
Grabbed this during the intro of a Jordan Peterson video

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10 months ago

JP has a lot of stuff figured out. The normies that hate on him often say he speaks gibberish, but I can understand exactly what he says in his Maps of Meaning and Genesis lecture series. I’ve learned a lot from him.

There is a weird / off energy around him. No doubt. But go look at who has has interviewed recently and what he has to say about the globalists and I’d rank him among Tucker and Alex Jones as people that are more likely on our team than not.

Like the Daily Wire. I have distrust towards all their big people. Mainly because I don’t think they are as aligned with truth as the need to be.

But just because you aren’t 100% aligned in resonance with someone doesn’t mean you should shun them and refuse to team up with them.

JP is likely heavenly under spiritual and alphabet agency attack and deserves your prayers more than ire.

10 months ago
Reply to  stevencasteel

There’s truth in this, but you have to be careful with someone this high profile showing so many symbols. There’s a flavor for everyone, including the intelligent and perceptive who are aware of a great deal -only their deceptions for these folks must be substantially more subtle.

I’ve noted of late he is attending interviews, etc in strangely patchwork jackets, which give him a “jester”-esque or even scarecrow (stuffed shirt) appearance.

I listen to people like JP like I listen to most people, with a healthy dose of skepticism, and keep my eyes and ears open for the worm in the apple (there nearly alway is, even if the person involved isn’t aware himself). I don’t know if he was controlled opp from the beginning or if he got that way via DW or just got boosted there. But I do believe someone of his intelligence is far less susceptible to hypnosis and other methods of programming than your average person. I may be wrong.

Blind Gill
Blind Gill
10 months ago
Reply to  lgageharleya

Interesting. I had noticed the ridiculous nature of the suits too. I think he’s actually very susceptible. He’s clearly a very emotional guy and that as well as his breakdowns have been quite public and troubling. It struck me as so very very strange he talked about fascism and the signs of it..then seemed to be entirely asleep during the worst of COVID.

He is dancing around Christianity and I hope it is because he us trying to seek…but his ego is his stumbling block. If he isn’t he’s a darn sight more dark and is leading others astray. As the first poster said…there’s something off.

10 months ago
Reply to  Blind Gill

You may be right, Gill, I wasn’t aware of public breakdowns, although he’s clearly a highly sensitive man.

10 months ago
Reply to  Blind Gill

I was also very disappointed by his mental breakdown and then kowtowing to the masks and injections. JP was one of the reasons I was so aware the situation was evil. Thankfully he’s pivoted hard against it.

JP has talked about Trump being a Jester / Fool archetype. He knows what he’s doing. Jung is one of his biggest influences. He’s very interested in stuff outside of the Judeo Christian domain, but has to tread carefully because of clown world.

Why bite the hand that feeds you when you also have an interest and opportunity to dig into the Judeo Christian topic? And have an organization like the Daily Wire that is supporting instead of banning you like YouTube and Twitter?

10 months ago
Reply to  Blind Gill

Another sensitive man who has public fits is Glenn Beck and he’s in skull and bones wearing patches all the time.

10 months ago
Reply to  lgageharleya

You’re not wrong. He has taken photoshoots with his one eyed covered in a very obvious fashion. He’s constantly selling Israel and is def in the cabal.

10 months ago
Reply to  stevencasteel

He may bring certain things to light, but as long as he is not bringing his audience closer to God it is meaningless.

For me he is not actively helping his audience to get to their salvation through Jesus.
So he is either saying things with little meaning or worse he has a much darker agenda.

I would not put to much trust in anyone Who is not pushing towards salvation.

10 months ago
Reply to  stevencasteel

I used to listen to Ben, but now I think he and the DW are controlled opposition, Mockingbird-style. A friend of mine described it as “Boomeriffic”: let’s return to a 50s-era lifestyle where everyone is nice to each other and there is a shared sense of moral rightness. Let’s all vote harder and be good people and we can change everything. But I think we all know we are past that.

JP and Ben tout a Judeo-Christian viewpoint. Not sure what that means as they are entirely different religions. Ben doesn’t even believe in an afterlife. JP refuses to commit to Christianity, all the while drawing Christian men into a kind of functional agnosticism.

Both have met with Netanyahu in Israel; they have allegiances there.

Overall, I probably agree with 90% of what they both say. But that’s how controlled oppo works. It’s used for big issues, like taking the jab and the Israel/Palestine conflict. These two points alone show that they are in some way compromised. Ben urged us to get vaccinated for months before it was available, and he came down hard on Candace Owens for taking a nuanced view of the Middle East conflict.

But I think we can agree that one way or another, everyone there needs our prayers.

10 months ago
Reply to  tomthomas

His daughter… Isn’t she always showing nudity to get views? She took photos of herself half naked with her baby watching. Altered herself like everyone else looks plastic. Know them by their seed right? He’s mighty proud of her.

10 months ago
Reply to  stevencasteel

He can’t quit pills and he justifies beating kids. Nope.

10 months ago
Reply to  stevencasteel

you think tucker and jones are on our side? lol, bruh.

9 months ago
Reply to  ibelieve

More so than Rogan and Musk.

I’d rather team up with Tucker and Jones than most of the fundamentalist nut jobs on this site.

10 months ago

This is my first ever comment here. This place makes me think of the ghost busters who believe in spooks but think they can be dealt with – with science and not God. Shudder to think anyone would bring the Master Designer into the conversation.
Jordan Peterson is a priest in high standing for the New world order.
He claims to believe in “God” and hangs out with Rabbinical Jews and Catholics and uses high and lofty words associated with the 25 books of automatic writings from a disembodied spirit from the Astral plane mostly attributed to Madam Blavatsky and Alice Bailey.
He is a Pied Piper leading many to the second death. From a secular point of view he is a savior to many and he speaks in truisms and warm and fuzzy axioms – so does the serpent. Carl Jung the man who participated in seances and speaking to the dead is his hero.

Last edited 10 months ago by Seer
10 months ago
Reply to  Seer

Agreed. Here’s his daughter and her child. She takes a lot of these half naked shots. The child seems to not be shocked.

10 months ago


10 months ago

He’s very smart, has good insights, but is into Jungian occultism.
Sooner or later these things surface and spoil everything.
I would never trust him for serious direction in life.

9 months ago
Reply to  Marcos

What is Jung incorrect about?

10 months ago

Guy is a shill is clear as day, even blind can see, why can’t you I don’t understand.

the great plague
the great plague
10 months ago

This clown was pro-lockdown, pro-mandates. The culture warriors have short memories.

9 months ago

He apologized for messing up. He’s a man.

10 months ago

I think his emotion is faked. I feel authentic emotion, when people are about to cry, I start to cry. I always feel their emotion. I feel nothing from him.

10 months ago

Hmm ..

10 months ago

Got a bunch of these.
