
Deagel 2025 Forecast suggests that 2024 might be quite a year.

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9 months ago

Absolute bs, the only mention of deagle online, not relating to the desert eagle firearm, is this “report”. It’s either blind fear mongering or it’s deliberate misinformation designed to make the people who share it look like crazy crackpots. Check your sources people.

9 months ago
Reply to  simon

@simon, The UK is on top with -77,1% ! you will be left alone on the island. How are you preparing yourself for this new upcoming reality?

9 months ago
Reply to  rona

Im UK too and am on the outskirts of Greater London/Surrey so assume I will be in the non survival category 😉

9 months ago
Reply to  Simon

Guard what you speak over your life. We are co-creators and our words contain authority.

9 months ago
Reply to  lgageharleya

There were most unlikely survivors in 9/11 and in every other evil “tragedy” perpetrated against us throughout the ages. This is not accident nor incident.

9 months ago
Reply to  lgageharleya

@lgageharleya thank you for your comment, @simon answer made me feel bad and i had the exact same ideas you wrote.

9 months ago
Reply to  lgageharleya


9 months ago
Reply to  JimBooney

It’s deagel. Not deagle. Say that to say perhaps that’s why you’re seeing desert eagle stuff come up, which I did not when I searched with the correct spelling)

I’m not necessarily disagreeing with you (but I’m not definitely not agreeing either!).

It’s absolutely not impossible however for information to be scrubbed off the internet, as many sites are saying concerning the lack of information regarding the “deagel” organization that supposedly published this data.

Last edited 9 months ago by Trut4seeker
Sky McCloud
Sky McCloud
5 months ago
Reply to  Trut4seeker

Use wayback machine. it’s there

9 months ago
Reply to  JimBooney

We’ll see. Did you get shot?

Sky McCloud
Sky McCloud
5 months ago
Reply to  JimBooney

Have you not seen the actual Deagle reports?

5 months ago
Reply to  JimBooney the official web page used to show this for real.

9 months ago

In my little search to verify this, it’s interesting to have come across this site in which a commenter who was responding to the legitimacy of this data back in 2020(!) states why this data is unreasonable…not knowing all he/she is arguing appears to actually somewhat be happening now, 3 years later, albeit in different ways perhaps.


Last edited 9 months ago by Trut4seeker
9 months ago

It’s not 2024 that will be a disaster, but 2025. Supposedly, that year we will have the worst pandemic ever. It seems it will kill a large portion of the world’s population. Besides, they say that by 2025 the vaccines will truly start having side effects on people and the coming pandemic H1N5 and the climate change will be blamed. I hope all that is bullsh* t because that looks truly scary, terrifying and disturbing.

Last edited 9 months ago by Will
9 months ago
Reply to  Will

It’s not scary being here on the right side of things…Truth is always available for anyone to take it, but you have to want it.

9 months ago
Reply to  Will

I think so too, 2024 will be the release of the worldwide famine (3rd horseman) and 2025 will be the release of death where 1/4 of the population will perish (4th horseman)

9 months ago
Reply to  quantguacamole


Blind Gill
Blind Gill
9 months ago

I remember seeing this report for the first time in 2020. Maybe their lab built virus/jections weren’t as deadly as they thought…

Last edited 9 months ago by rosey
9 months ago
Reply to  Blind Gill

It has probably been tested on 10,000s of unsuspected victims before the launch. I am sure it is as effective as they expect it to be.

rm p
rm p
9 months ago
Reply to  Blind Gill

Unfortunately, they are not done yet…

9 months ago

Seems that Natural news picked up this story as well. They said a highly censored Pfizer document points towards Depopulation by 2025 which coincides with Deagels estimates.
Most of these vaxs were supposedly funneled through DoD, so it wouldn’t be too surprising if it comes partly to reality. I pray it doesn’t and I think it’s the one time I’d welcome medical negligence of not properly storing hot lots to protect society.

9 months ago

I dont believe in this level of population reducing. It’s all about slow suffering and control of masses. The more consumers the better. Their tactic is slow cooking. Any drastic move would threaten the mass hypnosis. With the age of AI more surveillance and more control is more plausible than killing. More ads, more brand worship, more online fights, more willing slaves to corporations.
-77% in 10 years especially in liberal hellholes like Usa, UK is extremely unlikely.

Last edited 9 months ago by Yxxy
9 months ago
Reply to  Yxxy

I agree more than I disagree, a slow cook is the more logical and less messy route, and it’s clearly worked for the past several years…

That said, the enemy’s time is short (as prophesied) and he knows it. After experiencing the previously unthinkable 3 years ago (ie worldwide lockdown, intense total and globally-coordinated brainwashing and soul sucking fear campaign etc), and continuing to endure all the upside down dynamics going on in society right now (while the zombie masses generally mosey on ignorantly), it tells us that anything is possible in this day and age.

The consciousness and awareness of the spiritual realm is so dampened (combined with the fact that TPTB have total control of the physical world) that anything can occur today and there’d be nothing we as humans can do to actually stop it.

This truly is a fight of Biblical proportions. Fret not though, our Creator is victorious. Just a matter of which side y’all want to be on in the end.

9 months ago
Reply to  Yxxy

I agree. Also, incrementalism is the Luciferian way. They want to make sure that they are creating a continuous [false] illusion that people are *consenting,* believing that they are off the karmic hook. Which of course is a lie. If they are manipulating consciousness —which they are — they’re going against Natural Law/God’s Law/Cosmic Law. They are really quite stupid and their only *quasi-intelligent* trait is copycatting, and since the late 1800s, they’ve had access to exotic technology which helps make their illusions appear even more “real.”

9 months ago
Reply to  Sharine

It has been that way all the way up until now, I do agree. But we are past the stage of building up now. The last 3 years has taught us that the masses are willing to sell their souls for [money, job, materialism, entertainment etc].

Incrementalism is needed less and less and less by the day.

It’s been written…satan has but a short time.

I like your copycatting thought. That’s exactly it, and it’s all satan can really do, since he can’t create the way our (and his!) Creator can.

So he counterfeits everything that is Godly. E v e r y t h i n g.

Last edited 9 months ago by Trut4seeker
9 months ago
Reply to  Yxxy

They are running out of time it seems and so the burner has been turned up.

Surely, we are in the last 7 years until armageddon.

Last edited 9 months ago by rick
9 months ago
Reply to  Yxxy

When the next plandemic arrives people will be dropping like flies everywhere which will scare the crap out of the sheeple and they will be running to their government masters and begging them for more jabs, CBDC, Vax passports, digital IDs, chip implants, etc.

9 months ago
Reply to  SaladBar

Forget the slow burn cause the next time will be so bad that it will make COVID look like a walk in the park.

9 months ago
Reply to  SaladBar

I tend to agree with you. We know they don’t like to spook the herd…but sometimes you need to spank the outliers to get the group moving the direction you want to herd them in again. The most gullible are already in the corral. Those who thought the covid biz a complete lie may be about to find out what so many already know, but they are most vulnerable as they think it’s all a mind game. I think, in this case, the fear and horror are necessary tools for their next level.
IMO, an extinction-level event, like they’re plotting, eventually requires a move of shock-and-awe.

9 months ago
Reply to  lgageharleya

The problem is that we the people are executing these plans against ourselves!

9 months ago
Reply to  lgageharleya

Fear and horror. Indeed age old tactics of satan.

Good point. Enemy has shown itself to be evil and as more and more ppl (slowly) wake up, the incrementalism can only occur for so much longer. Shock and awe is required to quell those who are just waking up and remind them to be fearful.

The world events get to this shock and awe event, then the beast/false prophet/satan will arise out of the ashes (sounds familiar?) as if a knight in shining armor, and call for peace for humanity’s sake.

Don’t fall for it, y’all. The scriptures have foretold. Study while there’s still time.

9 months ago
Reply to  Yxxy

Honest question, not just for Yxxy…

Have y’all studied the Book of Revelation? In turn, have y’all studied the book of Daniel? Isaiah? Bc in order to understand Revelation, those 2 books (among others) need to be examined and referenced…

It’s crazy, bc what’s happening now has been written for hundreds/thousands of years.

I do urge all to study with an open heart and mind if you’re really seeking Truth. The enemy can never truly overpower those who are genuine sons and daughters of God. If the enemy did, then our Creator wouldn’t the omnipotent source we believe Him to be.

Sky McCloud
Sky McCloud
5 months ago
Reply to  Yxxy

They’re getting sure of themselves and greedy

9 months ago

Well, if this report is true … its going according to the grand scheme of things.

Mr. Gooey
Mr. Gooey
9 months ago

The Ukraine number are spot on.

9 months ago
Reply to  Mr. Gooey

Gurk! Your right…Maybe their IS something to this.

9 months ago
Reply to  lenseoftruth

what about the US? 216 Million GONE! Are you seen it on the streets?

9 months ago
Reply to  starly

I live in Japan. I have seen more 20 and 30 yr old stroke victims walking around the streets then the last 12 years living here. They definitely killed alot of the super old Japanese people with this vax. It’s positivly rare to see anyone pushing past 80 or 90 yrs old in my area when before this roll out it was mostly common. Their definitely something going on here.

9 months ago
Reply to  starly

77% of US has been shot already and the beloved leader pushed for it. Is this a coincidence? Don’t know about Morroco where it is said 99% were … injected.

9 months ago

At least we have guns to protect ourselves,, let’s focus on preventing a civil war among each other as well.

9 months ago

Not sure what is good to prevent this sort of stuff,, what helps with knowing these numbers.

9 months ago
Reply to  Erica

I’m not at all one bit against physical weapons of defense, but it goes way beyond a physical matter, Erica…it’s a spiritual battle more than anything else, and one that’s fought in the hearts and minds of you, myself, and each human being.

If it helps to readjust your mindset toward what’s happening, think of this as a sci-fi, suspense movie we are actually living out and in right now. “Reality” is not what we’ve been conditioned to think of.
The destruction and division, whether it be through a civil war or not, is going to happen no matter what.

The scriptures, book of Revelation, has foretold everything.
This is not a story of doom of gloom. Not for those who it not to be anyway. But you and every living soul has to choose what they want.

9 months ago

I chatted with a retired CIA man while out to lunch with my son a year or two ago. I asked him if he knew anything about deagel, he responded, “You tell me?”. I said I don’t know anything, it’s a very mysterious site. He said he didn’t know anything about it either but that if I wanted to try and learn more about it to research In-Q-Tel, the CIA’s tech startup arm.

This report was available for a number of years before it was removed. Deagel is a surprisingly accurate site, there is some really interesting, detailed information available about all things military on that site.

One thing that hasn’t been noted in the OP or in any comments is that there was an addendum to this chart. It was a long paragraph of text that basically said, “these numbers aren’t changing due to a major catastrophic event or a global pandemic. These are numbers based on immigration/emigration patterns.” But there is no author or “about us” page. I have no idea who actually gathered and analyzed the data, what data was analyzed, or how many people work on the site. It’s very strange and very creepy.

5 months ago
Reply to  juppys

Yes, very creepy and scary. I’m f*****g scared and stressed because of this. :/ :'(

9 months ago

In 2021 or 22 I asked Alexa some specific questions about populations in 2025 and the result was a staggering amount of deaths. I asked her a few times to be sure she’d say it again. Then it started going around the internet and within just a few days, Alexa no longer would say anything, but I’d hear the “off” button from it when she refuses to say anything. Hmmm….

6 months ago

Full list?