
Ridiculous push to ban the phrase 'brother' and 'sister' – as 'woke' equality group reveals the new 'inclusive' term we should be calling our loved ones (

‘Brother’ and ‘sister’ could be banned from official documents and other public communication and be replaced by the term ‘siblings’, under one state’s updated anti-discrimination laws.

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9 months ago

I love how the globalists and their satanic social engineering use ‘woke’ as an autonomous social trend as the smoke screen. Seriously, these people are the manifestation of archetypal evil, literal Satan encased in ‘loving inclusivity’.

9 months ago
Reply to  simon

Satan has essentially perversed love to emcompass everything profane with inclusivity. He has blurred what love actually means and everyone is buying into it slowly. Before you know it, their favorite phrase “love is love” will translate to “i love 12 years olds”.

Last edited 9 months ago by rick
9 months ago

Let’s semantic the world to death. Does anyone honestly believe we can live on with such crass deception? I guess they do, or don’t care because they wont be here to have to worry about it. I, for one, would like to see these people gone because they are a blight.

9 months ago
Reply to  lgageharleya

They want to isolate people and make them zombies. No culture, no tradition, no identity, no gender, no skill, no faith. A blank canvass for their programming of choice, to make them what they want them to be: an ultimate confused subserviant slave.

Last edited 9 months ago by rick
9 months ago
Reply to  rick

Exactly this sir. Spot on.

9 months ago

Few days ago in UK there was this case regarding teenage girl being raped in Metaverse. This is so wrong on so many levels we could wrote a book about it and the mental effect on people. Despite she could take off the VR glasses ANY TIME, she choose to participate in this. Few guys raped her AVATAR online. One of the lawyers compared her pain to a real-pain-rape-experience and said her mental health is on the edge. Really? So now, after so many years i can finally say out loud that if i hit my finger with hammer, the pain is similar to giving a birth without being crucified by angry womans whom claimed that this pain is beyond measure. Well, following that thought above, we certainlly can. Jokes aside. This entire show is again “create problem, offer a solution”. With this actions, they are already pouring the foundation laws to rule in the Metaverse, that will allow them to chase you you and prosecute you for action in digital world. Like beating up the prost*** in GTA 4 and stealing her car and drugs will put you in jail in real life. They are very good in what they are doing, really, really good. Comparing phisical experience to digital crap is beyond my thinking. When i was younger, i used to love karate/kung-fu/martial arts movies. I was impressed how one can take so many punches and still fight back and stood on his feet. Well, i was about 8 when i realized, when you hit someone very hard in Adams Apple, you can actually kill someone. When guy dropped on the floor and went purple because he couldn’t breath, that moment i realized, TV, GAMES, MOVIES, this is not real. Your choices are real. I realized very soon the meaning of “consequences of your actions”. Not that it helped me for next few years, i was using the phrase “don’t get caught” thing. Old times. But on the other hand, past doesn’t define us. Unless you are pedophile or any other psycho.

Be well my friends.

9 months ago
Reply to  Maciej

I saw this story about the online ‘rape’ and it horrified me to my core. The implications are chilling.

9 months ago
Reply to  Maciej

link to the story. Here, they said “police officers”, on other site it was “lawyer”, but it doesn’t change the fact at all who said it.

9 months ago

Real, normal, everyday folks will laugh this fluff away, as they should. It’s so ludicrous!