
IL judge rules schools have no legal duty to protect students who are s3xually abused by teachers

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1 year ago


Your headline is 100% opposite reality; beware of swinging at shadows. The judge wrote that the argument made by the defendants (the school district), that they do not have a duty of protection of the students from teacher initiated sexual abuse, is “unconvincing.” This means the judge believes that the school district is responsible for sex crimes committed by their teachers.

The ruling itself, if you actually read it, was concerning an initial motion to dismiss the case from the defendants based on too long passing between the crimes in the 1970-80s and the suit being filed in 2021. (40-50 years)

The question at hand was whether or not the judge would allow the case to overcome a bar under the statue of limitations (time limit to file suit) based upon a special doctrine called “fraudulent concealment,” meaning the school district fraudulently denied knowledge and actively suppressed the underlying actions of the civil case, thus the legal time limit to sue does not apply.

The judge allowed the case to survive the initial motion of dismissal under this doctrine.

vigilant eyes
vigilant eyes
1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem

“Your headline is 100% opposite reality”
“The ruling itself, if you actually read it,”

it wouldn’t be his first or his last time. he’s making it habit

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem

Reading Comprehension Rules!

1 year ago
Reply to  john


Sure does 🙂

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem

you’re beyond delusional. ur just making up nonsense. stfu.

1 year ago
Reply to  Michael

Anger only blinds us…