
You know what this means …

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11 months ago

I think it means revelation 12:7-12 & Matthew 24:7-12 are happening (since both events happen simultaneously).

11 months ago

Sadly, I think we all know what this means. They will commit horrible acts and blame it on the “terrorists”.

11 months ago
Reply to  rick

Yeah it’s “Biden” because he’s not a puppet like EVERY OTHER PERSON who has been president.

11 months ago
Reply to  TruthBeingTold

They’re all working for Israel, it doesn’t matter. One sells us out one way, the other one in a different way, either way we lose something big. Trump was easier for many people but he made it so we could all be arrested indefinitely in case we might do a crime in the future. That slipped past everyone’s radars. There are several things too. Both of them are heavy financial Israel supporters. We are the slave colony until we fight them. If we could collectively Stop supporting the Israeli war machine country and Jewish cabal we may have a chance. Europe was Europe until the bombing of 9 one one by Israel and the gov hired by them

Last edited 11 months ago by marie
randall hewgley
randall hewgley
11 months ago

Any and every terrorist that want to be in the US are here already.
Not to mention special forces of enemy armies.
Open border is a deliberate attempt to destroy the nation and it will likely work.

11 months ago
Reply to  rick

They’re not just shipping in regular people. They are shipping in people who are cannibals in their own country, who had to live dangerously and had that installed into them as a way of life. They aren’t just going to come here and change to be like us, they’re not here from any real tough fight to prove themselves wanting to be American. They are given plane tickets from their countries and flown here. They are loading up the country with young military aged males, not just black or Muslim, we have Chinese who can easily be blackmailed into going to war here. Them there are the workers to replace our regular people. There are rarely real families coming across, they recycle the children and have to load them into vans and drive them back and forth.

Last edited 11 months ago by marie