
UK health chiefs issue guidance on what to do in a radiation emergency (

Keep calm, but don’t carry on! UK health chiefs have issued new guidance on what to do in a radiation emergency. It involves getting inside as quickly as possible to reduce exposure.

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V.C. Donovan
V.C. Donovan
9 months ago

Stay calm keep glowing 👑

9 months ago

I’ll be brave and say, I think that the wayward wizards and their cushy-job-keeping creepy career clowns have been using radiation on us INCREMENTALLY OVER 100+ YEARS as a tool of oppression and mind-control.

So: No need to kill off the slaves! Besides, the evildoers reside on Earth, too, so they need competent sentient beings to continue their vampire efforts in order to exist here.

9 months ago
Reply to  Sharine

The slaves seem to be too many, Sharine! That’s why the fabricated viruses, the vaccines, the wars!… Don’t worry! the evildoers have their safe bunkers somewhere and can afford killing a few billion people! Remember the Georgia guide-stones? What about Schwab’s piece of art ‘The Great Reset’?
They made a promise to their master so I believe they’ll stick to it! …and the prophecies? They are fullfilling

9 months ago

Pray. On your knees. That’s what you do. Speak up to the firmament and sing the Psalms.

AHS (season 8) did a predictive programme series on this topic. Go watch it. DNA banks, black vans, underground compounds for elites. YIP.

9 months ago

There are tunnels under every city, find yours, eliminate the vamp cabal and their Igors, they will be the ones in the tunnels traveling around like they own the place. Save some kids while you’re at it and raid the food supply that we’ve more than paid for.

I find it interesting they have to scare these same people almost on a time schedule with this same fallout trash. If you’re going to kill us, stfu and do it already and stop wasting our time. S**t or get off the pot maggots.

9 months ago

There is no such thing. Nuclear radiation is a scam just like germ theory. There was a guy who was at the very top of the chain in the nuclear power plant world when it was taken over by “them” to monopolize the control of energy speaking all over the place about how nuclear bombs and nuclear radiation is a total lie. Find the videos of him speaking and showing proof plutonium is harmless, they are fascinating. Nothing to fear about this nonsense.