An author has come out as a transgender man after his husband transitioned from male to female – and the couple now live in a four-way relationship with their trans lovers.
Rowan Jette Knox, formerly known as Amanda Jette Knox, announced on his social media in August that he was ‘re-introducing’ himself as a trans man.
The Toronto-based writer and activist, who started taking testosterone earlier this week, follows in the footsteps of his husband-turned-wife and son-turned-daughter.
Knox’s wife Zoe was previously known as Mark but came out as transgender in July 2015, after 19 years of marriage.
The pair’s daughter Alexis revealed that she was transgender in early 2014.
Rowan says he too was born in the wrong body, but that it took a long time to come to terms with his true gender.
Rowan and Zoe live with their transgender partners Dani and Dame in the same Toronto house. Dani and Dame are themselves a couple.
Rowan describes the unusual relationship as a ‘polycule.’ He previously shared his delight at realizing he was non-binary before coming out as transgender and told PinkNews: ‘Trans joy is infectious’.
What a freak show
Noah, get the boat.
Now I feel sick and can’t have lunch.
Samson, please smite them.
Has the Anglo Saxon WASP race fallen away from God more than other races because it seems to be a major problem in this group.
That is not a race. It is a religion. And identity. But the white race includes all Europeans which most are Catholic or orthodox.
More directed brainwashing and genetic targeting chemical dumps. How many programs and commercials etc are showing two black/Asian/Hispanic/insert here gay or lesbians vs lighter skins races? It’s much more rare. It’s all created to influence and program. They usually have two lights gay/lesbian whatevers or a light and a different color gay/lesbian. It’s like the fat/ugly light skin blonde next to/or better looking red head pattern, sometimes they will add a dark skin to show the diversity flag. Just be glad they haven’t focused this on you guys so much yet, you still have some time to not see your children cutting off their penises, at least maybe a couple years.
In addition the Light skin male children in school are taught to hate themselves and skin and think of themselves as inferior weaklings and feminine vs other colors so in order for approval and to give into or finish up the programming and for basic attaboys they become docile, female or gay etc. They do what they think is publicly applauded. The programming starts with cartoons and commercials then goes into school.
This is all premeditated, they will be attacking the next skin colors and races once light skin races are dealt with and are out of the way. They only like their own race which is the race we are not allowed to speak badly of or you can literally be thrown into jail, at least in their headquarters of the USA which is Florida or most of Europe. They are made to be permanent victims so they can do anything, even while they slaughter people by the thousands, don’t you dare be critical and sane enough to figure it out and call them out on it. His story, is what they fed us. The real scoop is how impossible what they said happened actually was. Once you tally it up, you can see it’s all theater. We are in a slave colony. They pit us against each other to cull us and weaken us so they won’t have a problem with a uncontrollable amount of people who can stop them in all sorts of ways.
Why be proud of it? Why announce it? It’s really, really shameful.
Because john, to them being a non straight couple is the cool upgraded thinking process and acceptable way of being. In reality, one of them fell to the programming or chemical engineering, decided to be female, so the other one knew she had to change or be left behind. The child followed both parents. Openly with friends they are being congratulated and now they are very loved and a ‘It couple’ in their gay lesbian circles who will buy into the books produced and be supported by ca-Bal worshiping El-lite-ists.
Woe to those who call evil good, and good evil; Who put darkness for light, and light for darkness; Who put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!–
Isaiah 5:20
It’s like real life has become The Jerry Springer Show and The Maury Povich Show combined together every single day.
Now, im confused
They’re all male except “Rowan” formerly known as A-man-duh.
As long as their daughter is not one of the people in the four-way relationship I don’t care what they do.
Good example of social engineering. The son is called a daughter who got on that road somehow. One road leads to others and leads one person to another. It doesn’t matter individually but it’s collectively done to the population on purpose through physical and mentally control which matters. More depression more suicides more health issues and easier to manipulate.
Bald “girl’s” pentagram tattoo says it all 👀
And they’re finally staring to be open with all of this stuff, I can’t wait until they start outing some members of old Hollywood as being secretly transgender because ” it wasn’t acceptable then” and once people accept that more and more celebrities will come out as what they allegedly are. Then the trumpets will sound 😆
I hope they have a little cloned dog as the family pet too 😉
This simply looks like a messed up sketch for little Britain.