author of the article, not many people can reason rationally on this site, so I’d rather explain.

Last edited 7 months ago by username
7 months ago
Reply to  username

While I do not contest there is a real trauma involved we cannot put in the same ballance the virtual abuse and the real one. No way! I understand your reaction. You are so right about children and women being abused and nothing being done about it. So many famous recent cases already of r*pists and p**ophiles walking free with enough proof to put them in jail for the rest of their lives or serve jail time for a very short time while real victims serve a life-time of trauma.
I don’t know, but It almost looks like a future excuse – “we don’t have the means to operate in the real world because we use it all in the cyber-space”
I also think there is also some kind of warning for the population. It says people need to do both detective work and take justice into their own hands because police is busy elsewhere when abuse happens in real life.

7 months ago

Why didn’t she just take the headset off? Seems like we need a little more chlorine in the dna pool

7 months ago
Reply to  Yokel17!
