
Left off unspoken but nailed it otherwise

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10 months ago

read a history book just one please

10 months ago
Reply to  smith

take your own advice

10 months ago
Reply to  smith

tottaly agree!

10 months ago

I miss the old days when some white folks were allowed to be racist and the rest weren’t blamed for it. And I miss when we, black folks, were honest with each other. It’s all a mess. I’m still American. And I love all y’all.

10 months ago
Reply to  WowjustWow

Okay, I’ll bite. What exactly do ‘black folks’ need to be honest about, other than the fact that they have the least political power of any group (LGBTQABACAS included) yet are continually characterized by ‘some white folks’ as having more than they do in ‘it’s okay to be white-‘ esque posts like the above?

10 months ago
Reply to  Arcane

How some of us behave and what the rest of us can do about it. The amount of political power we have is dwarfed by our media and entertainment power. What’s going on with black people is generational and no one can fix it but us. And the so called leaders are all boule and not helpful in the equation

Last edited 10 months ago by WowjustWow
10 months ago
Reply to  Arcane

What world are you living in? I think the false one created by the media and not actual reality.

10 months ago
Reply to  randall

The ‘world’ I live in is reality, where White Americans and certain other non-white groups hold far more sociopolitical power as a whole than Black Americans…or are you going to prattle on about 45 out of the 46 presidents & the ‘powers that be’ that are often spoken about on this site being black people in whiteface? In short, try again, idiot.

10 months ago
Reply to  Arcane

bahahahaha you’re gone smhand beyond clueless

10 months ago
Reply to  Michael

From the looks of that nonsensical comment of yours, you have no room to talk about anyone else, douche.

10 months ago
Reply to  Arcane

Also, your belittling tone does nothing to move me

10 months ago
Reply to  WowjustWow

Who said you should be moved by my asking a question about my tone, especially when I simply asked a pertinent question about where all this supposed sociopolitical power that the original Tweet implied that Black Americans have when they are at the bottom of society…and neither you or the clown I responded to above have provided an answer.

As for your other comment, Newsflash: the white people you’re going out of your way to defend & kiss up to were and continue to be the creators of & in control of the Boule, and worked overtime to destroy the Black American community by targeting & subjugating Black Men in every way possible & giving certain ‘breadcrumbs’ of assistance & social mobility to single Black women & mothers i.e. welfare & jobs (in other words, the ‘test run’ of the third-wave feminism that runs Western Society now), which in turn destroyed Black American Families & Communities in that order…so that ‘respectability politics-‘ borne tripe & ‘media & entertainment power (despite Black entertainers all having white & Jiwish bosses, so tey again)’ you’re speaking of is immaterial at best & laughable at worst.

So tell me, did that ‘move’ you?

10 months ago
Reply to  Arcane

You go f yourself with a chainsaw up the azz. How about that? You think I’m reading your ranting? Numb skull

10 months ago
Reply to  WowjustWow

Your stupid, sanctimonious a*s cared enough to read my initial comment…and your over-emotional, ad hominem-laced reply shows that nothing you’ve said in this comment section was based on facts or reality, so kick rocks, a*****e.

10 months ago
Reply to  Arcane

I agree the black community is the target of the satanic powers that be.
Part of the divide and destroy the country,
Starting with the civil rights and welfare attacks on the black family destroying it. Then on to the cia
supplying crack to black communities. Then using music to further destroy.
If you are looking to these powers to make black lives better then you will never rise above it. The government is not the answer but the enemy. God is the answer. The left who controls just about everything has always been against black people and you will never get anything but breadcrumbs from them. The breadcrumbs are buying your vote nothing more. Not to say the right is any better, just evil in different ways.

The Boule are part of the evil and complicit in its activities. There is no excuse for them no matter who controls them.

Overall, you come across as just another perpetual victim.

10 months ago
Reply to  randall

I agree with all you said but had no patience today. God is the answer. And hopefully we can save some of these kids

10 months ago
Reply to  randall

The fact that you agreed with what I said then said I sound like a victim shows that you’re full of s**t & just want to argue/see your font on the screen. That being said, f**k off.

10 months ago
Reply to  Arcane

I replied. You’re simply a slice of angel pie aren’t ya?

10 months ago
Reply to  Arcane

Black Lives Matter. Let’s talk about what they do to help black communities.

10 months ago
Reply to  Rosey

Nothing. They told us they were marxist. None but me cared to listen. I tried to tell people. But cognitive dissonance is a hell of a drug. Have you seen “they cloned Tyrone”? They tell us everything. 🤷🏾‍♀️

10 months ago
Reply to  Rosey

Lets. I think BLM are money-laundering, vandalizing criminals & are yet another George Soros proxy. The Groupthink on this site is sickening, btw.

10 months ago
Reply to  Arcane

Ok. Here is my proper reply. I already know about the powers guiding the work of the popular black people. I figured that out when I was ten years old. I was the laughing stock of other black people for disregarding gangster rap as evil. I’ve always seen the plan. I’m not disagreeing with you there. I wasn’t in the mood to read it earlier. What I said wasn’t to kiss up to anyone. I could care less. You wouldn’t say these things in my face and I know that for a fact. My first and greatest privilege is that someone like you will always be inherently intimidated by my skin tone. That’s funny to me.

I said it’s a generational problem. It’s not your issue that my 17 year old cousin is in prison for shooting a kid. It’s mine. His dad doesn’t take responsibility. And his mother was murdered when he was two. This has nothing to do with you. There’s no amount of kissing up or talking down that will make it so that phony b!tches like Kamala stop faking black and pretending they care.

I was the only person I knew who read the blm manifesto and told everyone it was a Marxist joke. I don’t know why you got your butt hurt over anything I said in the first place. I know God don’t like ugly, so take that chainsaw out your butt. I bet you’re a ton of fun at parties and your rhythm is 🤌🏾. May your food be delicious and your health last long. I wish I could simply comment anywhere without some arrogant b*****d ruining my vibe, but it is what it is

10 months ago
Reply to  WowjustWow

We agreed on some things. Great.

That being said, you don’t know anything about me or what I would or wouldn’t say to your face, so cut the bs. My issue with your comment was your blatant lie about black people in America having all this power yet don’t own or run any major institutions or sociopolitical movements. Not to mention neither you nor anyone else would ever mistake any other race/ethnicity’s visibility in entertainment as ‘power,’ especially political power. And that Conservative deflection point calling (black) people who talk about the well-documented & incessant racism they’ve experienced in America is tired, intellectually dishonest, weak as hell, & a form of gaslighting, especially when whites like YOU are too busy trying to make yourselves victims in a country & society that was built & thrives on serving your interests. In short, cut the bs, & I would readily say everything I’m saying here to your face

10 months ago
Reply to  Arcane

They need to be honest about some black ppl just not experiencing racism the way the say they do. Even other black ppl are like – that’s a lie.

Also when you see everything as racist – and I mean every thing- I question your sanity.

10 months ago
Reply to  Rosey

Sure let’s invalidate everything he said, so slavery didn’t happen or it happened and it helped black people. Black people don’t get murdered by police more than White people. Let’s ignore racism, it doesn’t exist at all, is that what gives you peace, not facing reality just because you want to be blind 100% then , you can really pray about it, cause the truth shall set you free. I know I was sarcastic.

10 months ago
Reply to  john

Oh, so you’re one of those that didn’t even read other people’s comments, but call them racists. Then, you post inflammatory BS claiming they are arguing for things they didn’t even mention. Learn how to read , comprehend, and debate before you start waving your marxist flag around the Internet. We are not buying it. I’m sorry you had to sit through so much propaganda, but you were lied to over and over again by the very people that still oppress black people to this very day. Do you think giving more power to the oppressors will somehow encourage more freedom?

10 months ago
Reply to  john

According to the stats whites are killed by blacks 4x more than blacks are killed by police

10 months ago
Reply to  john

Thank you. For these loons to purport to be so intelligent & ‘exposing’ the powers that be, they sure employ ‘classic’ white American racial gaslighting tactics & whitesplaining when it comes to people bringing up/talking about how utterly racist the majority of their people are against black people.

10 months ago
Reply to  Rosey

We are, amongst ourselves. We aren’t the loud ones putting ourselves online and burning down building peacefully tho. And y’all don’t talk to us so…

10 months ago
Reply to  Arcane

I’m sorry arcane, after reading their comments, their tone, they really are condescending, dismissive of what other people are going thru. Wasn’t expecting racism in this platform.

10 months ago
Reply to  john

I honestly think most people don’t understand what racism even is at this point. Marxists use claims of “racism” to oppress EVERYONE with an all powerful state. They have killed more people than anything other than disease. They can disguise their BS by calling it critical theory, critical race theory, dei, blm, etc., but we see through their bile. You should look at the people that FUND these leftist ideologies. They are the enemy.

10 months ago

I don’t buy into any of the left right clown show nonsense because they’re all on the same side, BUT this is spot on in highlighting how idiotic things have become.

10 months ago

The elites have been using the right vs left for decades now.
People who buy into this and take sides don’t realize that they are just being used as cannon fodder for the people at the top who are funding and backing both sides.