
Merry satan-mas! And a miserable new year!

A museum in wisconsin is under fire for allowing a satanic themed christmas tree among 66 other trees on display.  They are displaying “66” trees!  Darn it!  They are short one 6!

The tree is adorned with hellish red lighting to bring thay fiery feeling of the pit of hell burning your flesh and is also adorned with many pentagrams to remind you of your damnation!

The tree belongs to the satanic temple and is meant to be inclusive in the age of “woke”.

All of satans henchmen are coming out of the woodwork.  Makes you think that “santa” is really an anagram for “satan”.  Confirmed!


Satanic ‘Hail Santa’ Christmas tree faces blowback for display at Wisconsin museum

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10 months ago

They’re trying to normalize wickedness.

Airplane Clouds
Airplane Clouds
10 months ago

They need 600 more trees….
It’s kinda lazy and half a*s but It’s the thought that counts.

10 months ago

Christmas has always been a pagan holiday. The fact that the Catholic Church deceives Christians into participating is depraved. So called priests would castrate themselves and throw their body parts onto trees as sacrifices, which is where christmas ornament balls are derived from. Also, red garlands and trees represent the blood of the sacrificed body parts. People bring those satanic symbols into their homes and place gifts, sacrifices, under the tree.

10 months ago
Reply to  rick

It was a pagan holiday a long, long time before the Catholic Church incorporated Jesus. Research indicates that the Catholic Church incorporated Jesus in with the worship of Osiris, Horus, so called goddesses and other demons in the effort to unite all religions into a one world religion. The satanic festivities involved public orgies and sacrifices. Real Christians including early Americans did not celebrate ‘christmas’ since it celebrated depravity of every kind that the real messiah, Yahshua, condemns.

Ye cannot drink the cup of the Lord, and the cup of devils: ye cannot be partakers of the Lord’s table, and of the table of devils…and yet that is what so called Christians do every year at Christmas.

Blind Gill
Blind Gill
10 months ago
Reply to  Michele

Beware self righteousness sister. You talk of the puritans yes? The Catholic Church includes all Christians of all times of the true church. The Roman Catholic Church I will agree however has some odd rituals but it isn’t for me to say how God wishes to be worshipped in another interpretation eg in different denominations – that is a discussion for them and their maker. The regulatory principle is good enough for me.

We have more in common with our fellow Christians than not and the devil seeks to divide the Body of Christ.

10 months ago
Reply to  Blind Gill

Blind Gill is a good name for you.

She huffs farts thru a snorkle
She huffs farts thru a snorkle
10 months ago

Kiss me momma, kiss your boy
Bless me well and lucky
For I won’t be back ’til I return
I’m gone to old Kentucky
Cumberland gap, it’s a devil of a gap
That’s what the scouts all tell ya
Sure enough it may get tough
If it doesn’t kill ya, kill ya

Kentucky, she’s a-waiting on the other side
Give you the fever, put the daylight in your eyes

Brother John’s already gone
With a full-blood Cherokee maiden
He made the trip in the blizzard’s grip
I’d rather wrestle Satan
Cumberland gap, devil of a gap
Oh, the snow kept coming
Picked her up upon his back
By God, he loved that woman!