
Proof that you must sell your soul to become Famous

This video provides absolute proof that famous musicians have sold their soul to the devil to ‘Hit the Big Time’. 

It also proves that the music was channeled from ‘Dark Entities or Forces’ and that the stars are being possessed while they are on stage preforming live.

Watch this eye opening documentary and hear directly from the stars and people within their inner circle what they did to become rich and famous.

Robert Johnson, Elvis Presley, Ozzy Osborne/Black Sabbath, Little Richard, Rolling Stones, Sting, Jerry Lee Lewis, Prince, Madonna, Michael Jackson, Marilyn Manson, Judas Priest, Method Man, Tupac, Beatles, Led Zepplin, Jim Morrison, Tori Amos, Metallica, DMX, Santana and many more.

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Return quickly
Return quickly
11 months ago

Much of this is old content, but good reminders.

11 months ago
Reply to  Return quickly

It’s like Hell’s Bells 1 and 2 and Altiyan Childs Exposes Freemasonry. It gathers a lot together that connects some dots.

11 months ago
Reply to  Return quickly

The music industry is pretty evil, all you have to do is believe them when they say, in their own words, that they worship satan. If it was just one or two instances then you could dismiss it, but they all same the same thing. It seems that your career will go nowhere if you don’t. Which means that the industry controls them to be entertainment slaves.

11 months ago

It seems there’s a problem with the audio?

11 months ago
Reply to  Wendy

I’ve been watching the video and there seems to be no problem with the audio on my end.

11 months ago
Reply to  Wendy

I agree Wendy. The sound from the video is cacophonous, not to mention inaudible. I’m happy ‘saladbar’ was able to hear it, however.

11 months ago

Thanks a lot for sharing, I watched it, part of…. Around 27 minute of the video, this is a very powerful moment being recorded, few important things being captured: beside the bunch of creeps in a car most importantly – how we are being deceived by “stars” and how a narc’s mind is reasoning. Elvis said “ you sneaky bastards” and started to singing about Jesus – like a sneaky b*****d.

Yet, many people still refuse to see an elephant in the room, bunch of elephants in the room… in our society, homeland… I already shared similar comment recently, responding to some else who pointed out how Tom Hanks and people like him are deceiving masses but we are refusing to acknowledge it, and we are literally reaping what they sow. It’s a very long, complex, long story short and everybody is talking about it yet I feel like nothing is changing, probably because indeed music and show business industry is a very powerful tool. Like Hendrix said “ Music is a spiritual thing of its own. You can hypnotize people with music and when you get them at the weakest point you
can preach into the subconscious mind what we want to say”
We must find and get rid of the weakness points.

Last edited 11 months ago by SlavicGirl
11 months ago
Reply to  SlavicGirl

I apologize for grammatical errors!

11 months ago
Reply to  SlavicGirl

No need to apologize. Most people don’t even proof read their posts. I’m assuming that English is not your first language, but you speak it better than most people for whom it IS their first (and only) language!

Last edited 11 months ago by Joe
11 months ago
Reply to  SlavicGirl

Apology accepted; but I understood what you said.

Lisa Fiorentino
Lisa Fiorentino
10 months ago
Reply to  SlavicGirl

You made many an excellent point there SlavicGirl. What stands out to me about your post is that you are intuitive, bright, discerning and very smart. I agree with everything you put there and actually find you to be very insightful and quite articulate!
Thank you for your input, and I hope and pray for God in Heaven, our Lord and Savior to continue to show you the Way, The Truth and the Life. *The life of Jesus Christ who IS GOD! Wow!!!
And nobody can live good and right without knowing our Lord in Heaven, God-who is good, ALL the time.
I pray you have found Jesus Christ and choose to accept Him and follow His path; albeit not perfect but attempting to be like Him.
(My feeling is that you ARE one of His sheep, thus making you my Sister by God)
I sure hope so because you seem like you are one of God’s and well-there is comfort in finding others who love God.
God bless you and your well thought out post makes up for Grammer therefore-nothinf to forgive!
Thank you and take care 💕

10 months ago

Thank you Lisa, I just read it today, most likely you won’t see this post but I want to thank you for your kind words, I appreciate your comment very much! Yes, I am one of His sheep trying to sharpen my receiver to hear His Voice clear.
Sending you greetings!!!
Than you Terrence and Joe !!!

11 months ago

Elvis says that all the young girls he’s sleeping with are a ‘hot lunch’ 🤮

This perversion has been around for a long time in the entertainment industry

11 months ago
Reply to  SaladBar

just watched ashton kutcher being super creepy with mila on the set of that 70’s show. his s**t is slowly coming out too. both are sickening (mila and ashton) but elvis was def. into very very young girls. makes ur blood turn cold.

11 months ago

They have a maze dedicated to him selling his soul at Halloween horror nights.

11 months ago

An updated version (this looks like its from early 2000s) of the last 20 years would probably make this already good glimpse poop its pants. The devil has been in a hurry. Prayers for all to stay vigilant in these deceptive days, keep on the Amor of God❤️

11 months ago
Reply to  Hopepot

Yea, so many have died in horrific circumstances, who knows what really happened to them, how did they feel leaving this so called planet earth like that, not to mention, their name were slandered after they were gone, some became legend, other forgotten..
I don’t believe all “ stars” are scumbags, many didn’t have chance, they were dragged into show business by their “ parents” when they were toddlers, so I don’t think they sold their souls, they were just sucked deep into this evil world, and when they were trying to make a way out of this mess, they were silenced, sacrificed, I don’t know…
I have few names in mind, I do believe they were decent people, lost in this evil industry, die young..

11 months ago
Reply to  Hopepot

For a further exposition of how rock and roll is built on a phony foundation, read “Weird Scenes from the Canyon” by Dave McGowan.

Lisa Fiorentino
Lisa Fiorentino
10 months ago
Reply to  Joe

Cool, thanks for sharing. Thouh not directed at me-that does sound interesting.

Last edited 10 months ago by Lisa Fiorentino
Lisa Fiorentino
Lisa Fiorentino
10 months ago
Reply to  Hopepot

Poop it’s pants 🧐?

11 months ago

You’re standards of proof are shockingly low

11 months ago

Thanks for sharing I watched most of it very interesting I’m gonna send it to my cuz who thinks I’m full of s**t about the illuminati. glad to see credence wasn’t on there although they’re probably part of the club

11 months ago

It’s like watching Elvis’ evil twin.

Lisa Fiorentino
Lisa Fiorentino
10 months ago
Reply to  Fleurdamour


11 months ago

Sooo how’s that Israeli “state” dependant on American tax dollars to survive and their world cabal controlled (also funded by American slave colony tax dollar) genocide- the current real life holocausting in Palestine going (to be transferred later to Western countries like angry bears ready to kill us for funding their families being tortured murdered starved etc) ?
The media is owned by the elite global Jewish cabal. The politicians are all in the elite global Jewish cabal. So are Muslim countries who get a cut off or tax dollars to play along, they want to spread Islam so it’s cool with them.
Palestinians wronged by the western world money so we are who they will attack even though we are controlled by the Israeli+ world cabal, they don’t know that. The cabal are sending the ones not dead in their “war” holocaust game yet (with only one sided army leading both IDF and Hamas) out to destroy the slave western world so the cabal can fix it making us more obvious slaves, culling us for necessary control in the process. How’s that going goyim and Jewish innocent people? Our world is being set up for a great culling reset, they need it done by 2030. But hey the cabal globalists are all pedophiles and anything sexually fd up. Vote for the next globalist groomed cabal elitist bloodline puppet today!

11 months ago
Reply to  marie

Enough with your hatred!

11 months ago

Never see evidence of it in Country stars, and it’s not like they don’t sell out for alcohol, girls, glitter, fame and money, just the same as anyone else.

11 months ago
Reply to  Charlotte

Billy Ray Cyrus, Dolly Parton…

11 months ago
Reply to  xyz

+Keith Urban, Garth Brooks…

11 months ago
Reply to  Fleurdamour


4 months ago
Reply to  Bueller

@bueller Google the video Altiyan Childs Exposes Freemasonry.

11 months ago
Reply to  xyz


11 months ago
Reply to  Charlotte

I heard somewhere that loretta lynn and dolly are mk’d. And if you think about loretta having a military guy get to her at like 12ish and her helping the female sexual revolution with that song “the pill,” idk, it sucks to think about because i love loretta but it is fishy.

11 months ago

I went down a rabbit hole about Bill Haley after viewing this. He was blind in one eye, and wore a spit curl on his forehead to distract from that. The curl was right about where his “third eye” would be. And near the end of his life, he got very ill and a doctor said his brain was producing too much of a chemical similar to adrenaline. That sounds like it could be something related to kundalini. When raised it stimulates the pineal and pituitary glands to produce a secretion. He had a huge hit with the song Rock Around the Clock, and there is something strange about the lyrics. It references “seventh heaven” which is an ancient occult concept from at least as far back as Babylonian religion. It refers to the realms of the seven closest heavenly bodies to Earth: the sun, moon and Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn. The seven heavens are involved with the hieros gamos of ancient Near Eastern religion, the “sacred marriage” between a king and the great goddess (the pagan goddess in any form is the female aspect of Satan). The sacred marriage took place on top of a ziggurat, a stepped building of seven levels representing those celestial bodies’ orbits. It is all related to s** magick and the “celestial ascent” which is actually a horrible trap that leads one, instead of up to heaven, down to Lucifer. His “throne” is in the north and the ascent is the ego fallacy that we can save ourselves and become like gods. The throne of Satan is the axis mundi of shamanism and paganism around which those celestial bodies orbit. Their movements also mark aeons of time, Kronos, who is Saturn, Shiva and Death. The seven celestial lights also refer to the chakras and the axis mundi to the spinal column. I don’t think “rock around the clock” just refers to dancing. I think it’s a veiled reference to s** magick, time, death and kundalini.

11 months ago
Reply to  Fleurdamour

I mention all of this because the documentary says Haley was possibly the artist who most brought rock n roll to the global masses.

11 months ago
Reply to  Fleurdamour


10 months ago
Reply to  Fleurdamour

As I understand it, the Lord and the celestial heavens are in the North according to the Bible. Masonic lodges have the North facing wall dark as an insult to God, they focus on the EAST. I’m very interested in your post and would like to understand Lucifer’s throne being in the North…. very interested in this, please can you provide literary reference for research.

4 months ago
Reply to  Dagny

Isaiah 14:12-17
New King James Version
The Fall of Lucifer12 
“How you are fallen from heaven,
O [a]Lucifer, son of the morning!
How you are cut down to the ground,
You who weakened the nations!
For you have said in your heart:
‘I will ascend into heaven,
I will exalt my throne above the stars of God;
I will also sit on the mount of the congregation
On the farthest sides of the north;
I will ascend above the heights of the clouds,
I will be like the Most High.’
Yet you shall be brought down to Sheol,
To the [b]lowest depths of the Pit.
“Those who see you will gaze at you,
And consider you, saying:
Is this the man who made the earth tremble,
Who shook kingdoms,
Who made the world as a wilderness
And destroyed its cities,
Who [c]did not open the house of his prisoners?’

10 months ago
Reply to  Fleurdamour

Great research, Fleur! I didn’t know about seventh heaven. Anyone remember the TV show “Seventh Heaven”? It was supposed to be about a Christian minister and his family. The actor who played the minister turned out to be a pedo.
When you dig into it, your eyes are opened to just how insidious the entertainment industry is and you realize who it’s controlled by and can see the spiritual warfare involved.
Even the phrase “Rock and Roll”, is itself a euphemism for fornication. So most likely, “rock around the clock” wasn’t about dancing. Interestingly, the word “dance” is also used in many lyrics as a euphemism for s**.
I remember as a teen, thinking Whitney just really wanted to find somebody to dance with! Now I realize that the adults who wrote many of the songs I listened to as a child, were getting around being explicit by using euphemisms. The language was clean and the musical hooks literally hooked us into chanting things over and over again, like, “Oh, I wanna dance with somebody! I wanna feel the heat with somebody!” Or “We’re gonna rock, rock, rock around the clock tonight!” Ugh 😣
If only I knew then what I know now.

11 months ago

Good video! So shocking to see some of it so in your face

Paul James
Paul James
11 months ago

If you know who owns the music business, then this makes sense.