
Harry Styles' process of humilliation continues

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9 months ago

He’s also getting much older than his real age. Their programming sessions must be taking a lot out of him. Haggard, tired looking, stressed out

8 months ago
Reply to  john

Do you think he’s getting electric shocks?

9 months ago

He looked aint happy

Blind Gill
Blind Gill
9 months ago

Some interesting tattoos there. So is the one on his left hand inverted or not?

9 months ago
Reply to  Blind Gill

When the hand is in the position on the picture, the cross is not inverted. However, if he lifts his hand up, it would be. Have a look at picture 11 here for a closer look:
Also, from his X account you can see himself stating he’s “not really that religious” (

So my guess is he does what he does for fame and fortune, not paying any concern to the coming judgement and the fact that you cannot serve two masters. As long as we’re alive, though, it is never too late to repent and accept Jesus as your Lord and savior!

Blind Gill
Blind Gill
9 months ago
Reply to  followchrist

True true.

9 months ago
Reply to  Blind Gill

The big (occult) one is the “Moth” on his abdomen!

Blind Gill
Blind Gill
9 months ago
Reply to  MagenD

Oh is it a moth?

Blind Gill
Blind Gill
9 months ago

Have to say…this kid has some v interesting symbolism happening. You know me – not as into this as most of y’all but seriously… butterfly, cross, eagle, rose, Bible, nails, numbers, dates, cages, birds, skeletons? It’s like someone is branding him. They aren’t even very good. The cover up one with the Bible over it is terrible. You cannot tell me that someone so into the way they have to look would just let some random out of prison tattoo him cos it has prison energy. These are not done by an artist. Cosmo article with the tattoos to follow.

Blind Gill
Blind Gill
9 months ago
Reply to  Blind Gill

Whoever wrote this needs their head seeing but interesting to see the individual pics close up.

9 months ago
Reply to  Blind Gill


Not “butterfly”….

Blind Gill
Blind Gill
9 months ago
Reply to  MagenD

You could see why I thought it was a butterfly though yeah?

Airplane Clouds
Airplane Clouds
9 months ago
Reply to  Blind Gill

They say it’s a butterfly in the article….

9 months ago
Reply to  Blind Gill

Of course….

But the “MOTH” is a far more “Occult” symbol symbolizing Witchcraft, Black Magic, Sorcery, Transformation, Death and Rebirth et al…. just goggle “Occult Moth”….

Is why the distinction is so important here!

Pippi Pumpernickel
Pippi Pumpernickel
9 months ago

There’s no humiliation, he’s a.known homosexual. Blind items said so.

9 months ago


The FOOLS that will sell their souls for TRINKETS!!! 🙄


9 months ago

The bloodliners are fulfilling their roles in pushing the Luciferian Cosmic Androgyne Agenda. They don’t care whether they are humiliated or not, it’s their job. Which makes it even more repulsive and pathetic.

5 months ago

This is probably why he is the only successful member of 1Direction since he is just willing to go through any humiliation ritual (like wearing dresses etc) for success, they even gave him a whole album of the year grammy that night
Not to forget he has big names backing him up like Irving Azoff who was a music executive and his son Jeff Azoff who is his manager/friend but the thing is that the Azoffs were involved with what happened to Britney spears he should be careful and watch his back because he’s swimming with a bunch of snakes that will suck the life out of him, he looks tired already