
The Police's "Zenyatta Mondatta" (circa 1980)

Third studio album released way back on October 3rd, 1980.  The words “zenyatta mondatta” are made up words that mean nothing, or are they?

One eye sign shown on all three members and all three are “inside the pyramid” or as I call it “the satanic circle”.

What do you think?

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10 months ago


What’s the measure of the top angle?

10 months ago
Reply to  444Gem

@444gem is the angle 53 degrees?

10 months ago
Reply to  Vesica_Pisces


This a really good rough approximation using a protractor.. The radians are more telling!

The formula is degrees*π/180.

I’m hoping @ttsc will crack it to higher accuracy before I simply give the answer. On this note ttsc, try typing “ Desmos unit circle.” Or Calculator Net’s Triangle calculator. You can set the angle measure as desired, then take a screenshot and overlay the angle onto the photo in photoshop, or online in Pixlr E.

10 months ago
Reply to  444Gem

@444gem thank you. I used a protractor, I wanted to check if I’m on the right way. Now I will see if I can understand the difference between radians and degrees. Last time I used π was over 20 years ago, so baby steps for me.

10 months ago
Reply to  444Gem


I am overwhelmed with excitement. The angle measures 0.9428 radians, which is equivalent to Pi multiplied by the speed of light. This can also be represented as Pi*C, which sounds like the word Pisces. Additionally, the handles of those involved in this discussion are worth noting, such as @Vesica_Pisces and my own handle, which is phonetically similar to Pisces. And thank you for the chance to grow and develop in an area where I lacked proficiency. Absolutely stunning.

10 months ago
Reply to  ttsc

@ttsc I’m afraid maybe the handle is a bit too pretentious in comparison to the little that I know about the concept, but it is a reference to my real name though. I sure hope to learn a lot more about its importance. Thank you for adding your findings about it.

10 months ago
Reply to  Vesica_Pisces


Your humility is a beautiful and refreshing quality that is truly inspiring. My knowledge in these fields is also limited, as it is not my area of expertise. However, I am currently on a journey of self-discovery and spiritual growth and reorientation through my faith in God. By immersing myself in the wisdom and Truth of YHWH and consistently asking Why? I have gained a deeper understanding of the concepts embedded in words and symbols, which has enhanced my comprehension of Scripture and allowed me to break free from various cycles of control.

This journey has not been easy. My understanding has gradually progressed to this very preliminary stage after a significant amount of time. It is comparable to a pregnancy, where the process cannot be rushed and must take its allotted time. However, discovering how seemingly disparate connections do converge to the One Ultimate Truth, the One True God, has provided me with fresh insights and a broader perspective. I am grateful for the opportunity to engage in meaningful interactions on this platform with others such as yourself, and I believe that something extraordinary is unfolding here. I pray that YHWH blesses those who seek to be like Yeshua and live in accordance with the Truth and that all glory belongs to the One True and Infinite God.

10 months ago
Reply to  ttsc


Before drawing conclusions, we must be extremely careful with the measures. I would suggest using a stencil (made from using a screen shot of a triangle calculator) as I did below when you are first starting out.

This album cover has a triangle that is .91919191919191 radians at the top and 1.1112 in the bottom angles. This revelas the formula that Pi-.91919191 repeating gives us a near integer identity of 1.1112. This triangle has a perimeter of nearly exact 2 Root 3.

The name of the album Zenyatta Mondata is a gematric cypher with this. It sums to 1200 exactly in English gematria and 1473 in Hebrew.

Zenyatta = 1147 Hebrew Gematria and 672 English Gematria
Mondatta 326 Hebrew and 528 English

672/528 = 1.272727272727

1147 = Pi/((7/2) * Sin (2pi/7))

1473 (Sum Gematria)/0.919191919191919191919 = 1.60212276 which is .99997 accurate to the conversion between Joules and Electron Volt which is 1.60217655 * 10^19.

10 months ago
Reply to  444Gem


Your measure of 53 degrees was very accurate, the exact 2 digit approximation of the degrees of this angle, which is 52.666, putting you within 99%+ accuracy. Excellent work with the protactor

10 months ago
Reply to  444Gem

Beautiful. Thank you both.

@444gem why was such information added to the album cover? Does the compressed data of the Torah contain the number 1.60212276?

10 months ago
Reply to  ttsc


There are various reasons:

1) Fhere is a degree of signaling being “part of the club.”

2) Mass Nuerosymbolic and Nuerolinguistic programming; if you have gotten through the last two Monkeys chapters you may realize that the ancients buried equations into their visual artifacts incessantly as a form of transmission. Today they continue doing the same as a form of controlling the sub-concious thought patterns of the entire populace on mass scales.

10 months ago
Reply to  444Gem


I have finished going through the chapters for the third time and now I have a collection of over 2000 pages of notes. Among these, I have organized and alphabetically categorized more than 500 pages based on different topics for easy reference. The process of learning this information has been quite intricate.

Are you familiar with the book called “The Unseen Realm: Recovering the Supernatural Worldview of the Bible” by Michael S. Heiser? It was recommended to me, and although I haven’t confirmed it yet, the author apparently suggests that YHWH was an Elohim, the God of gods, but no other Elohim was YHWH.

10 months ago
Reply to  ttsc


Clearly you have truly taken your studies with great fervor. I’m extremely grateful I was able to offer you something to help you along your path to The Truth. I would urge you to take the time to make the measurements of the triangle with Nekhen/Nekheb, which you correctly saw uses the bike as a mirror, in Triangle with Giza and Hinnom. You are knocking at the doorstep to the keys to the workings of the cosmos.

I have not read this book you mentioned. However, it is a common theory regarding Elohim being many gods and YHWH the lord of the many; it fundamentally misunderstands the fractal nature of the scriptures. And sticks with trying to provide a single, materialist definition on human “train set” terms. (I use the allegory of train set because so much of the theology treats the creator as if he were a magical five year old playing train set with the universe…) More importantly it shows a fundamental lack of understanding of the Aryeh Yehudah language.

The word Alohim is written ALHIM, as in ALL HeIM; the universal of creation. Within it is the plural (Im suffix) of the word אלון Said “Alone.” It is ALL HEIM ALONE; that is a plurality of unity. Moreover, this word means “Oak Tree,” like the great branching Tree of Life. And it refers to the branching of space and time within this universe. It is the 3rd word of Berashit 1:1.

The seventh word contains is הארצ har-Ets. The term Har means “Home” or “Mound,” or “Place of Origin,” as it is used for instance in Har-Megiddo (now known as “Armageddon,” a clever linguistic twisting.) and ETs is the word generally for Tree. It is now translated as Earth, which while not “incorrect,” loses all of t he meaning od the word and replaces it with fire (The Hearth.)

The great branching of space and time from the Tree of life, the AL-HIM and the Seed from which the trees of Earth, sprout. See this as a tree fractal and how tree fractals can be collapsed into Pascal’s triangle.

10 months ago
Reply to  444Gem


The icon for adding an image disappears when I log in, and when I tried to post an image by dragging and dropping, the website didn’t respond well and converted it into a long and unreadable text. I apologize if it gets approved, as it’s quite long and unattractive. Unfortunately, I can’t edit the comment. I’m still very much an analog person adjusting to the digital world. I’ll try re-posting as a guest.

The first image will show my initial attempt at the completed triangle, while the second image reveals a vortex math vibe and a figure somewhat resembling Ashtarte/Tannit underlying the mirrored triangles using Nile as a mirror, which I find interesting.

Lastly, I want to express my gratitude for the insightful explanation to my previous question, which helped me understand multiple concepts better.

10 months ago
Reply to  ttsc

Completed triangle

10 months ago
Reply to  ttsc

Completed triangle (redux)

10 months ago
Reply to  ttsc


10 months ago
Reply to  ttsc


10 months ago
Reply to  ttsc


You have done a very accurate measure; and moreover you have understood the mirroring as a representation of the most hidden deity in Kemetian; The Bat. You will not find a single bat deity shown in museums nor mentioned in the pantheonz It is a tremendous oddity as there are aubstantial bat populations in Egypt; yet there it is displayed, as you have shown, with the most grand display for all who have eyes to see and a Di-Ana, a mirror in the sky. (Di = twin Ana = Sky, the Sky Mirror, as the moon reflects the suns light.)

This is revealed as Bat Boy in the 12 Monkeys and the Solar CORONA (crown) which was brought by a bat itself. The one who is so “blind,” that he sees everything in the darkness. The obvious connotations.

10 months ago
Reply to  444Gem

There seems to be a difference between supernatural and magical. The Bible clearly has plenty of supernatural elements in it. I’m not seeing why things being ‘magical’ is such a stretch. Not like Harry Potter magic but lots of magic – which is supernatural in a way. Is it just that luciferians use magic while our Creator doesn’t @444gem?

10 months ago
Reply to  thekwon

I think magic is harnessing natural phenomena to work “miraculous” things most people aren’t aware are possible, but presenting it as if the power comes from the magician, not from our evironment and understanding of it. The magic is the sleight of hand, the trickery. @thekwon

10 months ago
Reply to  lgageharleya

We have bat deities – fish people, bird people. Is this supernatural?, allegorical?, magical?, evolution gone weird?

I agree their sleight of hand is huge, but there is a reason so much emphasis is put on magic in our culture, entertainment, atmosphere.

10 months ago
Reply to  thekwon

Not to mention all the creatures that have come from the sea.

10 months ago
Reply to  thekwon

We’ll see what Gem says, but I think the ancients assumed animal qualities in order to advertize their personal strengths and intimidate. Much like Native Americans name themselves after animals, wind, water, etc. The rulers called themselves sons and daughters after the natural processes the people worshipped to give themselves the illusion of divine right to rule.
We also see that things like the bat god are celestial patterns reflected on earth, and the precise calculations which went into building these structures imbues them with a type of power, encodes information, and impacts the masses without their awareness of why.

10 months ago
Reply to  lgageharleya

I also think the reason for all the magic is not only to intimidate, manipulate and rule, but also to obscure. I know, from my experience, that magical thinking blinds people to truth.

10 months ago
Reply to  thekwon


This in part seems to be a semantic issue. It is important to recognise what Magic is:

The use of an awakened soul’s deeper knowledge of reality in order to play tricks on other, that make those less awake feel wonderment from not understanding how something works.

A Magician then profits from possessing deep knowledge to control and amaze the people (many signs and wonders they will do in my name…) and he steeps them in superstitious DOGmatic thinking so that they never ask How (does the magician do his tricks) nor Why he does them.

Today we are speaking, and sharing images and videos from huge physical distances. To anybody living in 1300 CE, they would have burned us all at the stake for writchcraft; because they simply were ignorant of the use of electromagnetic communications, and thus by magical thinking, would believe our command of a working of reality beyond their comprehension is equivalent to the divine realm.

In a very twisted way, the Piscean Solar kult cattle were taught to see ignorance as “divine knowledge,” and anything involving knowledge and learning that leads to technology as “from the devil.” We still see echoes of this from the more zealous of the Catulus church worshippers here on this forum, with there absurdly overwhelming anger towards simple stuff like the Hebrew alef bet and measuring triangles. They don’t understand it; so it’s heresy.

Their Magi(cian) controllers use their deeper knowledge of psychology and sociology to control and manipulate their cattle to remain in fear and anger towards all that shows them their ignorance.

10 months ago
Reply to  444Gem


In the same sense, let us look at the idea of MAGIkal thinking in terms of how it can affect our own perceptions.

As an example I will give you two mindsets towards one Truth: the creator.

1) The first person believes that the creator is a bearded man in the sky. He reads (mis)translations of scriptures and takes them so intensely literally, with no regard for Hebrew or Greek and says “there is no way the earth is older than 6000 years.” He believes that the sun and everything revolves around the earth, because god created us and we are the center of a snow globe (aka the glass ceiling in the sky.) He also believes god literally took 7 days to make everything exactly as we see it right now.

His mindset reduces creation of the entire cosmos to the way a human would build a train set; because thus he can comprehend it in terms that require no further inquiry (Asking How and WHY) beyond his own basic existence.

10 months ago
Reply to  444Gem


2) The second person disregards magical thinking. He stares at the sky and asks How and Why? He begins to observe the stars motion night after night and eventually he realizes that as we held to earth by a force, gravity, everything in the universe orbits the largest things. The universe is a fractal. He reads the scriptures, learning Hebrew and Greek, and begins to see that time is so vast and magnificent a human could never comprehend more than a sliver of it. And thus the creator must be utterly incomprehensible yet totally knowable. He understands that over enormous and vast quantities of time, matter and energy have coalesced in a perfect design that has led to his existence. And this is of such a tremendous elegance he marvels at the creator’s perfection and gives thanks.

He reads the scriptures and observes the stars some more, seeking to know the tiny bit of the creators perfect work, and learns how to predict the seasons, eclipses, when to harvest and when to see; etc.. Instead of becoming a MAGIcian and telling others fairytale versions so they can be manipulated, he teaches others using allegories such as fish and seeds and trees and sheep and mountains; which will remain universally true over the aeons, and which encode the fractal mechanics of the universe.

Why a fish A vesica Pisces? Well indeed the body of a fish encodes the aqua dynamics (like aerodynamics for water) that reduces drag and makes it perfectly able to move in a fluid; this is of course greatly due to its incorporation of a form Very closely attuned to the vesica pisces, where we can see it’s form.

Why a Bird? Because it is aerodynamic and has hollow bones.

Why a Mountain? Because it is made of the stones of the earth and reveals the massive geological processes that are caused by the inevitable March of time.

10 months ago
Reply to  444Gem

Are the torus and vesica pisces sinilar in function in some basic ways, @444gem? It strikes me that a torus is a fleshed out, multidimentional version of the vp.
I would also just about bet the vp has something to do with a**l fixation and sex magic, just based on imagery

Last edited 10 months ago by lgageharleya
10 months ago
Reply to  lgageharleya

Looking it up again, it represents a yoni, or “holy passage”.

10 months ago
Reply to  lgageharleya


There are various symbolic meanings attributed to the Vesica Pisces, many of which are of course connected to the great mother and sex rituals. However this is an application, to a deeper fundamental concept:

That the Vesica Pisces encodes all fundamental constants of the universe in the simplest of forms. One can easily obtain π, φ, e, roots 2,3,5,7 with a basic understanding of geometry from this form. These of course determine the physical forces we experience like gravity and electromagnetism.

The application to the “great mother,” is of course originally resultant from human scale allegory, understanding that the father is the one who emits energy (the seed from the phallus) into the mother’s womb (the vesica Pisces with a similar form to female genitalia.)

It is an explanation of how energy moves through the geometrical structure of the universe to create reality as we experience it, in three spatial dimension and one of time. We now see that antennas for the transmission of electromagnetic energy are the shape of the phallus/obelisk; this is because the geometry and construction of the universe demands the form of a spire for energy transmission.

In essence, prior to all of the corruption, the allegory was this: The mother is allegorically the geometrical construction of the universe (space) and the father is allegorically the energy that is infused into this geometry to create motion and time.

10 months ago
Reply to  444Gem

Very simple Diagram to understand

10 months ago
Reply to  444Gem

Thank you. I read yesterday that the center rectangle represents the masculine.

10 months ago
Reply to  lgageharleya

Like יוֹנָה ?
“Yonah,” listed as meaning “dove”

@444gem is the word יוֹנָה somehow related to a “holy passage,” etymologically speaking?

I know that the yoni which @lgageharleya is referring to has to do with the “womb;” female reproductive organs and the like. Is that somehow related to the story of Jonah (Yonah), as well? Deliverance from great waters? Perhaps even, “bitter waters” (like the bitter sea)?

10 months ago
Reply to  Channah


יונה “Yona,” does indeed have the ascribed meaning of dove. There are other relationships, but this is by far the most revealing. The dove/Pidgeon (same word in Hebrew) are of the taxon “COLUMBIA,” or Columbidea.

This should immediately strike you with its relationship to the well known great mother goddess Columbi, for whom they synchronised the name of Columbus, as well as the founder of modern electromagnet theory Coloumb. It is used to represent the “Holy Spirit,” on antiXristianity which is their cover for the Divine feminine present in every trinity across the world.

This certainly ascribes a strong connection with the Yoni of the Shiva Lingham, being shiva the number 7, which mathematically describes the electromagnetic interaction, which represents the Union of the divine feminine with the masculine in Luciferiab mysteries.

Indeed the salt water (which is “bitter” water hence why the sea is called Mar/Met in Latin) is where life on this planet was first born, and now we are still incubated in salt filled amniotic fluid to this day. This relates back to “the potter,” who upon the setting of the sun, was said to form children’s bodies in the womb; again the relationship of Carbon-12 being the basis of both human bodies and clay, and a direct reference to SHAMeS Aura, (Samsara) being “The order of the sun,” referring to the looping cycles of time, as well as life.

10 months ago
Reply to  444Gem

Amazing. A couple decades ago, I picked up on the fact the Holy Spirit was “female”, even though other Christians were horrified by my saying that. But the Bible states Jesus said to not grieve his Holy Spirit, and that sounded to me like male protection. She is also Sophia/wisdom.

10 months ago
Reply to  lgageharleya


A torus is a three dimensional object, which does resemble a circle when viewed directly from above. You could theoretically make a three dimensional vesica Pisces by having two torii interlocked. The properties in the extra dimension are very interesting in themselves; but much more difficult to study (need to study Riemann surfaces and metric tensors) and also less generally applicable.

10 months ago
Reply to  444Gem

It would seem like the interlocking portions could create a type of whirlpool effect, especially in a human being. I still have to practice concentratingly on my energy flow.. @444gem

10 months ago
Reply to  444Gem

The blessings of YHWH include the ability to gain new insights, even as we grow older. It is never too late for those of us who have long exemplified archetype #1 to transform into fishers and embrace the qualities of archetype #2. This I recognize and appreciate with gratitude.

10 months ago
Reply to  ttsc


It is The Way. There are many paths to One Truth.

10 months ago
Reply to  444Gem

Emmunah, @444gem. The interconnectedness of the branches to the One True Root has become clear. In Matthew 7:13-14, the way is described as narrow and the gate as small, which can be misinterpreted in the context of RE-ligious subjugation. You have helped me understand the multiple layers of meaning.

Regarding @lgageharleya ‘s line of questioning, could you provide further explanation on the gate as vesica pisces resulting from infinite looping knot successions? Is this both true geometry (e.g., the galaxy encoded in borromean rings) and symbolic of the passing of the few of true faith through the great filter through the re-centering and phase-cancellation of Yeshua’s sacrifice?

10 months ago
Reply to  ttsc

I’m still trying to fit these things into my practical understanding, @ttsc. The article which stated the inner rectangle around the “fish” or “almond” is the masculine, states the inner portion it encompasses is also the portal via which man emerges from the cosmic waters into this material existence. But I know that’s only one layer.

10 months ago
Reply to  ttsc


Now examine the angles. 1.752 radians is exactly 7/2 * 1/2: or 7/4. The split of the total words in Berashit 1:1 and the words after the name ALOHIM is shown.

My questions for you to explore are:

1) What are the angles that form an Isosceles. In the mirror image

2) What relevance do the distances of this triangle have for our existence?

10 months ago
Reply to  444Gem


The angles that form the Isosceles measure 1,279 – 1.279 – 0.582.

The existential relevance of the distances (having a fractional division of 1.75) is something I’m currently asking God to sow within me. I did notice #127 and #582 correspond to adamah/ground (Berashit 2:7) and enosh/mankind in Strong’s Hebrew, respectively.

10 months ago
Reply to  ttsc


How many degrees in the Chief cornerstone of the fully accurate measure is .51877636 in radians?

10 months ago
Reply to  444Gem



10 months ago
Reply to  ttsc


This is my error I transposed a digit and meant to write .58177636.

10 months ago
Reply to  444Gem



10 months ago
Reply to  ttsc


The 33 degrees of Masonry

10 months ago
Reply to  ttsc


10 months ago
Reply to  lgageharleya

Double dang

10 months ago
Reply to  ttsc


Might this have any geographical connection to Miperi (מִפְּרִ֥י), which represents fruit and womb and has a numerical value of 330, signifying the separation of reality into three dimensions?

At the center of the Isosceles, there is also a notable apex where the mirrored Nile meets.

Additionally, when the image is inverted and flipped, it appears to resemble the magen david, which could correlate as the serpent tempting hava to partake in the Miperi (and the serpent of sight as chiral ENE to the blind bat).

10 months ago
Reply to  ttsc

Would you be willing to share them (assuming they’re digital)? No pressure at all. I have only a handful of notes, but I can send some of mine as well, if you’d like. Email is primeclock462
(No space between the “2” and the @ sign)

Edit: adding the tag @ttsc

Last edited 10 months ago by channah
10 months ago
Reply to  Channah


You should be receiving an email from me. Blessings in service to YHWH my friend.

10 months ago
Reply to  ttsc

I’d agree with Channah and ask as well, I am not the best note-taker, if you wouldn’t mind, please, @ttsc? I am my handle at yahoo. Very grateful.

10 months ago
Reply to  lgageharleya

Indeed and freely.

10 months ago
Reply to  444Gem


I am struggling to determine radian measures on the unit circle for angles that do not neatly fit into subdivisions of 2π (e.g., 2π/7). I have been unsuccessful in finding an interactive tool that allows for uploaded images and can be adjusted to specific, non-standard radian measurements. Do you have any recommendations?