
The reversing of the roles.

A new male contraceptive will be tested on British men soon.  The drug works by blocking the production of vitamin A, thus rendering the male infertile temporarily.

How long before British men become vitamin A deficient?  

From 6 Health Benefits of Vitamin A, Backed by Science:

“Vitamin A is essential for many processes in your body, including maintaining healthy vision, ensuring the normal function of your organs and immune system, and aiding the proper development of babies in the womb.”

What are the long term effects?  Is this a long term secret plan to sterilize men?  Who knows …

At least they will have all the sex they can get!


British men to be first in the world to try new male contraceptive pill

What do you think?

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9 months ago

Any man who takes this deserves for his line to die.

8 months ago
Reply to  rick

It’s awful. We all have to have as many children as possible. Christian children. They’re sterilising us, and Western birth rates are in free fall! Men and women must stop fighting, and see who the enemy is!

8 months ago
Reply to  Dagny

They’ re not just sterilizing people, but have made women to commit abortions on a regular basis, most of them unknowingly.
The contraceptive pills are not only destined to prevent a pregnancy (meaning it won’t create life- favorable conditions inside), but they will also kill the ‘by-accident’ embryos in any of their stages of developement. So many pregnancies end with a second-day contraceptive pill. Yes! To put it very simplistic, the moment those two cells unite they are life, literally a new being that is errased with a contraceptive pill.

Responsability is the key together with abstinence. This is the best contraceptive method and the only that won’t harm. It might sound bad, I know, but not as bad as taking away the right to live.

T. Time
T. Time
9 months ago

Go on.

Is you blokes
just having a laugh?

8 months ago

well women have had to deal with a novels worth of debilitating side effects of contraceptive pills for decades…stupid and purely speculative link.

8 months ago
Reply to  rick

Stating that women have endured the side effects, and how awful they are, doesn’t logically lead to “I want men to experience that”, which I do not. Why assume the worst in people ? I wish for neither men nor women to experience horrible side effects, and there is no good reason to wish for that. For many decades now, for various medical issues though, many medicines and their research have been conceived with male anatomy in mind, and for many women’s health issues, such as endometreosis, solutions do not even exist yet. It has taken decades for there to even be the outcry that we do see now, about the severe side effects of birth control, and when there is even the suggestion or possibility of men experiencing something of that sort, the outcry is immediate. But ofc availability todays social media plays a big role in that too. I don’t have medical knowledge so I can’t comment the medicines that are currently being proposed and developed for male contraception, but obviously it will, and should be up to individuals to freely choose whether they want to use them or not anyways. Since the act of s+x is between a male and a female it makes logical and moral sense that both parties carry responsibility for that protection and care for each others’ health in the process.

8 months ago
Reply to  milly

Milly, your comment acknowledges the debilitating side effects. Are you suggesting that as women have ‘had’ to deal with ‘a novels worth’, then men should have to take a turn? Is that why the link is stupid in your opinion? What are your thoughts on our water supply? Or overall fertility hit.

8 months ago
Reply to  Dagny

No I don’t mean to suggest that. Stating that women have suffered badly doesn’t lead to suggesting that I want that for men, which I don’t. The medicines should have never caused that in the first place but that cant be changed now. The suggestions in the article are highly speculative and not based on any real results yet. Obviously with any medicine that is in development we can never now fully what the results and long term results will be, which is why trial and error is needed and unavoidable. I hope non damaging contraceptive options can be available for men and women in the future and that they can freely choose about that.

8 months ago
Reply to  milly

My question was fair given the ‘stupid’ and ‘speculative’ addition to your own comment.

8 months ago
Reply to  rick

Well, you seem to be quite hurt too by my statement, otherwise why even respond. But the real question: How does a man become female by taking a medicine pill ? Men can not turn into women

8 months ago
Reply to  rick

You’re absolutely right rick. They’re not approving my comments on this for some reason. I’m not swearing, or being insulting, and yet my comments regarding this are blocked. More censorship and I’m now not trusting this site.

8 months ago

I would argue that fertility isn’t a disease that needs to be treated with pharmaceuticals, by either men or women.

Natural Family Planning, for instance, can be as effective as hormonal birth control, but without the side effects.